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H4. Tenure Status of the Housing Unit

What is the tenure status of this housing unit?

___ Enter code

1 Owned/being amortized
2 Rented (enter code, go to H8)
4 Being occupied for free with consent of owner (enter code, go to H9)
5 Being occupied for free without consent of owner (enter code, go to H9)

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H4 Tenure Status of the Housing Unit

[The publication states: "Refer to Section 7.4 (p. 93) for the instructions in filling up this item." This section is pasted from Common Household Questionnaire instructions, section 7.4]

The extent to which households own or rent the living quarter which they occupy is of special significance to housing programmes. This is useful for housing priorities and policies, also in promotion of house ownership and identification of groups in need of housing assistance.

Ask the respondent the question, "Is this housing unit (read the categories to him) by this household?".

Enter the code corresponding to the tenure status of the housing unit by the household.

[Two pictures: Illustration 7.3 Estimating floor area, with explanations]

The tenure status of the housing unit and their corresponding codes are as follows:

1 Owned/being amortized - The household is the owner and has legal possession of the housing unit or the household claims to own it. Include also the housing units which are being amortized or on mortgage.

2 Rented - The occupant actually pays rent either in cash or in kind.

3 Being occupied for free with consent of owner - The household occupies the housing unit with the permission of the owner and without paying any rent in cash or in kind to the owner, tenant/lessee or subtenant/sublessee. Included here are the households of farm tenants/lessees who occupy rent-free houses belonging to the owner of the lands they farm; also those employees given free housing as part of fringe benefits (they are made to vacate the housing unit upon separation from work).

4 Being occupied for free without consent of owner - The household occupies the housing unit without the consent or knowledge of the owner. Examples are squatters who are occupying public and private buildings.

Like in CPH Form 2, this item has a "skip instruction" in CPH Form 3.


1. If the answer in H4 is code 2, go to H8.

2. If the answer in H4 is code 3 or 4, go to H9.

3. If the answer in H4 is code 1, proceed to the next question.