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P13. Mother Tongue

What is the [respondent] 's dialect/language spoken at earliest childhood?

___ Enter appropriate code listed below.
If others, specify.

01 Tagalog
02 Cebuano
03 Hiligaynon
04 Ilocano
05 Ibanag
06 Pampango
07 Pangasinan
08 Waray
09 Bicol
10 Maguindanao
11 Maranao
__ Others, specify

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P13 Mother Tongue

Mother tongue refers to the language/dialect spoken by a person at his earliest childhood or the language/dialect that a person first learned to speak.

Data on this are used primarily in the analysis of the ethnic origin of a person long after assimilation to the other customs of the majority population has taken place. Mother tongue serves as a sensitive index of ethnic origin.

Ask the respondent the question in P13 , "What was _____'s dialect or language spoken at earliest childhood?" for all *members of the household. The languages/dialects and their corresponding codes are printed at the bottom of the questionnaire. If it is not among the pre-coded answers, write the language/dialect on the space provided.

Note that "Visaya" is not a specific dialect. There are different types of Visayan dialects such as Hiligaynon (Ilongo), Cebuano, Waray, etc.

For a child too young to be able to talk or for a person who is mute, the code for this particular question should be the same as that of his brothers and sisters. In case he has no brothers or sisters, follow that of his mother.