Questionnaire Text

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Section III. Characteristics of the household

1. In your household, is the energy or fuel you use to cook food:

(Read each alternative and fill in one or more ovals)

[] 1 Electricity?
[] 2 Gas (LPG balloon)?
[] 3 Natural gas (pipeline system)?
[] 4 Coal?
[] 5 Wood?
[] 6 Dung, manure?
[] 7 Other (agricultural waste, etc.)?
[] 8 No cooking
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
6. Chapter 6: Specific instructions to fill out Section III: Characteristics of the household

Fill in this section for all households in the housing unit (primary household and secondary household(s)).

Question 1: In your household, is the energy or fuel you use to cook food:

Fill in the oval of one or more options according to the types of fuel used in the household to cook food.

In option 7, "other?", please consider branches, dry leaves, straw, or others.

Option 8, "no cooking" should not be read. Fill in the oval of this option only if they do not cook their food in the household.