Questionnaire Text

Argentina 1991 Brazil 2010 Mexico 1995 South Africa 2007
Argentina 2001 Germany 1971 Mexico 2000 Switzerland 2011
Armenia 2001 Germany 1981 Mexico 2010 Ukraine 2001
Belarus 1999 Greece 1991 Poland 1978 Uruguay 1996
Belarus 2009 Indonesia 2005 Poland 2002 Uruguay 2006
Brazil 1991 Jamaica 2001 Russia 2002 Uruguay 2011
Brazil 2000 Kyrgyzstan 1999 Russia 2010 Venezuela 1990
Argentina 1991 — source variable AR1991A_RETIRED — Retirement payment
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[Questions 1-10 were asked of all persons.]

4. Does the person receive a pension or retirement payment?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Unanswered

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4. Does the person receive any pension or retirement payments?

Question 4 refers to public assistance. We ask it to all persons because at any age one can benefit from a pension. Remember: we follow the arrows and fill out the circle totally.

Argentina 2001 — source variable AR2001A_RETIRE — Receives retirement pension
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5. Do you receive retirement payments or pensions?
[] Yes
[] No

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Question 5: Do you receive a retirement or pension?
This question is asked of all persons, because at any age a person can be the beneficiary of a pension.

Armenia 2001 — source variable AM2001A_INCSRC1 — Source of livelihood: source 1
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Is not completed for temporary presents
[Questions 16-32 were asked of persons absent and permanently present only. Persons who are temporarily present are not included.]

Q18: What is your source of livelihood?

18a: _ _ primary source

[] 01 Job (except at own household)
[] 02 Job at your own household
[] 03 Income from ownership
[] 04 Scholarship
[] 05 Pension
[] 06 Allowance (except unemployment)
[] 07 Unemployment allowance
[] 08 Under state security/care
[] 09 Other monetary assistance, state sources
[] 10 Other monetary assistance, non-state sources
[] 11 Under care of others
[] 12 Other sources

18b: _ _ secondary source

[] 01 Job (except at own household)
[] 02 Job at your own household
[] 03 Income from ownership
[] 04 Scholarship
[] 05 Pension
[] 06 Allowance (except unemployment)
[] 07 Unemployment allowance
[] 08 Under state security/care
[] 09 Other monetary assistance, state sources
[] 10 Other monetary assistance, non-state sources
[] 11 Under care of others
[] 12 Other sources

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Question 18

The sources of the means of your existence (main and secondary)

[p. 21]

Before beginning of the questions, the interviewer presents the list of the sources of the means of the existence to the replier. From this list, the replier chooses two means of existence, one of them referring as the main (column "18a") and the other one as the secondary (column "18b"). Based on the received answers, the interviewer writes the identification code corresponding to the chosen means of existence.

01. "Work (except the personal industry). The code corresponding to this prompt is written for those people who have a job in which they earn money or food-products or a profitable occupation regardless of the time of the receiving a payment for the job or earning a profit.

02. "Work in the personal industry". The prompt code for this category is written for those people who are busy in their personal industry (farm) with agriculture work or in keeping domestic animals. This source is written not only for those who are busy with agriculture for selling proposes but also for those who are producing for the usage in their personal industry if such occupation makes a considerable contribution in the general consumption of the household.

03. "Profit from the property". This is written for those people:

(a) who are depositors, creditors and get a profit in interests by using their money credits, deposits, loans and so on.
(b) who are shareholders and get dividends from the joint-stock company by the difference of the exchange rate of the stocks.
(c) who rent a plot or house and earn a profit by the payments for the rent.

04. "Scholarship". This prompt code is written for those students who get a scholarship.

05. "Pension". This prompt code is written for those people who get a pension:
For example, a pension for general work, age pension, pension for handicap children, social pension, pension for people who became handicapped at the time of the military service, pension for the families of the veterans. When the money earner has died, the pension determined for children is for the children and not for the mother or father even if they are the ones who got that pension, and the pension for the family is written by the name of the person who gets it (for example the pension for the families of the veterans).

06. "Benefit (except the unemployment benefit)". This prompt code is written for those people who get a monthly social benefit (for example poverty, family benefit, one-off benefit given for the nursing of the children under the age of two and other benefits).

07. "Unemployment benefit". This prompt code is written for those people who are registered as an unemployed in the employment services and get an unemployment benefit as well as financial assistance from the resources of the employment fund.

08. "Under the state care". This prompt code is written for the children of the orphanages, for the students living in the boarding schools, for the old and handicapped living in the nursing homes as well as for other people living under the care of the state.

09. "Other material assistance (from the state resources)". This prompt code is written who get material assistance from the state (or regional) resources under the conditions that has no connection with the work.

10. "Material assistance (from non state resources)". This prompt code is written for those who periodically get a material assistance without compensation from non state resources. For example from relatives and not relatives from organizations and so on.

11. "Under care". This prompt code is written for those who live by the resources of the relatives and other people as well as for those who get alimony. For example if the alimony is paid to the under-age children, who are the alimony receivers, then "Under care" prompt code is written for the children and not for the mother or father.

12. "Other resource". This prompt code is written only for those people whose source of the existence is not mentioned above (for example saving and so on).

Armenia 2001 — source variable AM2001A_INCSRC2 — Source of livelihood: source 2
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Is not completed for temporary presents
[Questions 16-32 were asked of persons absent and permanently present only. Persons who are temporarily present are not included.]

Q18: What is your source of livelihood?

18a: _ _ primary source

[] 01 Job (except at own household)
[] 02 Job at your own household
[] 03 Income from ownership
[] 04 Scholarship
[] 05 Pension
[] 06 Allowance (except unemployment)
[] 07 Unemployment allowance
[] 08 Under state security/care
[] 09 Other monetary assistance, state sources
[] 10 Other monetary assistance, non-state sources
[] 11 Under care of others
[] 12 Other sources

18b: _ _ secondary source

[] 01 Job (except at own household)
[] 02 Job at your own household
[] 03 Income from ownership
[] 04 Scholarship
[] 05 Pension
[] 06 Allowance (except unemployment)
[] 07 Unemployment allowance
[] 08 Under state security/care
[] 09 Other monetary assistance, state sources
[] 10 Other monetary assistance, non-state sources
[] 11 Under care of others
[] 12 Other sources

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Question 18

The sources of the means of your existence (main and secondary)

[p. 21]

Before beginning of the questions, the interviewer presents the list of the sources of the means of the existence to the replier. From this list, the replier chooses two means of existence, one of them referring as the main (column "18a") and the other one as the secondary (column "18b"). Based on the received answers, the interviewer writes the identification code corresponding to the chosen means of existence.

01. "Work (except the personal industry). The code corresponding to this prompt is written for those people who have a job in which they earn money or food-products or a profitable occupation regardless of the time of the receiving a payment for the job or earning a profit.

02. "Work in the personal industry". The prompt code for this category is written for those people who are busy in their personal industry (farm) with agriculture work or in keeping domestic animals. This source is written not only for those who are busy with agriculture for selling proposes but also for those who are producing for the usage in their personal industry if such occupation makes a considerable contribution in the general consumption of the household.

03. "Profit from the property". This is written for those people:

(a) who are depositors, creditors and get a profit in interests by using their money credits, deposits, loans and so on.
(b) who are shareholders and get dividends from the joint-stock company by the difference of the exchange rate of the stocks.
(c) who rent a plot or house and earn a profit by the payments for the rent.

04. "Scholarship". This prompt code is written for those students who get a scholarship.

05. "Pension". This prompt code is written for those people who get a pension:
For example, a pension for general work, age pension, pension for handicap children, social pension, pension for people who became handicapped at the time of the military service, pension for the families of the veterans. When the money earner has died, the pension determined for children is for the children and not for the mother or father even if they are the ones who got that pension, and the pension for the family is written by the name of the person who gets it (for example the pension for the families of the veterans).

06. "Benefit (except the unemployment benefit)". This prompt code is written for those people who get a monthly social benefit (for example poverty, family benefit, one-off benefit given for the nursing of the children under the age of two and other benefits).

07. "Unemployment benefit". This prompt code is written for those people who are registered as an unemployed in the employment services and get an unemployment benefit as well as financial assistance from the resources of the employment fund.

08. "Under the state care". This prompt code is written for the children of the orphanages, for the students living in the boarding schools, for the old and handicapped living in the nursing homes as well as for other people living under the care of the state.

09. "Other material assistance (from the state resources)". This prompt code is written who get material assistance from the state (or regional) resources under the conditions that has no connection with the work.

10. "Material assistance (from non state resources)". This prompt code is written for those who periodically get a material assistance without compensation from non state resources. For example from relatives and not relatives from organizations and so on.

11. "Under care". This prompt code is written for those who live by the resources of the relatives and other people as well as for those who get alimony. For example if the alimony is paid to the under-age children, who are the alimony receivers, then "Under care" prompt code is written for the children and not for the mother or father.

12. "Other resource". This prompt code is written only for those people whose source of the existence is not mentioned above (for example saving and so on).

Belarus 1999 — source variable BY1999A_PENSION — Income source: pension
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11. Sources of livelihood (Specify all sources available)
[] 1 Work (other than work in own personal subsidiary plot)
[] 2 Work in own personal subsidiary plot
[] 3 Pension
[] 4 Scholarship
[] 5 Benefits (other than unemployment benefits)
[] 6 Unemployment benefits
[] 7 Other government support
[] 8 Rental income
[] 9 Interest on deposits and securities, dividends
[] 10 Savings
[] 11 Dependent
[] 12 Other source

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Question 11. Sources of livelihood
Specify all sources available

Before asking the question a person interviewed is to be given a card with all sources of livelihood listed. After the list has been studied, the person is to name one or several sources of livelihood out of those listed. Based on the answer, the codes corresponding to one or several responses given on the enumeration questionnaire are to be marked.

"Work (other than work in own personal subsidiary plot)" is to be marked for persons who on 15 February 1999:
- worked at least for one hour, whether it was a permanent, temporary, seasonal, casual or other paid work, as well as worked for profit as self-employed, alone or with one or a few partners, both engaging or not engaging employees, irrespective of the dates of receiving a direct payment or profit for their work;
- worked without payment at the family enterprise or peasant (farming) holding;
- were temporarily absent from work, but kept formal attachment to their work.

The following is to be considered as temporary absence from work:
- illness or injury, care for sick person;
- annual leave or weekend, compensatory leave or time-off, compensation of overtime or work on a public holyday;
- statutory maternity and child-care leave;
- unpaid or paid leave on the initiative of administration;
- rotational or other specialized mode of operation;
- other similar reasons.

Besides, the category of persons having work includes working people engaged in spring, summer or autumn to perform seasonal work (e.g., at peat harvest, water transport, etc.).

Students and pensioners having employment or gainful business, and also army conscripts are to be referred to those working on the same ground as other categories of persons.

For persons engaged in non-reimbursable public or voluntary works this work is not to be marked as a source of livelihood.

"Work in own personal subsidiary plot" is to be marked for people engaged in developing their personal subsidiary plots (including gardens, kitchen gardens, etc.), agricultural works, and (or) livestock management. This source of livelihood is to be marked not only for persons engaged in production of agricultural products for sale, but also for those producing agricultural products for own consumption if this kind of activity provides a considerable contribution to the total household consumption.

"Pension" is to be marked for persons receiving old age or retirement pensions, disability pensions, survivor's pensions, long service and social pensions. Herewith the pension is to be marked for persons whom it is granted, but not for those who actually receive it. So the survivor's pension granted to children is to be marked for children, but not for mother or father, even if they are actual recipients.

"Scholarship" is to be marked for students receiving scholarships (including scholarships paid to students detached by enterprises, organizations, or employment services).

"Benefit (other than unemployment benefit)" is to be marked for persons receiving monthly social benefits:
to mothers or surrogate parents:
- for care for a child under 3 years of age;
- for care for a disabled child under 16 years of age;

to children:
- aged from 3 to 6 years old;
- aged from 6 to 13 years old;
- aged from 13 to 16 years old (pupils of day secondary general education schools, gymnasia, lyceums, and other similar educational institutions till graduation, as well as pupils educated out of private finances at higher and secondary specialized education institutions and at day courses and not receiving any scholarship -- till 18 years old);
- aged under 16 infected with human immunodeficiency virus or sick with AIDS.

Herewith "benefit" is to be marked for persons whom it is granted, but not for those who actually receive it.

"Unemployment benefit" is to be marked for persons registered with the employment services as unemployed and who are recipients of unemployment benefits.

"Other government support" is to be marked for inmates of infant's homes, children's homes, boarding schools, boarding houses for the aged and invalids and similar persons supported by the government.

"Rental income" is to be marked for persons gaining income in the form of land or housing rent.

"Interest on deposits and securities, dividends" is to be marked for:
- persons (depositors, creditors) gaining income in the form of interest on deposits, credits, loans, etc.
- stockholders (shareholders) gaining income in the form of dividends from the joint-stock company, exchange differences at marketing shares, etc.
- members of collective farms, cooperatives, societies, partnerships receiving a share of income or products available for distribution.

"Savings" is to be marked for persons living on savings.

"Dependent" is to be marked for persons living at the expense of relatives or other people, as well as for persons receiving alimony. For instance, if alimony is paid to minors, the response "dependent" is to be marked for children, but not for their mother or father, who are actual recipients of the alimony.

"Other source" is to be marked for persons having other sources of livelihood than those listed above.

Belarus 2009 — source variable BY2009A_LIVEHOOD — Main source of livelihood
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Form 2H: Personal Questionnaire

16. Indicate the sources of means for existence available to you in the current year:

[] 1 Employment (other than in personal plot)
[] 2 Personal subsidiary plot
[] 3 Scholarship
[] 4 Pension (other than disability pension)
[] 5 Disability pension
[] 6 Benefit (other than unemployment one)
[] 7 Unemployment benefit
[] 8 Other type of state benefit
[] 9 Renting out space, property, interests, dividends
[] 10 Savings
[] 11 Dependent
[] 12 Other source
In case the interviewed person has a number of sources, please indicate the main one _ _
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33.13. Before asking question 16 "Indicate the sources of livelihood available to you in the current year", the enumerator should introduce to the respondent a list of sources of livelihood. The respondent names one or several sources of livelihood from the list provided. According to the responses received, the enumerator should complete corresponding boxes. For persons having several sources of livelihood, the enumerator should find out the main source and enter it in a designated box.
The answer "employment (other than in personal plot)" should be completed for respondents who receive pay in cash or in kind, bonuses, and other compensation payments related to the performance of employment duties, as well as for respondents with income from agricultural production cooperatives, peasant (farming) enterprises, entrepreneurial activities, work in religious organizations, etc.

The answer "personal subsidiary plot" should be completed for respondents who in their personal subsidiary plots are engaged in cropping, livestock and poultry management, and other farming operations regardless of the purpose of activities carried out in the personal subsidiary plot: either for further sale of goods (services) produced or for own consumption.

The answer "benefit (other than unemployment benefit)" should be completed for respondents to whom monthly government benefits are granted.
The answer "benefit (other than unemployment benefit)" should be completed for respondents: mothers (fathers) or their substitutes who specified as their source of livelihood nursing benefits (for children under 3) and care allowance for handicapped children under 18.
The answer "benefit (other than unemployment benefit)" should be completed for children to whom the following benefits are granted:
- pupils aged 3-16 years who attend institutions providing secondary general education- until graduation therefrom;
- non-working students who at personal expenses attend classes at institutions providing technical-vocational, secondary special, and higher education and do not receive a scholarship- up to 18 years old;
- persons under 18 infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or AIDS.
The answer "unemployment benefit" should be completed for respondents registered with labour, employment and social security services as unemployed.

The answer "other type of government benefit" should be completed for respondents supported by government bodies or institutions (inmates of infant's homes, boarding houses for handicapped children with special needs, homes for the aged, etc.).

The answer "letting, renting, interests, dividends" should be completed for respondents having rental income from land plots, houses, apartments, country cottages, garages, etc.; interests, dividends or other payments against money deposits, bonds or other securities.

The answer "savings" should be completed for respondents the source of livelihood for whom is accumulated savings (in cash or in kind).

The answer "dependent" should be completed for respondents living at the expense of relatives or other people, as well as for persons receiving alimony.

The answer "other source" should be completed for respondents having other sources of livelihood than those listed above;

Belarus 2009 — source variable BY2009A_LIVELI1 — Other source of livelihood 2
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Form 2H: Personal Questionnaire

16. Indicate the sources of means for existence available to you in the current year:

[] 1 Employment (other than in personal plot)
[] 2 Personal subsidiary plot
[] 3 Scholarship
[] 4 Pension (other than disability pension)
[] 5 Disability pension
[] 6 Benefit (other than unemployment one)
[] 7 Unemployment benefit
[] 8 Other type of state benefit
[] 9 Renting out space, property, interests, dividends
[] 10 Savings
[] 11 Dependent
[] 12 Other source
In case the interviewed person has a number of sources, please indicate the main one _ _
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33.13. Before asking question 16 "Indicate the sources of livelihood available to you in the current year", the enumerator should introduce to the respondent a list of sources of livelihood. The respondent names one or several sources of livelihood from the list provided. According to the responses received, the enumerator should complete corresponding boxes. For persons having several sources of livelihood, the enumerator should find out the main source and enter it in a designated box.
The answer "employment (other than in personal plot)" should be completed for respondents who receive pay in cash or in kind, bonuses, and other compensation payments related to the performance of employment duties, as well as for respondents with income from agricultural production cooperatives, peasant (farming) enterprises, entrepreneurial activities, work in religious organizations, etc.

The answer "personal subsidiary plot" should be completed for respondents who in their personal subsidiary plots are engaged in cropping, livestock and poultry management, and other farming operations regardless of the purpose of activities carried out in the personal subsidiary plot: either for further sale of goods (services) produced or for own consumption.

The answer "benefit (other than unemployment benefit)" should be completed for respondents to whom monthly government benefits are granted.
The answer "benefit (other than unemployment benefit)" should be completed for respondents: mothers (fathers) or their substitutes who specified as their source of livelihood nursing benefits (for children under 3) and care allowance for handicapped children under 18.
The answer "benefit (other than unemployment benefit)" should be completed for children to whom the following benefits are granted:
- pupils aged 3-16 years who attend institutions providing secondary general education- until graduation therefrom;
- non-working students who at personal expenses attend classes at institutions providing technical-vocational, secondary special, and higher education and do not receive a scholarship- up to 18 years old;
- persons under 18 infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or AIDS.
The answer "unemployment benefit" should be completed for respondents registered with labour, employment and social security services as unemployed.

The answer "other type of government benefit" should be completed for respondents supported by government bodies or institutions (inmates of infant's homes, boarding houses for handicapped children with special needs, homes for the aged, etc.).

The answer "letting, renting, interests, dividends" should be completed for respondents having rental income from land plots, houses, apartments, country cottages, garages, etc.; interests, dividends or other payments against money deposits, bonds or other securities.

The answer "savings" should be completed for respondents the source of livelihood for whom is accumulated savings (in cash or in kind).

The answer "dependent" should be completed for respondents living at the expense of relatives or other people, as well as for persons receiving alimony.

The answer "other source" should be completed for respondents having other sources of livelihood than those listed above;

Belarus 2009 — source variable BY2009A_LIVELI2 — Other source of livelihood 3
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Form 2H: Personal Questionnaire

16. Indicate the sources of means for existence available to you in the current year:

[] 1 Employment (other than in personal plot)
[] 2 Personal subsidiary plot
[] 3 Scholarship
[] 4 Pension (other than disability pension)
[] 5 Disability pension
[] 6 Benefit (other than unemployment one)
[] 7 Unemployment benefit
[] 8 Other type of state benefit
[] 9 Renting out space, property, interests, dividends
[] 10 Savings
[] 11 Dependent
[] 12 Other source
In case the interviewed person has a number of sources, please indicate the main one _ _
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33.13. Before asking question 16 "Indicate the sources of livelihood available to you in the current year", the enumerator should introduce to the respondent a list of sources of livelihood. The respondent names one or several sources of livelihood from the list provided. According to the responses received, the enumerator should complete corresponding boxes. For persons having several sources of livelihood, the enumerator should find out the main source and enter it in a designated box.
The answer "employment (other than in personal plot)" should be completed for respondents who receive pay in cash or in kind, bonuses, and other compensation payments related to the performance of employment duties, as well as for respondents with income from agricultural production cooperatives, peasant (farming) enterprises, entrepreneurial activities, work in religious organizations, etc.

The answer "personal subsidiary plot" should be completed for respondents who in their personal subsidiary plots are engaged in cropping, livestock and poultry management, and other farming operations regardless of the purpose of activities carried out in the personal subsidiary plot: either for further sale of goods (services) produced or for own consumption.

The answer "benefit (other than unemployment benefit)" should be completed for respondents to whom monthly government benefits are granted.
The answer "benefit (other than unemployment benefit)" should be completed for respondents: mothers (fathers) or their substitutes who specified as their source of livelihood nursing benefits (for children under 3) and care allowance for handicapped children under 18.
The answer "benefit (other than unemployment benefit)" should be completed for children to whom the following benefits are granted:
- pupils aged 3-16 years who attend institutions providing secondary general education- until graduation therefrom;
- non-working students who at personal expenses attend classes at institutions providing technical-vocational, secondary special, and higher education and do not receive a scholarship- up to 18 years old;
- persons under 18 infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or AIDS.
The answer "unemployment benefit" should be completed for respondents registered with labour, employment and social security services as unemployed.

The answer "other type of government benefit" should be completed for respondents supported by government bodies or institutions (inmates of infant's homes, boarding houses for handicapped children with special needs, homes for the aged, etc.).

The answer "letting, renting, interests, dividends" should be completed for respondents having rental income from land plots, houses, apartments, country cottages, garages, etc.; interests, dividends or other payments against money deposits, bonds or other securities.

The answer "savings" should be completed for respondents the source of livelihood for whom is accumulated savings (in cash or in kind).

The answer "dependent" should be completed for respondents living at the expense of relatives or other people, as well as for persons receiving alimony.

The answer "other source" should be completed for respondents having other sources of livelihood than those listed above;

Belarus 2009 — source variable BY2009A_LIVELI3 — Other source of livelihood 4
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Form 2H: Personal Questionnaire

16. Indicate the sources of means for existence available to you in the current year:

[] 1 Employment (other than in personal plot)
[] 2 Personal subsidiary plot
[] 3 Scholarship
[] 4 Pension (other than disability pension)
[] 5 Disability pension
[] 6 Benefit (other than unemployment one)
[] 7 Unemployment benefit
[] 8 Other type of state benefit
[] 9 Renting out space, property, interests, dividends
[] 10 Savings
[] 11 Dependent
[] 12 Other source
In case the interviewed person has a number of sources, please indicate the main one _ _
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33.13. Before asking question 16 "Indicate the sources of livelihood available to you in the current year", the enumerator should introduce to the respondent a list of sources of livelihood. The respondent names one or several sources of livelihood from the list provided. According to the responses received, the enumerator should complete corresponding boxes. For persons having several sources of livelihood, the enumerator should find out the main source and enter it in a designated box.
The answer "employment (other than in personal plot)" should be completed for respondents who receive pay in cash or in kind, bonuses, and other compensation payments related to the performance of employment duties, as well as for respondents with income from agricultural production cooperatives, peasant (farming) enterprises, entrepreneurial activities, work in religious organizations, etc.

The answer "personal subsidiary plot" should be completed for respondents who in their personal subsidiary plots are engaged in cropping, livestock and poultry management, and other farming operations regardless of the purpose of activities carried out in the personal subsidiary plot: either for further sale of goods (services) produced or for own consumption.

The answer "benefit (other than unemployment benefit)" should be completed for respondents to whom monthly government benefits are granted.
The answer "benefit (other than unemployment benefit)" should be completed for respondents: mothers (fathers) or their substitutes who specified as their source of livelihood nursing benefits (for children under 3) and care allowance for handicapped children under 18.
The answer "benefit (other than unemployment benefit)" should be completed for children to whom the following benefits are granted:
- pupils aged 3-16 years who attend institutions providing secondary general education- until graduation therefrom;
- non-working students who at personal expenses attend classes at institutions providing technical-vocational, secondary special, and higher education and do not receive a scholarship- up to 18 years old;
- persons under 18 infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or AIDS.
The answer "unemployment benefit" should be completed for respondents registered with labour, employment and social security services as unemployed.

The answer "other type of government benefit" should be completed for respondents supported by government bodies or institutions (inmates of infant's homes, boarding houses for handicapped children with special needs, homes for the aged, etc.).

The answer "letting, renting, interests, dividends" should be completed for respondents having rental income from land plots, houses, apartments, country cottages, garages, etc.; interests, dividends or other payments against money deposits, bonds or other securities.

The answer "savings" should be completed for respondents the source of livelihood for whom is accumulated savings (in cash or in kind).

The answer "dependent" should be completed for respondents living at the expense of relatives or other people, as well as for persons receiving alimony.

The answer "other source" should be completed for respondents having other sources of livelihood than those listed above;

Brazil 1991 — source variable BR1991A_RETIRED — Retired or receiving pension
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59. Indicate if person is retired and/or pensioner
[] 0 neither
[] 1 retired
[] 2 pensioner
[] 3 pensioner and retired

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Question 59 - Mark whether the person is retired and/or a pensioner
0 - Is not - a person who is neither retired nor receives a pension paid by a pension fund or institute;
1 - Retired - a person who, in the month of August, 1990, received wages resulting from retirement, etc.;

[p. 94]
2 - Pensioner - a person who, in the month of August, 1990, received a pension left by a person of whom he or she was a beneficiary, paid by a social security institute or pension fund (of the army, navy, air force, or police forces); or
3 - Retired and pensioner - a person who, in the month of August, 1990, received amounts from both retirement and pension.

Brazil 2000 — source variable BR2000A_RTIRSS00 — Retired with government social security in July 2000
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For persons 10 years old or older (born until July 31, 1990)
[Applies to questions 4.36 - 4.61]

4.56 In July 2000, were you retired according to Social Security (Instituto de Previdencia Oficial)?

[] 1 yes
[] 2 no

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For persons age 10 or over (born on or before July 31, 1990)
[Applies to questions 4.36 - 4.61]

Question 4.56 - In July, 2000, were you retired from a government social security institute?

Consider persons who were retired by a government social security institute.

Mark, as the case may be:

1 - Yes
2 - No

Brazil 2000 — source variable BR2000A_INCRETIR — Earnings from retirement/pension
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For persons 10 years old or older (born until July 31, 1990)
[Applies to questions 4.36 - 4.61]

Did you have income in July 2000 from any of the following:

4.57 Retirement, pension?

[] 0 didn't have
R$ _ _ _ _ _ _.00
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For persons age 10 or over (born on or before July 31, 1990)
[Applies to questions 4.36 - 4.61]

Received income in July, 2000 deriving from:
Record the income corresponding to the following questions:

Question 4.57 - Retirement, pension?

Retirement is understood as income received in July, 2000, as retirement from a government social security institute. Sums received as supplementary retirement paid for by a private and closed social security organization should be included in this item, such as pensions, income received in July, 2000, paid by a government social security institute left by someone of which this person was a beneficiary.

Question 4.58 - Rentals?

Rentals are understood as income received in July, 2000 as rent, including sub-letting or leasing of furniture, real estate, machinery, equipment, animals, etc.

Question 4.59 - Alimony, allowance, donations received from non-residents?

Alimony is understood as the income received in July, 2000 paid spontaneously or under legal obligation and allowances or donations as income, received in July, 2000, without corresponding services having been provided, received from a non-resident of the household and in a regular manner.

[pg. 131]

Question 4.60 - Minimum income/school scholarship, unemployment insurance, etc.? (government aid programs).

These types of income are described as:

Minimum income is the income received in July, 2000, paid by a organ government in order to guarantee the minimum income needed for the survival of a family.

School Scholarship is the income received in the month of July, 2000, paid by a government organ in order to guarantee permanence in school of children of a family who are of an age when attendance at school is obligatory.

Unemployment insurance is the income received in the month by July, 2000, of a person who was dismissed from his or her job with a signed contract and who complied with the requirements necessary to receive such benefits.

Also include income received by physically and mentally handicapped persons from government aid programs.

Question 4.61 - Others?

The income or, if such is the case, the sum total of the income regularly received for the month of July, 2000 as bonus for permanence on the job (a benefit that was granted to a person who, although he or she had worked long enough to retire, continued working rather than applying for retirement. This benefit is commonly known as "foot in the grave" (pé na cova), pension paid entirely by an insurance company or a private open social security organization, interest from short-term financial investments, dividends, interest on fixed income, etc.

Mark an X in the square entitled does not have if there is no income related to the respective question.

Brazil 2010 — source variable BR2010A_INCRETIR — Received retirement income or pension in July, 2010
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6. Resident characteristics

In July, 2010, did you have a usual monthly income from:

6.56 Retirement or pension from official social security institution (federal, state or municipal)?

[] 1 Yes
[] 0 No

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Income from other sources
Questions 6.56 to 6.59 are intended to capture the usual income of residents 10 years of age or older who do not work.
In case of income, it is listed in each question and not paid on July for some reason, then record a monthly estimate of the amount the person should have received on that month.

[page 273]

Late or pending payments should not be counted in the monthly income.
If a person under 10 years of age receives some income then they must be registered in the questionnaire of his/her caretaker.

In July 2010, did you have a monthly income of:

6.56 - Retirement or pension from Social Security (Federal, State or local)?
1 - Yes
0 - No

This item is intended to see whether, in July 2010, the person had an continuous monthly income from retirement or pension (provided that the person was the beneficiary) from Social Security, which may be from: the armed forces, retirement, pension, Social Security Plan of the Union or the federal Social Security Institute (National Social Security Institute - INSS), state or municipality, including the Funrural [Specific retirement money to people in rural areas].

Germany 1971 — source variable DE1971A_INCSRC — Source of income
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6. What type of income do you draw?
Persons that draw several types of income, state all

[] Income from employment
[] Apprentice's wages
[] Scholarship
[] Pension/retirement
[] Social welfare support
[] Half-orphan/orphan's social benefit

Which other types? ________

[] Without own income

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6. What types of income do you have? (Persons with several types of income mark several):
[] Income from employment
[] Apprenticeship pay
[] Scholarship
[] Pension
[] Social assistance
[] Half or full orphan pension
[] Other types _____
[] Without own income

Germany 1981 — source variable DE1981A_INCPENS — Income from old age pension/support
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7. What type of income do you draw? (Please mark all applicable types)
[] 1 Income from employment
[] 2 Apprentice's wages/scholarship
[] 3 Pension/retirement
[] 4 Disability pension/social benefit
[] 5 Other types of social benefit
[] 6 No individual income

Which other types? ____

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Directions for filling out the person census list

Question 7: Which types of income do you draw?
Persons that draw maternal benefits, orphan social benefits, social welfare benefits, etc. indicate this under "which other types."

Germany 1981 — source variable DE1981A_INCDISAB — Income from disability pension/support
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7. What type of income do you draw? (Please mark all applicable types)
[] 1 Income from employment
[] 2 Apprentice's wages/scholarship
[] 3 Pension/retirement
[] 4 Disability pension/social benefit
[] 5 Other types of social benefit
[] 6 No individual income

Which other types? ____

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Directions for filling out the person census list

Question 7: Which types of income do you draw?
Persons that draw maternal benefits, orphan social benefits, social welfare benefits, etc. indicate this under "which other types."

Germany 1981 — source variable DE1981A_INCPENS2 — Income from other pension
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7. What type of income do you draw? (Please mark all applicable types)
[] 1 Income from employment
[] 2 Apprentice's wages/scholarship
[] 3 Pension/retirement
[] 4 Disability pension/social benefit
[] 5 Other types of social benefit
[] 6 No individual income

Which other types? ____

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Directions for filling out the person census list

Question 7: Which types of income do you draw?
Persons that draw maternal benefits, orphan social benefits, social welfare benefits, etc. indicate this under "which other types."

Greece 1991 — source variable GR1991A_LIVEHD1 — Main source of livelihood 1
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The following questions should only be completed for persons born in 1980 or earlier.

22. What are the person's main sources of income in order of importance, regardless of whether or not he/she is working?
-Multiple answers are to be recorded as follows:
In the blank spaces below, 1 should be recorded for the main source of income, 2 for the second most important source of income, and 3 for the third most important.

[] 1 _ Work
[] 2 _ Pension
[] 3 _ Capital income
[] 4 _ Support from household members or other persons
[] 5 _ Benefits or relief

Greece 1991 — source variable GR1991A_LIVEHD2 — Main source of livelihood 2
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The following questions should only be completed for persons born in 1980 or earlier.

22. What are the person's main sources of income in order of importance, regardless of whether or not he/she is working?
-Multiple answers are to be recorded as follows:
In the blank spaces below, 1 should be recorded for the main source of income, 2 for the second most important source of income, and 3 for the third most important.

[] 1 _ Work
[] 2 _ Pension
[] 3 _ Capital income
[] 4 _ Support from household members or other persons
[] 5 _ Benefits or relief

Greece 1991 — source variable GR1991A_LIVEHD3 — Main source of livelihood 3
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The following questions should only be completed for persons born in 1980 or earlier.

22. What are the person's main sources of income in order of importance, regardless of whether or not he/she is working?
-Multiple answers are to be recorded as follows:
In the blank spaces below, 1 should be recorded for the main source of income, 2 for the second most important source of income, and 3 for the third most important.

[] 1 _ Work
[] 2 _ Pension
[] 3 _ Capital income
[] 4 _ Support from household members or other persons
[] 5 _ Benefits or relief

Indonesia 2005 — source variable ID2005A_INCPENS — Income from pension/social security
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VI.D. Household member age 60 or older
[Questions 630 - 639 were asked of household members age 60 or older.]

630. In the last six months, did you receive money or goods from:


[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Retirement money [pension]/social security?

[] 3 Yes
[] 4 No


[] 5 Yes
[] 6 No


[] 7 Yes
[] 8 No


[] 9 Yes
[] 1 No

Children/son or daughter in-law?

[] 2 Yes
[] 3 No

Relative/other family?

[] 4 Yes
[] 5 No

Other people?

[] 6 Yes
[] 7 No

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7.7.4 Block VI.D. Household members age 60 or older
The purpose of this block is to obtain information about the elderly population, that is, those [persons] age 60 or older. Data regarding the elderly in Indonesia are scarce, especially those that can show differences between regions. SUPAS05 will obtain data on their role and participation in socio-economic activities and their dependence on others. In order to produce good quality data, the enumerators must interview the relevant respondent when filling in this block.

Jamaica 2001 — source variable JM2001A_PENSION — Receives social welfare or pension
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[Questions 4.19 and 4.20 are for persons age 60 and older. If under 60 years old, go to Section 5]

4.19 Do you/does [the respondent] currently receive any social welfare benefits or pension?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (end interview)
[] 9 Not stated

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Section 4: Economic activity
[Persons age 14 and older]

5.73 General
Section 4 is comprised of Questions 4.1 through 4.20, and should be asked to persons age 14 and older. The main purpose of this section is to determine which individuals were in the working force of the country at some point in time.

This section is included in the sample coverage because it requires much more probing than should be undertaken for the short form. Economic activity in Jamaica has undergone some amount of transformation within the past two or three decades, whereby there has been a significant development of what has come to be regarded as the "Informal sector". People have in many instances moved away from the traditional jobs in the public and private sectors and have ventured into their own small scale businesses, some of which are being operated within homes.

You must pay close attention to the skip instructions at all times to ensure that you ask relevant questions. You will also need to pay close attention to the different reference periods stated. Questions 4.1 through 4.4 seek to identify the persons who worked. As we know that work means different things to different people, we try in these questions to establish clearly whether an individual worked or not within a particular week. These questions relate to the week preceding the Census date, as do Questions 4.5 through 4.13. Question 4.14 asks for a specific date. Questions 4.15 and 4.16 relate to the past twelve months, while questions 4.17 and 4.18 refer to the past 5 years. Questions 4.19 and 4.20 are relevant to persons of pensionable age and seek to determine the type of social welfare benefits or pension being received. Even if the person has never worked, he/she can be in receipt of social welfare benefits (as the beneficiary of a spouse).

It is important that the concept of work be fully understood.

Work includes:

(a) Work with pay, that is:
(i) Work for others for a wage or salary including commission or tips. Work may be done either in the employment of the government, a business organization, some private or public organization, or an individual. These correspond to the categories "Paid employee of government", "Private enterprise", or "Private home" in question Q4.6).

(ii) Work as trainee (such as nurses in training) or apprentice (persons at trade). This could also correspond to the same categories at is point (i).

(iii) Work for oneself in one's own business (including farm), which is run for profit or fees but does not employ paid help. This corresponds to "Self-employed without Employees" in question Q4.6. For example: odd job, hustling, buying and selling etc.

(iv) Work for oneself in one's own business (including farm), which is run for profit or fees and employs paid help. This corresponds to "Self-employed with employees" in question Q4.6.

(b) Work without pay in a business or farm which is run for profit that is:
(i) Work without pay in a business or farm run for profit (usually by a relative), in cases where the individual is either supported by the owner or obtains some benefits other than cash from running of business (see "Unpaid employee in agriculture" or any type of business in question Q4.6).

(ii) Work as an unpaid helper in a business or other organization, in cases where the respondent is learning a trade or profession in this way, with a view to engaging in work for pay (see "Unpaid employee in agriculture" or any type of business in question Q4.6).

Do not include as "working" those persons who:
(i) Work without money or pay for a relative or other person on tasks that did not contribute to the operation of a farm or of a business: e.g., housework, gardening, odd jobs around the house or yard, such as painting the fence, etc.

(ii) Work without pay assisting a relative or friend in his duties as an employee.

(iii) Work without pay either in cash or in kind as a volunteer worker for service Society for Blind, Operation Workshop.

Note also that "work" must relate to work in Jamaica. It includes, however, those persons who are residing in the territory but are on boats, ships, airplanes, etc., which may operate outside of the territory, as well as travelling salesmen, consultants, etc. Informal commercial importers who travel to the Cayman Islands buying and selling are to be included. Do not include the work done by persons going as contract workers to North America for a few months to work on farms there during the crop season. Other persons who live and work outside of the country should not be classified as having worked with respect to the time they were resident outside of the country.

5.90 Questions 4.19 - 4.20 Social Welfare Benefits
[Persons age 60 and older]

Ask the questions and score the relevant answers. Include any pensions received from abroad. You are not trying to find out how much money is being received. There might be some reluctance to answer, from especially persons who are in receipt of pension from a foreign country. You must reassure the respondents that we are only interested in knowing how many of our senior citizens are getting this kind of support.

Kyrgyzstan 1999 — source variable KG1999A_CLASSW9 — Pension
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14. Sources of livelihood (persons with more than one source, specify each source)

Work for hire: (by labor agreement contract, verbal agreement)
[] 01 At enterprises, organization, institution
[] 02 In a farm
[] 03 For individuals (including rendering household services)

Work not for hire

[] 04 Owners of enterprises, farms (employer)
[] 05 On an individual basis
[] 06 At family enterprises, unpaid at farms
[] 07 Personal subsidiary plots
[] 08 Scholarship (stipend)
[] 09 Pension
[] 10 Benefits and allowances (excluding unemployment benefits)
[] 11 Unemployment benefits
[] 12 Other type of state maintenance
[] 13 Income from property
[] 14 On dependence
[] 15 Other sources

From above listed, specify the main source of livelihood ____

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Question 14. Sources of livelihood

Before asking this question a person interviewed is to be given a card with all sources of livelihood listed. After the list has been studied, the person is to name one or several sources of livelihood out of those listed. Based on the answer the enumerator is to circle codes corresponding to one or several responses given.

After this the enumerator is to question the person about the main source of livelihood, which is to be named by the person him/herself.

If a person questioned names only one source of livelihood, the code corresponding to this source is to be entered in a special box as main.

If a person questioned names several sources of livelihood, it should be cleared up which of the sources named he/she considers the main one and the code of this source is to be entered in a special box.

Any of sources listed on the card can be named as main if:
- compensation or income is higher than in other sources of livelihood;
- income is permanent;
- on an equal level, the source with most days worked is to be preferred.

The category of those having work, both as employees and self-employed, covers persons who at the moment of census:
- performed work, whether it was a permanent, temporary, seasonal or other paid work, as well as worked for profit as self-employed, alone or with one or a few partners, both engaging or not engaging employees, irrespective of the dates of receiving a direct payment or profit for their work;
- worked without payment in their family business or on their family farm;
- were temporarily absent from work, but kept formal attachment to their work.

The following is to be considered as temporary absence from work:
- illness or injury, care for sick persons;
- annual leave or weekend, compensatory leave or time-off, compensation of overtime or work on a public holyday;
- statutory maternity and child-care leave;
- educational leave;
- unpaid or paid leave on the initiative of administration;
- rotational, seasonal or other specialized mode of operation;
- strike action;
- other reasons.

Besides, the category of persons with employment includes people engaged in spring, summer or autumn to perform seasonal work (e.g., in agriculture, water transport, fishery, etc.).

Students and pensioners having employment or gainful business are to be referred to those employed or self-employed on the same ground as other categories of persons.

The activity of persons engaged in non-reimbursable public or voluntary works is not to be marked as a source of livelihood.

Employees (those working under a written labour contract or verbal agreement) cover persons that concluded with the administration of an enterprise, organization, institution of any ownership or with a private employer a written labour contract or verbal agreement about working conditions and receive emolument (in cash or in kind). The following codes are used for this category:
Code 1 "At enterprise, organization, institution" is to be marked for those employed at enterprises, organizations, institutions of any ownership (e.g. at a state-owned or communal enterprise, joint-stock company, private or joint venture, public or religious organization, fund, production cooperative, etc.); as well as for paid apprentices.
Code 1 "At enterprise, organization, institution" is also to be marked as a source of livelihood for all military servicemen (other than army conscripts), wage and salary workers of military units living outside closed territories.
Code 2 "On a farm" is to be marked for persons employed in farming (peasant) enterprises and receiving remuneration for their labour (both in cash and in kind).
Code 3 "For individuals (including those rendering household services)" is to be marked for persons employed on an individual basis by individuals (e.g. salesmen, vendors) or those rendering household services for payment in cash or in kind (e.g., cooks, tutors, drivers, baby-sitters, etc.)
Self-employed include persons who work at their own working place or enterprise for making profit or family income in cash or in kind, and also for persons who own their business but do not temporarily work for any reason. The following codes are used in this category:
Code 4 "Owner of enterprise, farm (employer)" is to be marked for persons working on their own account or with partners and engaging one or more employees.
Code 5 "On an individual basis" is to be marked for self-employed persons engaged in individual professional or commercial activity.
Code 6 "Unpaid family worker at family enterprise or farm" is to be marked for persons working without compensation on a family farm or at an enterprise owned by relatives.
Code 7 "At personal subsidiary plot" is to be marked for people carrying out in their personal subsidiary plots (including gardens, kitchen gardens, country house plots, etc.) agricultural works and livestock management. This source of livelihood is to be marked not only for persons engaged in production of agricultural products for sale, but also for those producing agricultural products for own consumption if this kind of activity provides a considerable contribution to the total household consumption.
Code 8 "Scholarship" is to be marked for students receiving scholarships (including scholarships paid to students detached by enterprises, organizations, or employment services).
Code 9 "Pension" is to be marked for persons receiving old age or retirement, disability, survivor's, and long service pensions. It should be borne in mind that "pension" is to be marked for persons whom it is granted, but not for those who actually receive it. So the survivor's pension granted to children is to be marked for children, but not for their mother or father, even if they are actual recipients.
Code 10 "Benefit (other than unemployment benefit)" is to be marked for persons receiving:

- common monthly low-income family/citizens benefit, which is assigned to: children under 16 years of age and pupils of general education schools up to completion of training, but not after the attainment of the age of 18 years; pupils of basic vocational schools, students of secondary and higher education establishments up to the attainment of the age of 21 years; nonworking pensioners; disabled persons;
- one-time maternity grant;
- benefit to mothers giving birth to twins (triplets or more children);
- benefit to nonworking mothers with children under 1.5 years of age;
- monthly social benefit assigned to:
handicapped children, children having infantile cerebral paralysis, children HIV-positive or sick with AIDS; those disabled, the aged, mother-heroines, children in the case of loss of breadwinner if these categories of citizens are not entitled to pension. It should be noted that "benefit" is to be marked for persons whom it is granted, but not for those who actually receive it.

Code 11 "Unemployment benefit" is to be marked for persons registered with the employment services as unemployed and who are recipients of unemployment benefits.
Code 12 "Other government support" is to be encircled for inmates of infant's homes, children's homes, boarding schools, boarding houses for the aged and invalids and similar persons supported by governmental and non-governmental organizations.
Code 13 "Property income" is to be encircled for persons gaining income in the form of interest on their money deposits, credits, loans, equities, shares, as dividends or difference in rates, and for persons gaining income in the form of rent for housing, storage and other space, cars, instruments of labour, and land.
Code 14 "Dependent" is to be encircled for persons, living at the expense of relatives or other people, as well as for persons receiving alimony.
Code 15 "Other source" is to be encircled for persons having other sources of livelihood than those listed above. For example, personal or family savings, income of clergymen, casual earnings, charity, humanitarian aid, support of religious organizations, etc.

Mexico 1995 — source variable MX1995A_INCOTY1 — Type of non-work income (1)
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For people 12 years old or older
[Applies to questions 7.3 to 7.11]

Other incomes
7.10 (Other than the aforementioned income) does (Name) receive income from:

Read all the options and write down up to three keys.

[] 1 Being retired or pensioned?
[] 2 Help of family members from another country?
[] 3 Rent or interest from banks?
[] 4 Help from Procampo?
[] 5 Grant or aid from other institutions?
[] 6 Another type?
[] 7 None? Go to next person
[] 9 Does not know

Type of income
7.10A ____
7.10B ____
7.10 C ____

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VII Economic characteristics

In this section some of the economic characteristics of the population of work age (12 years old or older) are found out; which are related to socio-demographic and cultural information about the population, that permit us to know the socioeconomic situation of people and households.

[graphic of the question from the census form]

The information obtained in this section permits us to know, in a specific reference period (the week before the interview), how the work force [p. 119] in the country is formed, that is, who worked or looked for work; about the first jobs, what is done in the occupation, how many hours are worked, what are the incomes, the relation with the employer, etc.

Also in the population of 12 years old or older it is meant to distinguish who receives income by different sources at the job and the importance of these perceptions.

7.10 and 7.11 Other income

The objective of these questions is to distinguish people 12 years old or older who receive income through retirement, pension, help from family members outside of the country, support from Procampo, grants or help from other institutions, rent or interests from banks in regular or habitual form.

Other income is considered those that the person receives regularly, in a weekly, bi weekly, monthly, every other month, four monthly or annually form. Although occasionally the time period can vary with what is given (for example, help from family members who live abroad), but continue being regular.

Do not consider the following cases as other income:

- What a person receives and is obliged to pay back like: loans, mortgages, money withdrawn from credit cards, credits, etc.
- Money provided from the sale of properties: houses, land, furniture, among others or of savings, like: canceling savings accounts, group income, prizes, lotteries, etc.

[p. 140]

- The income provided from family members of the same household or who live within the country to avoid a duplication of incomes
- What people receive very occasionally or one time in their life.
- Income received for maintenance (food, clothing, education, of children because of a separation or divorce).

Question 7.10 has seven answer options, which should be read to the informant to find out if the person received any income or more than one. Because of this, the asking of the question permits us to register up to a maximum of three options (columns 7.10A, 7.10B, 7.10C). The options are described below.

[graphic of the question from the census form]

retired or pensioned?...1

It is understood to be people who receive an income from any institution of social security like IMSS or ISSSTE, because they have finished their years of work, by age or because they had a professional accident (from working) and because of that have been retired or pensioned.

Also include pensioned family members (spouse or small children) who receive an orphan, widowed or pension, or another when the worker has died.

[p. 141]

help from family members from another country?...2

It is understood to be people who regularly receive economic help from family members who live outside of the country (United States, Canada, etc.) like children, parents, brothers and other family members.

Do not take into account income the people receive from family members who live in the country or in the same household.

rent or interest from bank?...3

It refers to people who receive a regular income for the renting of any property like: houses, land, pieces of land, among others or by interests derived from banking accounts.

Income by interests from banks is always considered to be what the person receives from the bank regularly.

aid from Procampo?...4

It is understood to be people (agriculture producers of basic cultivation) who receive economic support for being incorporated into the Program of direct support to the field (Procampo). This income is only considered if the person has received it and knows for certain that it will be received again.

grant or aid from other institutions?...5

It is understood to be people who regularly receive monetary income from a grant, to support studying expenses, (from the basic level to specialization). For example: scholarships to students awarded by the Secretary of Public Education (SEP) or other public or private, national or international organizations like: National Council of Science and Technology (Conacyt), Ford Foundation, among others.

other type?...6

It is understood to be people who receive monetary income in a regular manner, provided from other sources different than the ones previously mentioned. Remember not to include people who receive pension for maintaining children of separated or divorced parents, also the help of family members who live in the country.

When you write this code, specify the type of income that the person receives in the part for observations.

[p. 142]


It is understood to be people who do not receive monetary income from any of the sources mentioned. When this is the case, go to the next person and if the last of the list, continue with section VIII Social subsidies, health services and disability.

If a person does not know or remember the source from which the income is received, write down 9 in column 7.10A.

Question 7.11 has the goal of finding out the income received and the period for each one of the options written down in question 7.10.

[graphic of the question from the census form]

The question can register information for three types of income. Each time you ask the question, replace the parenthesis for the option marked in 7.10 and ask for the period in which each income was received.

For example: if the person in 7.10 declares to receive income for retirement from IMSS and also economic aid from his son who lives in the United States, ask the question in the following manner:

Interviewer: How much does María receive from retirement.
Informant: 800 monthly
Interviewer: How much does María receive from the help that her son in United States sends her?
Informant: 100 dollars a month.
Interviewer: How much do they give her for each dollar?
Informant: Six pesos for a dollar.

[p. 143]

Then the information should be registered as below:

[graphic of the question from the census form]

The same as question 7.9 Income for work, this one includes four periods, (once a week, once every other week, once a month and once a year), to register the time period in which the income is received.

If a person says that the money or income is received in a different period than those considered, make the conversion of the amount to refer to it in one of the marked periods.


A student receives income from a scholarship and the value is $720.00, corresponding to four months. To register the information, convert one of the indicated periods, in this case it can be annually or monthly. If you opt for annually, multiply 720 x 3 and register 2160 in the Income column and 4 (year) in the Period column. In the case of choosing monthly, divide 720 by 4 and write down 180 in the Income column and 3 (month) in the Period column.

When an informant declares an income equal to or bigger than 98000 new pesos, write down "98000."

If an informant does not remember or can not say exactly the value of income, ask for an estimate. If it is not possible to determine it, write down 99999 in the income column and 9 in the period column.

Mexico 1995 — source variable MX1995A_INCOTY2 — Type of non-work income (2)
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For people 12 years old or older
[Applies to questions 7.3 to 7.11]

Other incomes
7.10 (Other than the aforementioned income) does (Name) receive income from:

Read all the options and write down up to three keys.

[] 1 Being retired or pensioned?
[] 2 Help of family members from another country?
[] 3 Rent or interest from banks?
[] 4 Help from Procampo?
[] 5 Grant or aid from other institutions?
[] 6 Another type?
[] 7 None? Go to next person
[] 9 Does not know

Type of income
7.10A ____
7.10B ____
7.10 C ____

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VII Economic characteristics

In this section some of the economic characteristics of the population of work age (12 years old or older) are found out; which are related to socio-demographic and cultural information about the population, that permit us to know the socioeconomic situation of people and households.

[graphic of the question from the census form]

The information obtained in this section permits us to know, in a specific reference period (the week before the interview), how the work force [p. 119] in the country is formed, that is, who worked or looked for work; about the first jobs, what is done in the occupation, how many hours are worked, what are the incomes, the relation with the employer, etc.

Also in the population of 12 years old or older it is meant to distinguish who receives income by different sources at the job and the importance of these perceptions.

7.10 and 7.11 Other income

The objective of these questions is to distinguish people 12 years old or older who receive income through retirement, pension, help from family members outside of the country, support from Procampo, grants or help from other institutions, rent or interests from banks in regular or habitual form.

Other income is considered those that the person receives regularly, in a weekly, bi weekly, monthly, every other month, four monthly or annually form. Although occasionally the time period can vary with what is given (for example, help from family members who live abroad), but continue being regular.

Do not consider the following cases as other income:

- What a person receives and is obliged to pay back like: loans, mortgages, money withdrawn from credit cards, credits, etc.
- Money provided from the sale of properties: houses, land, furniture, among others or of savings, like: canceling savings accounts, group income, prizes, lotteries, etc.

[p. 140]

- The income provided from family members of the same household or who live within the country to avoid a duplication of incomes
- What people receive very occasionally or one time in their life.
- Income received for maintenance (food, clothing, education, of children because of a separation or divorce).

Question 7.10 has seven answer options, which should be read to the informant to find out if the person received any income or more than one. Because of this, the asking of the question permits us to register up to a maximum of three options (columns 7.10A, 7.10B, 7.10C). The options are described below.

[graphic of the question from the census form]

retired or pensioned?...1

It is understood to be people who receive an income from any institution of social security like IMSS or ISSSTE, because they have finished their years of work, by age or because they had a professional accident (from working) and because of that have been retired or pensioned.

Also include pensioned family members (spouse or small children) who receive an orphan, widowed or pension, or another when the worker has died.

[p. 141]

help from family members from another country?...2

It is understood to be people who regularly receive economic help from family members who live outside of the country (United States, Canada, etc.) like children, parents, brothers and other family members.

Do not take into account income the people receive from family members who live in the country or in the same household.

rent or interest from bank?...3

It refers to people who receive a regular income for the renting of any property like: houses, land, pieces of land, among others or by interests derived from banking accounts.

Income by interests from banks is always considered to be what the person receives from the bank regularly.

aid from Procampo?...4

It is understood to be people (agriculture producers of basic cultivation) who receive economic support for being incorporated into the Program of direct support to the field (Procampo). This income is only considered if the person has received it and knows for certain that it will be received again.

grant or aid from other institutions?...5

It is understood to be people who regularly receive monetary income from a grant, to support studying expenses, (from the basic level to specialization). For example: scholarships to students awarded by the Secretary of Public Education (SEP) or other public or private, national or international organizations like: National Council of Science and Technology (Conacyt), Ford Foundation, among others.

other type?...6

It is understood to be people who receive monetary income in a regular manner, provided from other sources different than the ones previously mentioned. Remember not to include people who receive pension for maintaining children of separated or divorced parents, also the help of family members who live in the country.

When you write this code, specify the type of income that the person receives in the part for observations.

[p. 142]


It is understood to be people who do not receive monetary income from any of the sources mentioned. When this is the case, go to the next person and if the last of the list, continue with section VIII Social subsidies, health services and disability.

If a person does not know or remember the source from which the income is received, write down 9 in column 7.10A.

Question 7.11 has the goal of finding out the income received and the period for each one of the options written down in question 7.10.

[graphic of the question from the census form]

The question can register information for three types of income. Each time you ask the question, replace the parenthesis for the option marked in 7.10 and ask for the period in which each income was received.

For example: if the person in 7.10 declares to receive income for retirement from IMSS and also economic aid from his son who lives in the United States, ask the question in the following manner:

Interviewer: How much does María receive from retirement.
Informant: 800 monthly
Interviewer: How much does María receive from the help that her son in United States sends her?
Informant: 100 dollars a month.
Interviewer: How much do they give her for each dollar?
Informant: Six pesos for a dollar.

[p. 143]

Then the information should be registered as below:

[graphic of the question from the census form]

The same as question 7.9 Income for work, this one includes four periods, (once a week, once every other week, once a month and once a year), to register the time period in which the income is received.

If a person says that the money or income is received in a different period than those considered, make the conversion of the amount to refer to it in one of the marked periods.


A student receives income from a scholarship and the value is $720.00, corresponding to four months. To register the information, convert one of the indicated periods, in this case it can be annually or monthly. If you opt for annually, multiply 720 x 3 and register 2160 in the Income column and 4 (year) in the Period column. In the case of choosing monthly, divide 720 by 4 and write down 180 in the Income column and 3 (month) in the Period column.

When an informant declares an income equal to or bigger than 98000 new pesos, write down "98000."

If an informant does not remember or can not say exactly the value of income, ask for an estimate. If it is not possible to determine it, write down 99999 in the income column and 9 in the period column.

Mexico 1995 — source variable MX1995A_INCOTY3 — Type of non-work income (3)
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For people 12 years old or older
[Applies to questions 7.3 to 7.11]

Other incomes
7.10 (Other than the aforementioned income) does (Name) receive income from:

Read all the options and write down up to three keys.

[] 1 Being retired or pensioned?
[] 2 Help of family members from another country?
[] 3 Rent or interest from banks?
[] 4 Help from Procampo?
[] 5 Grant or aid from other institutions?
[] 6 Another type?
[] 7 None? Go to next person
[] 9 Does not know

Type of income
7.10A ____
7.10B ____
7.10 C ____

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VII Economic characteristics

In this section some of the economic characteristics of the population of work age (12 years old or older) are found out; which are related to socio-demographic and cultural information about the population, that permit us to know the socioeconomic situation of people and households.

[graphic of the question from the census form]

The information obtained in this section permits us to know, in a specific reference period (the week before the interview), how the work force [p. 119] in the country is formed, that is, who worked or looked for work; about the first jobs, what is done in the occupation, how many hours are worked, what are the incomes, the relation with the employer, etc.

Also in the population of 12 years old or older it is meant to distinguish who receives income by different sources at the job and the importance of these perceptions.

7.10 and 7.11 Other income

The objective of these questions is to distinguish people 12 years old or older who receive income through retirement, pension, help from family members outside of the country, support from Procampo, grants or help from other institutions, rent or interests from banks in regular or habitual form.

Other income is considered those that the person receives regularly, in a weekly, bi weekly, monthly, every other month, four monthly or annually form. Although occasionally the time period can vary with what is given (for example, help from family members who live abroad), but continue being regular.

Do not consider the following cases as other income:

- What a person receives and is obliged to pay back like: loans, mortgages, money withdrawn from credit cards, credits, etc.
- Money provided from the sale of properties: houses, land, furniture, among others or of savings, like: canceling savings accounts, group income, prizes, lotteries, etc.

[p. 140]

- The income provided from family members of the same household or who live within the country to avoid a duplication of incomes
- What people receive very occasionally or one time in their life.
- Income received for maintenance (food, clothing, education, of children because of a separation or divorce).

Question 7.10 has seven answer options, which should be read to the informant to find out if the person received any income or more than one. Because of this, the asking of the question permits us to register up to a maximum of three options (columns 7.10A, 7.10B, 7.10C). The options are described below.

[graphic of the question from the census form]

retired or pensioned?...1

It is understood to be people who receive an income from any institution of social security like IMSS or ISSSTE, because they have finished their years of work, by age or because they had a professional accident (from working) and because of that have been retired or pensioned.

Also include pensioned family members (spouse or small children) who receive an orphan, widowed or pension, or another when the worker has died.

[p. 141]

help from family members from another country?...2

It is understood to be people who regularly receive economic help from family members who live outside of the country (United States, Canada, etc.) like children, parents, brothers and other family members.

Do not take into account income the people receive from family members who live in the country or in the same household.

rent or interest from bank?...3

It refers to people who receive a regular income for the renting of any property like: houses, land, pieces of land, among others or by interests derived from banking accounts.

Income by interests from banks is always considered to be what the person receives from the bank regularly.

aid from Procampo?...4

It is understood to be people (agriculture producers of basic cultivation) who receive economic support for being incorporated into the Program of direct support to the field (Procampo). This income is only considered if the person has received it and knows for certain that it will be received again.

grant or aid from other institutions?...5

It is understood to be people who regularly receive monetary income from a grant, to support studying expenses, (from the basic level to specialization). For example: scholarships to students awarded by the Secretary of Public Education (SEP) or other public or private, national or international organizations like: National Council of Science and Technology (Conacyt), Ford Foundation, among others.

other type?...6

It is understood to be people who receive monetary income in a regular manner, provided from other sources different than the ones previously mentioned. Remember not to include people who receive pension for maintaining children of separated or divorced parents, also the help of family members who live in the country.

When you write this code, specify the type of income that the person receives in the part for observations.

[p. 142]


It is understood to be people who do not receive monetary income from any of the sources mentioned. When this is the case, go to the next person and if the last of the list, continue with section VIII Social subsidies, health services and disability.

If a person does not know or remember the source from which the income is received, write down 9 in column 7.10A.

Question 7.11 has the goal of finding out the income received and the period for each one of the options written down in question 7.10.

[graphic of the question from the census form]

The question can register information for three types of income. Each time you ask the question, replace the parenthesis for the option marked in 7.10 and ask for the period in which each income was received.

For example: if the person in 7.10 declares to receive income for retirement from IMSS and also economic aid from his son who lives in the United States, ask the question in the following manner:

Interviewer: How much does María receive from retirement.
Informant: 800 monthly
Interviewer: How much does María receive from the help that her son in United States sends her?
Informant: 100 dollars a month.
Interviewer: How much do they give her for each dollar?
Informant: Six pesos for a dollar.

[p. 143]

Then the information should be registered as below:

[graphic of the question from the census form]

The same as question 7.9 Income for work, this one includes four periods, (once a week, once every other week, once a month and once a year), to register the time period in which the income is received.

If a person says that the money or income is received in a different period than those considered, make the conversion of the amount to refer to it in one of the marked periods.


A student receives income from a scholarship and the value is $720.00, corresponding to four months. To register the information, convert one of the indicated periods, in this case it can be annually or monthly. If you opt for annually, multiply 720 x 3 and register 2160 in the Income column and 4 (year) in the Period column. In the case of choosing monthly, divide 720 by 4 and write down 180 in the Income column and 3 (month) in the Period column.

When an informant declares an income equal to or bigger than 98000 new pesos, write down "98000."

If an informant does not remember or can not say exactly the value of income, ask for an estimate. If it is not possible to determine it, write down 99999 in the income column and 9 in the period column.

Mexico 2000 — source variable MX2000A_INCRET — Receives income from retirement or pension
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31. Other income

In total how much money did this person earn for:

Read all of the options and circle the code according to the answers. In the affirmative categories, ask "How much did you earn" and write the amount received in pesos and the period.

1 Weekly
2 Bi-weekly
3 Monthly
4 Yearly

[Circle the answer, the first number is affirmative, the second number is negative]

Retirement or pension
1 Yes
2 No

How much?
$ _ _ _ , _ _ _ Write the amount
____ Write the period

Help from relatives who are in another country [3-4]
3 Yes
4 No

How much?
$ _ _ _ , _ _ _ Write the amount
____ Write the period

Help from relatives who are in this country [5-6]
5 Yes
6 No

How much?
$ _ _ _ , _ _ _ Write the amount
____ Write the period

Procampo or Progresa
7 Yes
8 No

How much?
$ _ _ _ , _ _ _ Write the amount
____ Write the period

Other types of scholarships, investments or bank interest
1 Yes
2 No

How much?
$ _ _ _ , _ _ _ Write the amount
____ Write the period

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31. Other income

This question applies to all people 12 completed years of age or older, to identify those who receive money from retirement or a pension, help from family members who live in and outside of the country, from governmental or private institutions.

[Depiction of this completed question on the enumeration form]

Keep in mind that money received and recorded in this question does not have to be returned or paid. Furthermore, verify that you only record the amount received for one person.

If they state that the person receives money from family members who are part of the same household, don't record it.

For the answers where you get an affirmative response, ask for the amount and how often they receive it and record, in pesos, the answer in the spaces provided.

My daughter sends me 100 dollars every two months, and last time I exchanged them for 900 pesos.

Mexico 2010 — source variable MX2010A_INCRETIR — Has retirement or pension income
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III. Personal characteristics

Now I am going to ask you about (name): ________
Copy the name of the person from section II

For person age 12 or older
[Questions 24-35 were asked of persons age 12 or older]

35. Other sources of income
Does [the respondent] receive money from the following?

Read all the options and circle only one code for each option.

Government programs (Oportunities, Procampo, grants, assistance for single mothers or elderly adults, etc.)

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Retirement or pension income

[] 3 Yes
[] 4 No

Assistance from persons who live in another country

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Assistance from persons who live in the country

[] 3 Yes
[] 4 No

Other sources

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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6.5 Section III. Characteristics of the people

In this section the information of the people who inhabit the dwelling, like the sex, age, level of studies, income, among others, is obtained.

Before requesting the information for each person, copy all the names in the spaces designated for them, and for each person start with the phrase: "Now I'm going to ask about (mention the name of the person you previously noted)", so that the informer knows about whom you will be asking the information.

For persons age 12 or older
[Questions 24-35 are for persons age 12 or older]

35. Other sources of income
This question identifies persons age 12 or older who receive money from sources different than those of work.

The income considered in this question is characterized by not having to be returned or paid and are received with some frequency, even though not regularly.

"My daughter went to live in the United States and sends me a few dollars once in a while".

[p. 117]

Don't include loans, credit, financing, or the money received from those other people who live in the same dwelling.

Remember that for each option you should circle a response.

Poland 1978 — source variable PL1978A_INCOTH — Type of non-commercial sources of income (of person providing support)
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23 and 24 - Maintenance not from work
[Questions 23 and 24 were asked of any financial support not from work the respondent has.]

23. Type of such maintenance (e.g. old age or disability pension, scholarship, etc.) ____

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56 Maintenance not from work (Questions 23 and 24) [p.79]
1. The following shall be considered to have a source of maintenance not from work:

- Pensioners and annuitants (with disability, illness, or family allowance, allowances for transferred agricultural holding, etc.)
- Individuals staying in healthcare facilities,
- Receiving alimony from their ex-partners or children (due to a court judgment or of their own will),
- Individuals receiving scholarships (school and university students),
- Students of, among others, basic vocational schools, who receive additional payment for their education,
- Individuals receiving welfare allowances,
- People generating income by leasing a part of their agricultural holding, house, or provided with support from abroad,
- Fortunetellers, beggars, etc.

2. Such individuals shall have the type of income not from work provided in question 23, for example: "pension" , "disability allowance", "family pension" (for widows, orphans, etc.), etc.
Note: It is not allowed to write in the "allowance" term alone, as the type of allowance must be provided as well.

- "supported by child's home", "supported by a welfare facility",
- "alimony",
- "scholarship", "education payment",
- "house leasing",
- "monk" ("nun"),

3. There are certain types of allowances (for example family benefit) or alimonies that are provided to single mother by the government. For the purpose of the census, they shall be understood as sources of maintenance of mother, not of the child. In such a case, children shall be considered as supported by their mothers and the latter shall have the source of maintenance not from work specified. Child shall be considered to be directly supported by alimony or family benefit only if he or she is registered outside the family house and stays, for example, in a dormitory or hostel.
4. All the individuals, who have had an answer to question 23 provided shall also have their social group indicated in question 24 in accordance with the following classification:

- "Physical employee",
- "White collar employee",
- "Commissioner (commission-worker)"
- "Home-worker"
- "Member of productive cooperative"
- "User of farm"
- "Worker on own account"
- "Clergyman"

The classification is almost similar to the one provided for the individuals answering question 19 or 22, with the main difference being the division between "Physical employee" and "White collar employee".
5. In the case of pensioners and individuals receiving benefits, the social group they have belonged to while they have been working shall be specified and provided
6. Individuals, who receive scholarship and allowances, but they have recently worked, shall have the social group in accordance with the specificity of the last job specified. In the case of individuals, who have never worked, the social group of the family member supporting such individuals shall be specified, for example for a person receiving scholarship social group of the father, for a widow the social group of late husband, etc.)
7. Working individuals, who also have a maintenance not from work:

- In the form of pension or disability benefit (when disability is connected with the effects of previously performed job) shall have the social group they have belonged to before they have started obtaining pension or benefit provided.
- In the form of family benefit, alimony, payment for leased house shall have the social group based on the currently performed work provided (as for individuals answering question 19, but with the necessity to remember about the division between physical and white collar employees).

Poland 2002 — source variable PL2002A_INCOTH — First type of unearned source of income
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32. What kind of benefits (b) from non-earned source of income do you receive?
Please use no more than three types of non-earned source of maintenance showed in question 30 (possible answers from ?non- earned source? category only)
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Question 32. What kind of benefits from non-earned source of income do you receive? [p. 47-48]

1. The person granted the benefit should be indicated.

2. If a person is granted several benefits, the main three should be indicated using symbols listed in question 30 (symbols 8-15). The order of listing the benefits is not important.

3. Receiving benefits should be indicated even if the benefit was not reported in question 30 or 31 as the main or additional source of income. Contrary to sources of income reported in question 31 and 31 the fact of receiving or not the benefit should reflect exactly the situation at the time of research.

4. In case of persons living in community houses etc, receiving any benefit should be registered even if the benefits fully transferred to the community house as the payment for the stay.

6. Family benefits and the benefit paid for persons over 75 transferred together with the salary or pension should not be registered separately.

Poland 2002 — source variable PL2002A_INCOTH2 — Second type of unearned source of income
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32. What kind of benefits (b) from non-earned source of income do you receive?
Please use no more than three types of non-earned source of maintenance showed in question 30 (possible answers from ?non- earned source? category only)
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Question 32. What kind of benefits from non-earned source of income do you receive? [p. 47-48]

1. The person granted the benefit should be indicated.

2. If a person is granted several benefits, the main three should be indicated using symbols listed in question 30 (symbols 8-15). The order of listing the benefits is not important.

3. Receiving benefits should be indicated even if the benefit was not reported in question 30 or 31 as the main or additional source of income. Contrary to sources of income reported in question 31 and 31 the fact of receiving or not the benefit should reflect exactly the situation at the time of research.

4. In case of persons living in community houses etc, receiving any benefit should be registered even if the benefits fully transferred to the community house as the payment for the stay.

6. Family benefits and the benefit paid for persons over 75 transferred together with the salary or pension should not be registered separately.

Russia 2002 — source variable RU2002A_INCPENS — Income from pension
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14. Indicate all sources of income available to you
[] 1 Income from work (except work on a private subsidiary plot)
[] 2 Private subsidiary plot
[] 3 Grant
[] 4 Pension
[] 5 Benefit (except unemployment benefit)
[] 6 Unemployment benefit
[] 7 Other form of State support
[] 8 Savings
[] 9 Income from lease or rental of property
[] 10 Interest on investments and securities
[] 11 Dependent
[] 12 Other source
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Question 10. Indicate all your sources of livelihood (means of sustenance)
Before asking the question, let the respondent get acquainted with the card (a list of sources of livelihood). After he/she has looked through the list, the respondent should declare one or several sources of livelihood chosen from the suggested prompts.
Mark one or several prompts from twelve options suggested in the census form.
"Income from work (except work at personal subsidiary plots)" - for those who would be paid for their work in cash or in kind, including farm labor.
"Personal subsidiary plot" - for those who are engaged in farming and/or cattle breeding at their personal subsidiary plots (including orchards and vegetable gardens). This source should be indicated for those engaged in farming, livestock or poultry breeding, essentially for family use.
"Scholarship" - for students who receive a scholarship (including scholarship paid to students by the sponsor enterprise or organization, or employment service).
"Pension (except a disability pension)" - for those who receive a retirement (old age) pension, pension for the loss of a breadwinner, long-service pension, or social pension. Check off the appropriate prompt for those entitled to a pension, and not those who collect it. Thus, a pension paid to a child because of the loss of a breadwinner should be indicated in the child's census form and not in his/her mother's form - even if she is the recipient of the pension.
"Disability pension" - for those who receive a disability pension. Mark the appropriate prompt for those who are entitled to a pension, and not those who receive it.
"Allowance (except unemployment benefit)" - for those entitled to monthly allowance:

- For the period of child rearing leave up to 18 months granted to working mothers, to working mothers attending part-time educational establishments or studying by correspondence, as well as to mothers in the military service under a contract, or to persons substituting them (the prompt should be marked for the woman herself or for the person substituting her);
- Children up to 16 years, as well as students of comprehensive educational institutions - until their graduation but not after the age of 18 years (the prompt should be marked for the child);
- Spouses of servicemen in military service under a contract living together with the spouses in the areas where they cannot find a job matching their qualification;
- Children up to 16 years whose parents evade to pay alimony, etc.

The "Allowance" prompt is marked for those entitled to it and not for those who collect it (e.g., if an allowance is granted to a child. and is received by the mother, the appropriate prompt should be marked for the child, and not the mother).
[p. 53]
"Unemployment benefit" - for those registered with the bodies of population employment service as unemployed and enjoying the unemployment benefit, as well as welfare granted by the employment foundation.
"Other types of governmental social welfare" - for inmates of children's homes, students of boarding schools, persons living in old people's and nursing homes etc., persons living on governmental welfare (population of collective households).
"Savings" - for those whose source of livelihood are savings, interest on deposits or securities.
"Income from renting or leasing of property" - for those receiving income in the form of rental fee for rented land, apartment, garage etc.
"Dependent on someone for support" - for those dependent on relatives or other persons, or alimony beneficiaries. If alimony is paid to minors, the "Dependent" option is marked for children, and not for the mother or father, though they may be the physical recipients of the alimony.
"Other source" - for those whose source of livelihood is different from the above (e.g., mendicancy, or collection and return of empty bottles etc.).

Russia 2002 — source variable RU2002A_INCDIS — Income from disability pension
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14. Indicate all sources of income available to you
[] 1 Income from work (except work on a private subsidiary plot)
[] 2 Private subsidiary plot
[] 3 Grant
[] 4 Pension
[] 5 Benefit (except unemployment benefit)
[] 6 Unemployment benefit
[] 7 Other form of State support
[] 8 Savings
[] 9 Income from lease or rental of property
[] 10 Interest on investments and securities
[] 11 Dependent
[] 12 Other source
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Question 10. Indicate all your sources of livelihood (means of sustenance)
Before asking the question, let the respondent get acquainted with the card (a list of sources of livelihood). After he/she has looked through the list, the respondent should declare one or several sources of livelihood chosen from the suggested prompts.
Mark one or several prompts from twelve options suggested in the census form.
"Income from work (except work at personal subsidiary plots)" - for those who would be paid for their work in cash or in kind, including farm labor.
"Personal subsidiary plot" - for those who are engaged in farming and/or cattle breeding at their personal subsidiary plots (including orchards and vegetable gardens). This source should be indicated for those engaged in farming, livestock or poultry breeding, essentially for family use.
"Scholarship" - for students who receive a scholarship (including scholarship paid to students by the sponsor enterprise or organization, or employment service).
"Pension (except a disability pension)" - for those who receive a retirement (old age) pension, pension for the loss of a breadwinner, long-service pension, or social pension. Check off the appropriate prompt for those entitled to a pension, and not those who collect it. Thus, a pension paid to a child because of the loss of a breadwinner should be indicated in the child's census form and not in his/her mother's form - even if she is the recipient of the pension.
"Disability pension" - for those who receive a disability pension. Mark the appropriate prompt for those who are entitled to a pension, and not those who receive it.
"Allowance (except unemployment benefit)" - for those entitled to monthly allowance:

- For the period of child rearing leave up to 18 months granted to working mothers, to working mothers attending part-time educational establishments or studying by correspondence, as well as to mothers in the military service under a contract, or to persons substituting them (the prompt should be marked for the woman herself or for the person substituting her);
- Children up to 16 years, as well as students of comprehensive educational institutions - until their graduation but not after the age of 18 years (the prompt should be marked for the child);
- Spouses of servicemen in military service under a contract living together with the spouses in the areas where they cannot find a job matching their qualification;
- Children up to 16 years whose parents evade to pay alimony, etc.

The "Allowance" prompt is marked for those entitled to it and not for those who collect it (e.g., if an allowance is granted to a child. and is received by the mother, the appropriate prompt should be marked for the child, and not the mother).
[p. 53]
"Unemployment benefit" - for those registered with the bodies of population employment service as unemployed and enjoying the unemployment benefit, as well as welfare granted by the employment foundation.
"Other types of governmental social welfare" - for inmates of children's homes, students of boarding schools, persons living in old people's and nursing homes etc., persons living on governmental welfare (population of collective households).
"Savings" - for those whose source of livelihood are savings, interest on deposits or securities.
"Income from renting or leasing of property" - for those receiving income in the form of rental fee for rented land, apartment, garage etc.
"Dependent on someone for support" - for those dependent on relatives or other persons, or alimony beneficiaries. If alimony is paid to minors, the "Dependent" option is marked for children, and not for the mother or father, though they may be the physical recipients of the alimony.
"Other source" - for those whose source of livelihood is different from the above (e.g., mendicancy, or collection and return of empty bottles etc.).

Russia 2010 — source variable RU2010A_INCPENS — Income from pension
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10. Sources of subsistence (income)

10.1 Declare all available sources of subsistence

Show the card to the respondent (the number of answers is not limited)
[] 1 Work, including the second job
[] 2 Work at one's own / private plot
[] 3 Scholarship (stipend)
[] 4 Pension (except disability pension)
[] 5 Disability pension
[] 6 Welfare benefits (except unemployment)
[] 7 Unemployment benefits
[] 8 Other type of state social welfare (state assistance or care)
[] 9 Savings, dividends, banking interest
[] 10 Income from ownership, rent, patents or copyrights
[] 11 Support by parents or other persons, alimony
[] 12 Other source, specify ____
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Section 10. Means of living

Question 10.1. Indicate all your means of living.
Asking a question, a respondent shall be shown a Card for a respondent (form No 10), on the face side of which the list of all answers to the question 10.1 is given. Upon acquaintance with a list, a respondent will choose an answer - one or several.
[Omitted example forms.]

In accordance with an answer, marks shall be put in a census paper - they shall correspond to one or several given variants.


"1 - Labor activity, including part-time job" - will be indicated by those, who receive a fee in money or who are paid in kind for the labor activity (salary, wages, award, bonus, payment by results and the like), has one-time earnings (temporary, casual), one-time job (temporary and extra), part-time jobs, or earn profit from business (commercial) activity (their own business); grants are included, if they are set for the work carried out, money award paid to writers, artists, actors, lawyers and people of similar professions, various additional payments to the basic salary (for example, additional payment to the title "honored worker of culture"). Such means of living shall be indicated by those keeping farm, raising agricultural products, animals and poultry generally for sale, seasonal workers and individuals who work on rotational basis.
Such means shall be indicated by those working individuals who as of the date of population census are on sick-live certificate, on paid leave (regular, pregnancy and delivery, nursing care and etc.) or on unpaid leave on the initiative of plant management (institution, organization) for a period of no longer than 6 months.
"2 - Personal household plot" - will be indicated by those who are occupied at their own household plots (including cottage, gardens and kitchen gardens etc.) with agricultural works and (or) cattle breeding, fishing, hunting, gathering of wild fruit and mushrooms, provided that agricultural output is intended for their own consumption, generally.
"3 - Scholarship" - will be indicated by those studying and receiving scholarships (including scholarships paid to the students who are assigned on training by the entity or organization, placement service).
"4 - Pension (except for the disability pension)" - is indicated by those who receive old-age pension (by the age), social pension and pension in case of the breadwinner loss, for years of service (for example, to the military servants, federal civil office employee, cosmonauts, first-flight officers).
Money compensation of benefits to the pensioners (including labor veterans, disabled people, exonerated, residents of besieged Leningrad, etc.) for free transportation, medical treatment, medicaments, etc., and also additional state pension (from non-governmental pension fund), additional payments of pension from the enterprises (organizations) are considered to be the part of the main pension and are not registered as a separate source.
Mark corresponding to this prompt shall be indicated by the person to whom such compensation is provided, not by who receives it. Thus pension for the breadwinner's loss that is provided to a child, shall be marked for a child even being received by his mother.
"5 - Disability pension" - is indicated by the one, who receives pension for disabled. Mark corresponding to this prompt shall should be indicated by the person to whom it is provided, not by who receives it.
The right to receive two pensions simultaneously - "pension (except for the disability pension)" and "disability pension" is provided to:

- Participants of the Great Patriotic war (governmental disability pension and labor pension for the old-aged);
- Citizens awarded with the sign "resident of besieged Leningrad" (governmental disability pension and labor pension for the old-aged);
- Citizens who became disabled as a result of military trauma (governmental disability pension and labor pension for the old-aged).
In certain cases second pension can be provided to:
- Widows of military servants who were killed when they were on military service by conscription as a result of military trauma, and who did not conclude a new marriage;
- Parents of military servants doing military service by conscription who were killed when they were on military service or who died as a result of military trauma after discharge.

"6 - Benefits (except for unemployment benefits)" - will be marked for those who are provided with the following monthly public benefits:

a) During parental leave (till the age of 1,5) is marked for mothers, or fathers, or tutors, or other relatives (if mother and (or) father are dead, have limited parental rights, recognized as legally incapable, etc.), who provide factual care about the child;
b) Entitlement payments from enterprises to mothers who worked at the enterprise, organization before the child birth, which are paid till the child reaches the age of 3 years;
c) Benefits and payments to tutor (guardian) for the child raising, who are in tutorship (guardianship);
d) Monthly benefits to children (this prompt is marked for a child), which are provided to:
- Each child at the age of 0-16 years, also to the students of institutions of secondary education institutions until their graduation but up till they are 18 years old in families with amount of per capita income that gives the right to such benefit in accordance with legislation of the subjects of the Russian Federation;
- Children of the servicemen doing military service by conscription (benefit is given from the day of child's birth, but no earlier than the day of parent's military service commencement by conscription, till the child is 3 years old, but not later than his parent's military service is over);
- Children of the killed (dead) parents, gone missing during their military duty performance till the child is 18 years old (for those who study in educational institutions full-time - until graduation, until they are 23 years old);
- Children at the age of 16, whose parents evade payments of alimony;
e) Monthly benefits to wives (husbands) of servicemen doing military service by conscription, living together with their husbands (wives) in the area where they can not work in their field of expertise due to the lack of employment opportunities;
f) Compensatory payments to students of higher, secondary professional institutions in academic leave for medical reasons and postgraduates studying out of work;
g) Subsidies for housing and utility services payments.
We wish to draw your attention that "6 - Benefits (except for unemployment benefits)" is marked for the one who is provided with it, not the one who receives it.
"7 - Unemployment benefits" will be marked for those registered in the bodies of employment service as unemployed and who receive unemployment benefits, and financial support at the expense of employment fund.
"8 - Another type of state support" - will be marked for inmates of children' homes, students of boarding schools, people who live in nursing homes for senior or disabled citizens, etc., those who are under government support.
"9 - Savings; dividends; interest" will be marked for those who have money savings due to previously received financial income which was not spent, heritage, and also for those who receives dividends and interest accrued on money deposits and securities.
"10 - Property lease and renting; income from patents, author's rights" - will be marked for those who get income in the form of rentals for the rented apartments, garage or other property (personal and real property), and also income from patents, author's rights, royalty (reward paid to the author or its offsprings for use of scientific discovery, literary work and artwork).
"Maintenance; support of other people; alimony" - will be marked for those supported by parents, relatives, children and other individuals, and also for those who are provided with alimony payments. If alimony is paid to minor children, this mark will be given to children and not mother or father who actually receive the alimony.
"12 - Another source" - will be marked for those whose source of living is something different not listed above (for example, begging, collecting and returning of bottles, cardboard etc.). If a respondent stated another source of living means, he shall be asked to specify the answer and write it down in an appropriate field. Income from secondary employment or work-ups shall not be written in this field (it applies to the source "1 - Labor activity, including part-time job".

Russia 2010 — source variable RU2010A_INCDIS — Income from disability pension
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10. Sources of subsistence (income)

10.1 Declare all available sources of subsistence

Show the card to the respondent (the number of answers is not limited)
[] 1 Work, including the second job
[] 2 Work at one's own / private plot
[] 3 Scholarship (stipend)
[] 4 Pension (except disability pension)
[] 5 Disability pension
[] 6 Welfare benefits (except unemployment)
[] 7 Unemployment benefits
[] 8 Other type of state social welfare (state assistance or care)
[] 9 Savings, dividends, banking interest
[] 10 Income from ownership, rent, patents or copyrights
[] 11 Support by parents or other persons, alimony
[] 12 Other source, specify ____
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Section 10. Means of living

Question 10.1. Indicate all your means of living.
Asking a question, a respondent shall be shown a Card for a respondent (form No 10), on the face side of which the list of all answers to the question 10.1 is given. Upon acquaintance with a list, a respondent will choose an answer - one or several.
[Omitted example forms.]

In accordance with an answer, marks shall be put in a census paper - they shall correspond to one or several given variants.


"1 - Labor activity, including part-time job" - will be indicated by those, who receive a fee in money or who are paid in kind for the labor activity (salary, wages, award, bonus, payment by results and the like), has one-time earnings (temporary, casual), one-time job (temporary and extra), part-time jobs, or earn profit from business (commercial) activity (their own business); grants are included, if they are set for the work carried out, money award paid to writers, artists, actors, lawyers and people of similar professions, various additional payments to the basic salary (for example, additional payment to the title "honored worker of culture"). Such means of living shall be indicated by those keeping farm, raising agricultural products, animals and poultry generally for sale, seasonal workers and individuals who work on rotational basis.
Such means shall be indicated by those working individuals who as of the date of population census are on sick-live certificate, on paid leave (regular, pregnancy and delivery, nursing care and etc.) or on unpaid leave on the initiative of plant management (institution, organization) for a period of no longer than 6 months.
"2 - Personal household plot" - will be indicated by those who are occupied at their own household plots (including cottage, gardens and kitchen gardens etc.) with agricultural works and (or) cattle breeding, fishing, hunting, gathering of wild fruit and mushrooms, provided that agricultural output is intended for their own consumption, generally.
"3 - Scholarship" - will be indicated by those studying and receiving scholarships (including scholarships paid to the students who are assigned on training by the entity or organization, placement service).
"4 - Pension (except for the disability pension)" - is indicated by those who receive old-age pension (by the age), social pension and pension in case of the breadwinner loss, for years of service (for example, to the military servants, federal civil office employee, cosmonauts, first-flight officers).
Money compensation of benefits to the pensioners (including labor veterans, disabled people, exonerated, residents of besieged Leningrad, etc.) for free transportation, medical treatment, medicaments, etc., and also additional state pension (from non-governmental pension fund), additional payments of pension from the enterprises (organizations) are considered to be the part of the main pension and are not registered as a separate source.
Mark corresponding to this prompt shall be indicated by the person to whom such compensation is provided, not by who receives it. Thus pension for the breadwinner's loss that is provided to a child, shall be marked for a child even being received by his mother.
"5 - Disability pension" - is indicated by the one, who receives pension for disabled. Mark corresponding to this prompt shall should be indicated by the person to whom it is provided, not by who receives it.
The right to receive two pensions simultaneously - "pension (except for the disability pension)" and "disability pension" is provided to:

- Participants of the Great Patriotic war (governmental disability pension and labor pension for the old-aged);
- Citizens awarded with the sign "resident of besieged Leningrad" (governmental disability pension and labor pension for the old-aged);
- Citizens who became disabled as a result of military trauma (governmental disability pension and labor pension for the old-aged).
In certain cases second pension can be provided to:
- Widows of military servants who were killed when they were on military service by conscription as a result of military trauma, and who did not conclude a new marriage;
- Parents of military servants doing military service by conscription who were killed when they were on military service or who died as a result of military trauma after discharge.

"6 - Benefits (except for unemployment benefits)" - will be marked for those who are provided with the following monthly public benefits:

a) During parental leave (till the age of 1,5) is marked for mothers, or fathers, or tutors, or other relatives (if mother and (or) father are dead, have limited parental rights, recognized as legally incapable, etc.), who provide factual care about the child;
b) Entitlement payments from enterprises to mothers who worked at the enterprise, organization before the child birth, which are paid till the child reaches the age of 3 years;
c) Benefits and payments to tutor (guardian) for the child raising, who are in tutorship (guardianship);
d) Monthly benefits to children (this prompt is marked for a child), which are provided to:
- Each child at the age of 0-16 years, also to the students of institutions of secondary education institutions until their graduation but up till they are 18 years old in families with amount of per capita income that gives the right to such benefit in accordance with legislation of the subjects of the Russian Federation;
- Children of the servicemen doing military service by conscription (benefit is given from the day of child's birth, but no earlier than the day of parent's military service commencement by conscription, till the child is 3 years old, but not later than his parent's military service is over);
- Children of the killed (dead) parents, gone missing during their military duty performance till the child is 18 years old (for those who study in educational institutions full-time - until graduation, until they are 23 years old);
- Children at the age of 16, whose parents evade payments of alimony;
e) Monthly benefits to wives (husbands) of servicemen doing military service by conscription, living together with their husbands (wives) in the area where they can not work in their field of expertise due to the lack of employment opportunities;
f) Compensatory payments to students of higher, secondary professional institutions in academic leave for medical reasons and postgraduates studying out of work;
g) Subsidies for housing and utility services payments.
We wish to draw your attention that "6 - Benefits (except for unemployment benefits)" is marked for the one who is provided with it, not the one who receives it.
"7 - Unemployment benefits" will be marked for those registered in the bodies of employment service as unemployed and who receive unemployment benefits, and financial support at the expense of employment fund.
"8 - Another type of state support" - will be marked for inmates of children' homes, students of boarding schools, people who live in nursing homes for senior or disabled citizens, etc., those who are under government support.
"9 - Savings; dividends; interest" will be marked for those who have money savings due to previously received financial income which was not spent, heritage, and also for those who receives dividends and interest accrued on money deposits and securities.
"10 - Property lease and renting; income from patents, author's rights" - will be marked for those who get income in the form of rentals for the rented apartments, garage or other property (personal and real property), and also income from patents, author's rights, royalty (reward paid to the author or its offsprings for use of scientific discovery, literary work and artwork).
"Maintenance; support of other people; alimony" - will be marked for those supported by parents, relatives, children and other individuals, and also for those who are provided with alimony payments. If alimony is paid to minor children, this mark will be given to children and not mother or father who actually receive the alimony.
"12 - Another source" - will be marked for those whose source of living is something different not listed above (for example, begging, collecting and returning of bottles, cardboard etc.). If a respondent stated another source of living means, he shall be asked to specify the answer and write it down in an appropriate field. Income from secondary employment or work-ups shall not be written in this field (it applies to the source "1 - Labor activity, including part-time job".

South Africa 2007 — source variable ZA2007A_GRANTOA — Social grant - old age pension
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P-25 Type of social grant
What type(s) of social /government grant does (the person) receive?
[Question P-25 was asked of persons who received social/government grant, per question P-24.]
Mark any that apply with an X.
[] 1 Old age pension
[] 2 Disability grant
[] 3 Child support grant (linked to a child)
[] 4 Care dependency grant
[] 5 Foster care grant
[] 6 Grant in aid
[] 7 Social relief

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Social grant
Read out: I'm now going to ask about social grants that each person may be receiving. By social grants, we mean financial assistance given by the government to people who have no other means of support or income.

(P-24) Social grant: Does (the person) receive any social / government grant?
This question must be answered for all persons listed on the flap.
A social grant is financial assistance received from the government.

If the answer is "No" code 2 or "Do not know'" code 3, Go to P-26.

(P-25) Type of social grant: What type/s of social/ government grant does (the person) receive?
Ask only if "Yes, code 1" to P-24. If the person receives any social / government grant, record which he/she receives. There may be more than one answer.

Read out list from questionnaire and mark the appropriate boxes with an X.


  • Old age grant - money received from government as a grant to men (65 years or older) and women (60 years or older) who have no other means of financial support.
  • Disability grant - grant received from government by adults (men 18-64 years old and women 18-60 years old), who are classified as disabled and who have no other means of financial support. To qualify for this grant, a person must submit a medical or assessment report confirming disability. Note people with diseases such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, cancer, etc., who have been proven through a medical assessment as unable to work for a certain period, qualify for a disability grant.
  • Child support grant - this is a Government grant given to children (0-11 years old) in underprivileged families. NB: This grant linked to a child and should be indicated on the column meant for the child.
  • Care dependency grant - money received by disabled children (1 - 18 years old).
  • Foster care grant - money given to adults who are looking after children from orphanages for a certain period of time, usually legally stipulated. These are not adopted children, but fostered ones.
  • Grant in aid - this is an additional grant awarded to persons who are in receipt of other grants e.g. old age grant, disability, war veterans, etc., and who are unable to care for themselves and have someone looking after them on a full-time basis.
  • Social relief - a temporary provision of financial assistance intended for persons in such dire material need that they are unable to meet their or their family's most basic needs, e.g., people who have lost their possessions through natural disasters like floods or fires etc.

South Africa 2007 — source variable ZA2007A_GRANTD — Social grant - disability grant
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P-25 Type of social grant
What type(s) of social /government grant does (the person) receive?
[Question P-25 was asked of persons who received social/government grant, per question P-24.]
Mark any that apply with an X.
[] 1 Old age pension
[] 2 Disability grant
[] 3 Child support grant (linked to a child)
[] 4 Care dependency grant
[] 5 Foster care grant
[] 6 Grant in aid
[] 7 Social relief

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Social grant
Read out: I'm now going to ask about social grants that each person may be receiving. By social grants, we mean financial assistance given by the government to people who have no other means of support or income.

(P-24) Social grant: Does (the person) receive any social / government grant?
This question must be answered for all persons listed on the flap.
A social grant is financial assistance received from the government.

If the answer is "No" code 2 or "Do not know'" code 3, Go to P-26.

(P-25) Type of social grant: What type/s of social/ government grant does (the person) receive?
Ask only if "Yes, code 1" to P-24. If the person receives any social / government grant, record which he/she receives. There may be more than one answer.

Read out list from questionnaire and mark the appropriate boxes with an X.


  • Old age grant - money received from government as a grant to men (65 years or older) and women (60 years or older) who have no other means of financial support.
  • Disability grant - grant received from government by adults (men 18-64 years old and women 18-60 years old), who are classified as disabled and who have no other means of financial support. To qualify for this grant, a person must submit a medical or assessment report confirming disability. Note people with diseases such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, cancer, etc., who have been proven through a medical assessment as unable to work for a certain period, qualify for a disability grant.
  • Child support grant - this is a Government grant given to children (0-11 years old) in underprivileged families. NB: This grant linked to a child and should be indicated on the column meant for the child.
  • Care dependency grant - money received by disabled children (1 - 18 years old).
  • Foster care grant - money given to adults who are looking after children from orphanages for a certain period of time, usually legally stipulated. These are not adopted children, but fostered ones.
  • Grant in aid - this is an additional grant awarded to persons who are in receipt of other grants e.g. old age grant, disability, war veterans, etc., and who are unable to care for themselves and have someone looking after them on a full-time basis.
  • Social relief - a temporary provision of financial assistance intended for persons in such dire material need that they are unable to meet their or their family's most basic needs, e.g., people who have lost their possessions through natural disasters like floods or fires etc.

South Africa 2007 — source variable ZA2007A_GRANTCS — Social grant - child support grant
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P-25 Type of social grant
What type(s) of social /government grant does (the person) receive?
[Question P-25 was asked of persons who received social/government grant, per question P-24.]
Mark any that apply with an X.
[] 1 Old age pension
[] 2 Disability grant
[] 3 Child support grant (linked to a child)
[] 4 Care dependency grant
[] 5 Foster care grant
[] 6 Grant in aid
[] 7 Social relief

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Social grant
Read out: I'm now going to ask about social grants that each person may be receiving. By social grants, we mean financial assistance given by the government to people who have no other means of support or income.

(P-24) Social grant: Does (the person) receive any social / government grant?
This question must be answered for all persons listed on the flap.
A social grant is financial assistance received from the government.

If the answer is "No" code 2 or "Do not know'" code 3, Go to P-26.

(P-25) Type of social grant: What type/s of social/ government grant does (the person) receive?
Ask only if "Yes, code 1" to P-24. If the person receives any social / government grant, record which he/she receives. There may be more than one answer.

Read out list from questionnaire and mark the appropriate boxes with an X.


  • Old age grant - money received from government as a grant to men (65 years or older) and women (60 years or older) who have no other means of financial support.
  • Disability grant - grant received from government by adults (men 18-64 years old and women 18-60 years old), who are classified as disabled and who have no other means of financial support. To qualify for this grant, a person must submit a medical or assessment report confirming disability. Note people with diseases such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, cancer, etc., who have been proven through a medical assessment as unable to work for a certain period, qualify for a disability grant.
  • Child support grant - this is a Government grant given to children (0-11 years old) in underprivileged families. NB: This grant linked to a child and should be indicated on the column meant for the child.
  • Care dependency grant - money received by disabled children (1 - 18 years old).
  • Foster care grant - money given to adults who are looking after children from orphanages for a certain period of time, usually legally stipulated. These are not adopted children, but fostered ones.
  • Grant in aid - this is an additional grant awarded to persons who are in receipt of other grants e.g. old age grant, disability, war veterans, etc., and who are unable to care for themselves and have someone looking after them on a full-time basis.
  • Social relief - a temporary provision of financial assistance intended for persons in such dire material need that they are unable to meet their or their family's most basic needs, e.g., people who have lost their possessions through natural disasters like floods or fires etc.

South Africa 2007 — source variable ZA2007A_GRANTDC — Social grant - care dependency grant
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P-25 Type of social grant
What type(s) of social /government grant does (the person) receive?
[Question P-25 was asked of persons who received social/government grant, per question P-24.]
Mark any that apply with an X.
[] 1 Old age pension
[] 2 Disability grant
[] 3 Child support grant (linked to a child)
[] 4 Care dependency grant
[] 5 Foster care grant
[] 6 Grant in aid
[] 7 Social relief

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Social grant
Read out: I'm now going to ask about social grants that each person may be receiving. By social grants, we mean financial assistance given by the government to people who have no other means of support or income.

(P-24) Social grant: Does (the person) receive any social / government grant?
This question must be answered for all persons listed on the flap.
A social grant is financial assistance received from the government.

If the answer is "No" code 2 or "Do not know'" code 3, Go to P-26.

(P-25) Type of social grant: What type/s of social/ government grant does (the person) receive?
Ask only if "Yes, code 1" to P-24. If the person receives any social / government grant, record which he/she receives. There may be more than one answer.

Read out list from questionnaire and mark the appropriate boxes with an X.


  • Old age grant - money received from government as a grant to men (65 years or older) and women (60 years or older) who have no other means of financial support.
  • Disability grant - grant received from government by adults (men 18-64 years old and women 18-60 years old), who are classified as disabled and who have no other means of financial support. To qualify for this grant, a person must submit a medical or assessment report confirming disability. Note people with diseases such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, cancer, etc., who have been proven through a medical assessment as unable to work for a certain period, qualify for a disability grant.
  • Child support grant - this is a Government grant given to children (0-11 years old) in underprivileged families. NB: This grant linked to a child and should be indicated on the column meant for the child.
  • Care dependency grant - money received by disabled children (1 - 18 years old).
  • Foster care grant - money given to adults who are looking after children from orphanages for a certain period of time, usually legally stipulated. These are not adopted children, but fostered ones.
  • Grant in aid - this is an additional grant awarded to persons who are in receipt of other grants e.g. old age grant, disability, war veterans, etc., and who are unable to care for themselves and have someone looking after them on a full-time basis.
  • Social relief - a temporary provision of financial assistance intended for persons in such dire material need that they are unable to meet their or their family's most basic needs, e.g., people who have lost their possessions through natural disasters like floods or fires etc.

South Africa 2007 — source variable ZA2007A_GRANTFC — Social grant - foster care grant
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P-25 Type of social grant
What type(s) of social /government grant does (the person) receive?
[Question P-25 was asked of persons who received social/government grant, per question P-24.]
Mark any that apply with an X.
[] 1 Old age pension
[] 2 Disability grant
[] 3 Child support grant (linked to a child)
[] 4 Care dependency grant
[] 5 Foster care grant
[] 6 Grant in aid
[] 7 Social relief

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Social grant
Read out: I'm now going to ask about social grants that each person may be receiving. By social grants, we mean financial assistance given by the government to people who have no other means of support or income.

(P-24) Social grant: Does (the person) receive any social / government grant?
This question must be answered for all persons listed on the flap.
A social grant is financial assistance received from the government.

If the answer is "No" code 2 or "Do not know'" code 3, Go to P-26.

(P-25) Type of social grant: What type/s of social/ government grant does (the person) receive?
Ask only if "Yes, code 1" to P-24. If the person receives any social / government grant, record which he/she receives. There may be more than one answer.

Read out list from questionnaire and mark the appropriate boxes with an X.


  • Old age grant - money received from government as a grant to men (65 years or older) and women (60 years or older) who have no other means of financial support.
  • Disability grant - grant received from government by adults (men 18-64 years old and women 18-60 years old), who are classified as disabled and who have no other means of financial support. To qualify for this grant, a person must submit a medical or assessment report confirming disability. Note people with diseases such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, cancer, etc., who have been proven through a medical assessment as unable to work for a certain period, qualify for a disability grant.
  • Child support grant - this is a Government grant given to children (0-11 years old) in underprivileged families. NB: This grant linked to a child and should be indicated on the column meant for the child.
  • Care dependency grant - money received by disabled children (1 - 18 years old).
  • Foster care grant - money given to adults who are looking after children from orphanages for a certain period of time, usually legally stipulated. These are not adopted children, but fostered ones.
  • Grant in aid - this is an additional grant awarded to persons who are in receipt of other grants e.g. old age grant, disability, war veterans, etc., and who are unable to care for themselves and have someone looking after them on a full-time basis.
  • Social relief - a temporary provision of financial assistance intended for persons in such dire material need that they are unable to meet their or their family's most basic needs, e.g., people who have lost their possessions through natural disasters like floods or fires etc.

South Africa 2007 — source variable ZA2007A_GRANTIA — Social grant - grant in aid
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P-25 Type of social grant
What type(s) of social /government grant does (the person) receive?
[Question P-25 was asked of persons who received social/government grant, per question P-24.]
Mark any that apply with an X.
[] 1 Old age pension
[] 2 Disability grant
[] 3 Child support grant (linked to a child)
[] 4 Care dependency grant
[] 5 Foster care grant
[] 6 Grant in aid
[] 7 Social relief

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Social grant
Read out: I'm now going to ask about social grants that each person may be receiving. By social grants, we mean financial assistance given by the government to people who have no other means of support or income.

(P-24) Social grant: Does (the person) receive any social / government grant?
This question must be answered for all persons listed on the flap.
A social grant is financial assistance received from the government.

If the answer is "No" code 2 or "Do not know'" code 3, Go to P-26.

(P-25) Type of social grant: What type/s of social/ government grant does (the person) receive?
Ask only if "Yes, code 1" to P-24. If the person receives any social / government grant, record which he/she receives. There may be more than one answer.

Read out list from questionnaire and mark the appropriate boxes with an X.


  • Old age grant - money received from government as a grant to men (65 years or older) and women (60 years or older) who have no other means of financial support.
  • Disability grant - grant received from government by adults (men 18-64 years old and women 18-60 years old), who are classified as disabled and who have no other means of financial support. To qualify for this grant, a person must submit a medical or assessment report confirming disability. Note people with diseases such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, cancer, etc., who have been proven through a medical assessment as unable to work for a certain period, qualify for a disability grant.
  • Child support grant - this is a Government grant given to children (0-11 years old) in underprivileged families. NB: This grant linked to a child and should be indicated on the column meant for the child.
  • Care dependency grant - money received by disabled children (1 - 18 years old).
  • Foster care grant - money given to adults who are looking after children from orphanages for a certain period of time, usually legally stipulated. These are not adopted children, but fostered ones.
  • Grant in aid - this is an additional grant awarded to persons who are in receipt of other grants e.g. old age grant, disability, war veterans, etc., and who are unable to care for themselves and have someone looking after them on a full-time basis.
  • Social relief - a temporary provision of financial assistance intended for persons in such dire material need that they are unable to meet their or their family's most basic needs, e.g., people who have lost their possessions through natural disasters like floods or fires etc.

Switzerland 2011 — source variable CH2011A_ACTDISAB — Labor market status, disabled and receiving a pension
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Personal questionnaire

11. What is your current labour market situation?

Please tick everything that applies (more than one answer is possible). Casual jobs should also be entered. Tick ''in employment'' if:
- You work at least one hour per week for payment, or;
- You work in a family business without payment, or
- You are temporarily away from work (on holiday, sick leave or paid maternity leave, military / community service) but are otherwise employed or self-employed.

Apprentices should select both ''in employment'' and ''undergoing training.''

[] 1 In full-time employment
[] 2 In part-time employment
[] 3 In several part-time employments
[] 4 Seeking a job (whether or not registered for unemployment insurance)
[] 5 Undergoing training (school, studies, apprenticeship)
[] 6 Looking after home or family
[] 7 Disabled or partially disabled (e.g. person in receipt of Federal Disability Insurance)
[] 8 Retired (in receipt of AHV (retirement) or other pension), or pensioner in receipt of benefit other than disability insurance
[] 9 Other non-employed situation

[If 1, 2, or 3 is chosen,] average number of hours worked per week: _ _

25. In the following columns, enter all persons except for person 1 from question 24, keeping the same numbers for each person.

Person 1 is the person who completed the personal questionnaire

[Asked only of those who do not live alone in question 23.]

Person 2
1. First name: ____
2. Year of birth: (YYYY): _ _ _ _
3. Month of birth: (MM): _ _
Person 3
1. First name: ____
2. Year of birth: (YYYY): _ _ _ _
3. Month of birth: (MM): _ _
[Same questions are repeated for persons 4 - 6 and omitted from this form]

30. What is the person's occupational status?

Only one answer.

[Asked only of those who do not live alone in question 23.]

Only to be completed by persons in employment (incl. apprentices). Refer to the person's main occupation.

Person 2
[] 1 Self-employed or owner of the stock corporation or plc
[] 2 Relative employed in family business
[] 3 Employed as director or board member
[] 4 Employee with managerial responsibility
[] 5 Employee without managerial responsibility (including apprentice)
[Same questions are repeated for persons 3 - 6 and omitted from this form]

Switzerland 2011 — source variable CH2011A_ACTRETIRE — Labor market status, retired and receiving a pension
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Personal questionnaire

11. What is your current labour market situation?

Please tick everything that applies (more than one answer is possible). Casual jobs should also be entered. Tick ''in employment'' if:
- You work at least one hour per week for payment, or;
- You work in a family business without payment, or
- You are temporarily away from work (on holiday, sick leave or paid maternity leave, military / community service) but are otherwise employed or self-employed.

Apprentices should select both ''in employment'' and ''undergoing training.''

[] 1 In full-time employment
[] 2 In part-time employment
[] 3 In several part-time employments
[] 4 Seeking a job (whether or not registered for unemployment insurance)
[] 5 Undergoing training (school, studies, apprenticeship)
[] 6 Looking after home or family
[] 7 Disabled or partially disabled (e.g. person in receipt of Federal Disability Insurance)
[] 8 Retired (in receipt of AHV (retirement) or other pension), or pensioner in receipt of benefit other than disability insurance
[] 9 Other non-employed situation

[If 1, 2, or 3 is chosen,] average number of hours worked per week: _ _

25. In the following columns, enter all persons except for person 1 from question 24, keeping the same numbers for each person.

Person 1 is the person who completed the personal questionnaire

[Asked only of those who do not live alone in question 23.]

Person 2
1. First name: ____
2. Year of birth: (YYYY): _ _ _ _
3. Month of birth: (MM): _ _
Person 3
1. First name: ____
2. Year of birth: (YYYY): _ _ _ _
3. Month of birth: (MM): _ _
[Same questions are repeated for persons 4 - 6 and omitted from this form]

30. What is the person's occupational status?

Only one answer.

[Asked only of those who do not live alone in question 23.]

Only to be completed by persons in employment (incl. apprentices). Refer to the person's main occupation.

Person 2
[] 1 Self-employed or owner of the stock corporation or plc
[] 2 Relative employed in family business
[] 3 Employed as director or board member
[] 4 Employee with managerial responsibility
[] 5 Employee without managerial responsibility (including apprentice)
[Same questions are repeated for persons 3 - 6 and omitted from this form]

Ukraine 2001 — source variable UA2001A_INCPENS — Pension
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13. Sources of living

[] 1 Work for enterprise, organization, institution, farm
[] 2 Work for private persons
[] 3 Self-employed (own enterprise)
[] 4 Work performed on the individual basis
[] 5 Work at own agriculture farm
[] 6 Work without payment at family enterprise
[] 7 Work at private subsidiary agriculture
[] 8 Income from property
[] 9 Pension
[] 10 Scholarship
[] 11 Benefits (excluding unemployment allowances)
[] 12 Unemployment allowances
[] 13 Other government social security
[] 14 Dependent
[] 15 Other source
No of the main source of living ____
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Question 13 - Your sources of living
Before you ask questions, you must give the respondent a card with a list of sources of living.


After reviewing the card respondent indicates one or more sources of living among the listed. Based on the received response in the census questionnaire you should make marks that correspond to one or more of the mentioned variants of responses.

In specially outlined box you should write down the number of source of living, which the respondent considers to be the main. Thus the main source of living should be considered the source, income from which is the largest part of the total respondent's income.

Working in enterprise, organization, institution, agriculture (farmer) sector is marked to persons who have entered into a written employment agreement, contract or verbal arrangement with the administration of enterprise, organization, institution or with individual about the conditions of work as well as payment and are employed in enterprises, organizations, institutions of all forms of ownership, such as in state or municipal enterprise, agriculture (farmer) sector, joint stock company, private or joint enterprise, public or religious organization, founds, production cooperative, etc.

This source as a means of living is also marked to persons occupied an elective position;
pensioners and students who have a permanent job; those who study at training and skills development courses; persons who worked at seasonal jobs in spring, summer or autumn (such as at peat field, timber rafting (floating), water transport, fisheries), although at the time of population Census do not work; family members who work in family business for a fee on a common basis; women who were on leave to care for a child until she/he (a child) reaches the age of three or six years; persons who were on leave without retention or partial retention of wages initiated by the administration of enterprise, organization, institution; persons who do not work for three weeks or less due to job changing; persons who performed or are performing paid community work obtained through the employment service.

Working for individuals is marked to those who are employed by individuals (personal secretaries, domestic workers, nurses, drivers, guards, etc.).

Running a business of own is marked to persons who are engaged in own business as individual owners of the company or as members of the owners group of the company in order to earn income or family income in cash or in kind.


Collective owners include members of producers' cooperatives (except employed by cooperatives), members of associations and other collective enterprises. Those who are working in his/her own enterprise can carry out its own production activities both involving the employees or not.

Working on an individual basis is marked to persons who are self-employed and are not in the staff of an enterprise, institution or organization (self-employment: dentist, hairdresser, photographer, etc.); to persons who are engaged in business activities, including the production or craft (e.g., individual activities in trade, individual repair of apartments, tailoring, etc.), as well as to persons with liberal profession engaged in creative activity that brings income and are not in the staff of an enterprise, organization and institution (writers, composers, etc.).
Working at own agriculture (farming) enterprise" is marked to persons who are engaged in their own agriculture (farming) enterprise, registered according to established procedure, that uses its own or leased land and property, produces agricultural products and provides its processing and marketing. Thus the owner of such enterprise can be either an individual or household in whole or its part.

Working at the family enterprise without payment is marked to persons who do any unpaid work at the private or family enterprise, agricultural enterprise owned by one of the members of the household of that person.

Working at private plot is marked to persons who are engaged in private farm activities related to the production of agricultural products or caring for livestock, regardless the products will be used for selling (exchanging) or personal consumption .

Income from property is marked to persons who receive income from their own enterprise (at that, the owner does not work at the enterprise); persons who receive income in the form of rent for leased land, homes, cottages, garages and other property owned by the person; persons who receive income in the form of interest on deposits, credit, bank loan; shareholders who receive income in the form of dividends from the joint-stock company, currency difference for the sold shares and, etc.

Pension is marked to persons who receive old-age pension, disability pension, long service pension, survivor pension, social pension. The "pension" is marked to persons whom it is granted to, but not to those who receive it (for example, "survivor pension" that is granted for children is marked to children, but not to the mother or father, even if they receive this pension).


Scholarship is marked to persons who study and receive a scholarship (including scholars to whom a scholarship is paid by enterprises, organizations or employment service that sent them to training).

Benefits (excluding unemployment allowances) is marked to persons who receive the state social allowances. However, it is marked to those to whom this assistance is granted but not to those who receive it.

For example, for mothers or persons replacing them you should mark allowance due to pregnancy and childbirth; child care allowances until the age of three; payments to mothers (parents) who take care of three or more children under 16 years; allowance for a disabled child care; allowance for children under 16 years old (students - up to 18 years); allowance to single mothers; allowance for military servant's children; allowance for children under guardianship.

Unemployment allowances is marked to capable persons of working age who are registered at the state employment service as unemployed and receive unemployment allowances or financial aid on unemployment.

Other governmental social security is marked to orphans and pupils of boarding schools; to persons who live in nursing homes for elderly and disabled, etc.; to persons who are at government or social organization maintenance.

Dependant is marked to persons who are engaged in cooking in household, caring for children or other relatives, etc., and to persons who live off relatives or others' money.

Dependant is also marked to persons for whom alimony are paid. For example, if alimony is paid for minor children, even if it is received by their mother (father), "dependant" is marked to children but not to mother (father).

Other source is marked to persons whose source of living is a source that is not included in the mentioned above (e.g., savings) and also to ministers of religion (priests, rabbis, etc.)

Those who do not work 22 days or more due to job changing, source of their living is marked (such as "Dependant", "Other source", etc.).

Uruguay 1996 — source variable UY1996A_RETIRE — Retired or pensioned
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4. Are you retired or pensioned?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Question 4. Are you retired or pensioned?
It concerns retirements and pensions supplied by public or private organizations. It does not refer to pensions offered by people.

This is a person who has the right to retirement or pension, and not to a person who is their proxy or guardian, as in the case of minors.

Fill in the box that corresponds to "Yes" or "No", according to the response received.

Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_RETIRED — Retired
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F. Work activity

Only for persons age 14 or older

F.7 For all persons age 14 or older
[Questions 119-120.]

119. Are you?


[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No


[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No


[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No


[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

The person who does household chores

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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For everyone age 14 or older

119. Are you?

Finally this question will be asked with the objective of finding out about the inactive situation that can even simultaneously belong to a person who has a job.

A complete investigation is fundamental since it constitutes a very important reminder at the hour of consulting the income.

In all these themes a code according to the response will be circled.

Retired: a person who receives a retirement from an organization of social retirement provisions. The retired has worked in the past and has contributed to the social security system; that has generated him the right to be inactive and receive a provision from the system. This provision is called retirement and can be processed when: i) the worker arrived at some determined age and reached a minimum number of years of work; ii) being active and contributing to the system, the worker remained unable to work.

Pensioner: person who receives a pension from an organization of social retirement provisions. Unlike the retired, the pensioner receives a transfer in money

[p. 60]

(pension) without having contributed in the past to the social security system, at least for the minimum amount of time that is required in order to access retirement. The difference between being a pensioner and a retired revolves around having contributed. There are three basic reasons for which a person who did not contribute to the social security system can access a pension: i) for having an advanced age and not having other income; ii) for having "inherited" a retirement; iii) for having some disability that affects the labor activity.

Rentier : person who receives a sum of monthly, weekly, or annual sum from rent or interests of invested capital, rent, or property rent, etc.


The person who does household chores: person who is occupied with the domestic labor of his household.

You will have to keep in mind the responses obtained in this question along with the others, for example if in question 117 he indicated item 8 his response to retirement should be affirmative.

Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_PENSIONR — Pensioner
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F. Work activity

Only for persons age 14 or older

F.7 For all persons age 14 or older
[Questions 119-120.]

119. Are you?


[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No


[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No


[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No


[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

The person who does household chores

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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For everyone age 14 or older

119. Are you?

Finally this question will be asked with the objective of finding out about the inactive situation that can even simultaneously belong to a person who has a job.

A complete investigation is fundamental since it constitutes a very important reminder at the hour of consulting the income.

In all these themes a code according to the response will be circled.

Retired: a person who receives a retirement from an organization of social retirement provisions. The retired has worked in the past and has contributed to the social security system; that has generated him the right to be inactive and receive a provision from the system. This provision is called retirement and can be processed when: i) the worker arrived at some determined age and reached a minimum number of years of work; ii) being active and contributing to the system, the worker remained unable to work.

Pensioner: person who receives a pension from an organization of social retirement provisions. Unlike the retired, the pensioner receives a transfer in money

[p. 60]

(pension) without having contributed in the past to the social security system, at least for the minimum amount of time that is required in order to access retirement. The difference between being a pensioner and a retired revolves around having contributed. There are three basic reasons for which a person who did not contribute to the social security system can access a pension: i) for having an advanced age and not having other income; ii) for having "inherited" a retirement; iii) for having some disability that affects the labor activity.

Rentier : person who receives a sum of monthly, weekly, or annual sum from rent or interests of invested capital, rent, or property rent, etc.


The person who does household chores: person who is occupied with the domestic labor of his household.

You will have to keep in mind the responses obtained in this question along with the others, for example if in question 117 he indicated item 8 his response to retirement should be affirmative.

Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_PENSTYP3 — Type of pension received
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F. Work activity

Only for persons age 14 or older

F.7 For all persons age 14 or older
[Questions 119-120.]

120. If you are pensioner, what type of pension do you receive?

[] 1 Elderly pension
[] 2 Survival pension
[] 3 Disability pension
[] 4 Pension from abroad

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For everyone age 14 or older

119. Are you?

Finally this question will be asked with the objective of finding out about the inactive situation that can even simultaneously belong to a person who has a job.

A complete investigation is fundamental since it constitutes a very important reminder at the hour of consulting the income.

In all these themes a code according to the response will be circled.

Retired: a person who receives a retirement from an organization of social retirement provisions. The retired has worked in the past and has contributed to the social security system; that has generated him the right to be inactive and receive a provision from the system. This provision is called retirement and can be processed when: i) the worker arrived at some determined age and reached a minimum number of years of work; ii) being active and contributing to the system, the worker remained unable to work.

Pensioner: person who receives a pension from an organization of social retirement provisions. Unlike the retired, the pensioner receives a transfer in money

[p. 60]

(pension) without having contributed in the past to the social security system, at least for the minimum amount of time that is required in order to access retirement. The difference between being a pensioner and a retired revolves around having contributed. There are three basic reasons for which a person who did not contribute to the social security system can access a pension: i) for having an advanced age and not having other income; ii) for having "inherited" a retirement; iii) for having some disability that affects the labor activity.

Rentier : person who receives a sum of monthly, weekly, or annual sum from rent or interests of invested capital, rent, or property rent, etc.


The person who does household chores: person who is occupied with the domestic labor of his household.

You will have to keep in mind the responses obtained in this question along with the others, for example if in question 117 he indicated item 8 his response to retirement should be affirmative.

120. If you are pensioner, what type of pension do you receive?

The pensioner receives a transfer from a social security organization. Unlike the retired, he hasn't contributed to the system the minimum number of years necessary in order to retire. There are three ways of accessing the pension financed with national resources. A fourth option corresponds to the individuals that receive pensions from abroad.

Elderly pension: people receive this when they are not retired but have an advanced age (this age has been changing in the years) and are of low-income. Even when the interviewer has the intuition that the interviewee doesn't satisfy these requirements, you must mark the answer that the interviewee gives.

Survival pension: this is received by the relatives of a worker who passed away, disappeared, or is in prison (for example, the spouse, the widow, the children younger than 18, the children age 18 or older with some additional demands like for example having certain disabilities, amongst others).

Disability pension: people receive this when they are seen as unable to have labor activity

Pension from abroad: this deals with pensions paid with funds from abroad, for example the pensions of the Government of Spain, etc.

Uruguay 2011 — source variable UY2011A_RETIRED — Retired or receiving pension
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Labor Activity

For people 12 years or older:
[Questions 22-38 are asked of people aged 12 or older.]

37. Is [the respondent] retired or pensioned? (PerAL11)

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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8.7 Labor Activity

This module is directed towards people 12 years of age or alder and has the objective of determining if, from point of view of the economic activity, the members of the household are employed, unemployed, or inactive.  Additionally, it seeks to obtain information about the characteristics of the occupations (tasks, activity sector, etc.).

Is he/she retired or pensioned?

This question is directed to people twelve years of age or older.

  • Retired: person that receives a transaction from a public or private social security organism because of retirement.  The retired person has worked in the past and has contributed to the social security system, which has generated for him or her the right to receive a benefit from the system.
  • Pensioned: person that receives a transaction from a public or private social security organism.  In contrast to the retired, the pensioned receives the transaction (pensioned) without having contributed to the social security system in the past but, at least has the minimum time required for generating a retirement.  The people that receive BSE pensions are not included in this category.
[p. 109]

Select the option "yes" if the person meets the condition of being retired or pensioned.  Record the response for the person that has the right to retirement or pension and not for the person that is his or her legal guardian, as happens with minors. You must also consider the retirements or pensions that are received from abroad.

Venezuela 1990 — source variable VE1990A_PENSION — Monthly pension
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Questions 18-26 are only for people 12 years of age and older

26. Did you receive income during the last month from any of the following sources, and approximately how much?

[] Pension or retirement
____ Bs.
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Questions 18-26 are only for people 12 yrs of age and older

Question No.26

[Other income]
[The instructions refer to a graphic of section VI, question 26 on the census form.]

-- Read the question and the possible answers and fill in the corresponding cell.

-- Write down the amount in Bolivares in the space provided.