Questionnaire Text

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P8. Religious Affiliation

What is [respondent] 's religious affiliation?

___ Enter appropriate code listed below.
If others, specify.
00 None
01 Roman Catholic
02 Aglipay
03 Islam
04 Iglesia ni Cristo
05 United Churches of Christ in the Philippines.
__ Others, specify

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P8 Religious Affiliation

Religious affiliation refers to a particular system of beliefs, attitudes, emotions and behaviors constituting man's relationship with the powers and principles of the universe. Data on this are required for the planning of religion-related and religion-sponsored activities. They may also be used for an examination of ethnic characteristics of the population.

Enter the code for the religious affiliation of each person as reported by the respondent.
If the reported religious affiliation is not among the pre- coded answers provided in the questionnaire, write the specific religious affiliation on the space provided.

An infant who is not yet baptized must carry the religious affiliation of his mother.

Take note that the "Protestant" religion has different denominations, and so with "other" religions. In case you are in doubt on how to classify a certain religious sect, write the specific religion on the space provided.

There are Roman Catholics, Protestants, etc. who joined some charismatic movements or fellowships and now claim themselves as "born-again" Christians or charismatics. In this case, verify where they are attending religious services.

Ascertain if his conversion as a "born-again" Christian/charismatic makes his religion different from Catholic, Protestant, etc. If this is so, write "born-again" or "charismatic" for other religion. However, if the person considers himself as a born-again Christian but is still attending mass in his respective church, then classify him according to the religion with which the church is associated.