Questionnaire Text

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Urban areas only

25. Do you rent or own this house? (Tick box)

[] Rent
[] Own

If rented who do you rent it from?
[] 1 Housing commission
[] 2 Semi-government (e.g. PNGBC, Elcom)
[] 3 Other government (Prov/local government, D.U.M.)
[] 4. Others (private, e.g. BP's)
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section 6 - The census questions

Urban RNVs and rural villages

Question 25

Urban areas only: do you rent or own your house?
Question 25 applies to urban areas only
Tick the rent or own box, then tick the most appropriate box out of boxes 1 to 4.
For rent-free housing tick the rented box and still ask who the house is rented from.
If someone is paying a house off as opposed to renting it this is counted as ownership. It is possible that some people may confuse paying off with renting - in this case you will have to find out whether they really are paying the house off or whether it is rented.

Note: who the rent is paid to is not always the same person or organization that the house is rented from.
In this case you will have to make sure that you have the organization the house is rented from.


Page Totals/Tallying
(i) Page Totals

[Figure omitted]

In the bottom right hand corner of the Census form you'll see a tally box for adding up the number of males and females that are on each form.
Simply add up the number of M's and F's from Question 5. Then add up the total number of entries in Question 5 and check that Males and Females = Total number of people.

(ii) The page number boxes

For each household you must fill in the page number boxes at the bottom of the form. These page number boxes let us know how many Forms have been used for each dwelling.

[Text omitted, example]


(iii) Using more than one form for a household

If you interview a Household with more than 10 Residents, or more than 3 Visitors you will have to use a second page. You must remember these points when you use a second page.

Question 2 - Relationship

If a mother and son are not on the same census form give the page number of the mother when filling in question 2 for the son, e.g. S of 02/P.l. You must state the page number with all relationships if more than one census form is used.

Question 14B - Mothers Person Number

When writing the mother's person number in Ql4B you will have to give the page number if you used more than 1 form for the household.

(iv) The household questions

When you do have to use a second form for the one dwelling then the household questions (Questions 23, 24, 25, 26) do not have to be completed on the second form. Complete them on the first form only.

(v) Mistakes

If you make a mistake try to correct it neatly. Everyone makes some mistakes.
If the whole page for the family group is a mess, cross out the page very clearly and start a new page. Do NOT tear out the sheet which has been crossed. Leave it in the book.

[Figure omitted]


(vi) Spare pages

You will often finish interviewing and have spare pages left over at the back of your book. Do not tear them out. Give the complete book to your supervisor.

[Figure omitted]