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H4. Tenure status of the housing unit- Do you own or amortize this housing unit occupied by your household or do you rent it, or do you occupy it rent-free with consent of owner, or rent-free without consent of the owner?

Write X in the box.

[] 1 Owned/ Being amortized/ owner-like possession
[] 2 Rented [Skip to H7]
[] 3 Rent-free with consent of owner [Skip to H8]
[] 4 Rent-free without consent of owner [Skip to H8]
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H8 - Tenure Status of the Lot
Data on tenure status of the lot is important for housing priorities and policies, in the promotion of lot ownership, and identification of groups in need of housing assistance.
Tenure status of lot is to be asked to any of the household member in the housing unit/building.
Ask the respondent, "Do you own or amortize this lot occupied by your household or do you rent it, do you occupy it rent-free with consent of owner, or rent-free without consent of owner?"
The categories for tenure status of the lot are as follows:

[]1. Owned/being amortized.
This includes house owners paying the land on installment basis or holders of certificate of land title under the Land Reform Program, or holders of Ancestral Domain Title, and house/lot awardees of housing loan from Pag-ibig, Social Security System (SSS), Government Service Insurance System (GSIS), commercial banks or other financial firms. It also includes owner-like possession of the lot such as those held under heirship and other similar arrangements.
A lot is held under heirship if it is inherited even if the title of ownership has not been transferred to the heir(s) yet. Included here are inherited lots without title of ownership.
[] 2. Rented. There is a fixed amount paid by the occupant in cash or in kind.
[] 3. Rent-free with consent of owner. The household occupies the lot with permission of the owner and without paying any rent in cash or in kind to the owner, tenant/lessee or subtenant/sub-lessee.
[] 4. Rent-free without consent of owner. The household occupies the lot without the permission of the owner.
[] 5. Not applicable. Mark the box opposite "5" for Not applicable if the household is living in a boat, culvert, cart, and others. Specify whether the household is living in a boat, culvert, cart, or others.

For a multi-storey building like condominium and other similar buildings, the tenure status of the lot of the household occupying the units will follow the tenure status of the housing unit.