Questionnaire Text

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Population Census Questions

For all persons.
[Question 2 through 12 were asked of all persons.]

P6. Birth Registration -Was [the respondent]'s birth registered with the Civil Registrar Office?

Write X in the box.

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 3 Don't know
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Columns P1 to P12 for All persons
Columns P1 to P12 are to be accomplished for all household members regardless of age.

P6-Birth Registration
Provisions of the Civil Code and other laws in the country are concerned with the legal or civil rights of an individual. Civil rights could be granted only by the government and the proof of one's claim to such rights is dependent on official registration, the legal purpose for which civil registration was designed. The birth of a person is one of the vital events subject to official registration.
The recording of the occurrence of birth in the city/municipality civil registry office is called birth registration, and the proof of such registration is the birth certificate with a Local Civil Registry (LCR) number. The purpose of collecting this data is to determine the extent of birth registration in the country.
[pg. 109]
Low registration of this vital event would prompt policy makers and program managers to devise measures to increase the level of birth registration in the country.
Ask the respondent, "Was [the respondent]'s birth registered with the Civil Registry Office?" If the birth registration of a member of the household is unknown to the respondent, verify from the member himself/herself. If after probing the birth registration is still unknown, mark the box opposite "3" for Don't Know.