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Section II. Characteristics and services of the housing unit

1. Type of housing unit: by direct observation

(Fill in one oval only)

A. Private housing unit
[] 1 Single family house
[] 2 Apartment in building
[] 3 Housing unit in a house
[] 4 Housing in a tenement house (Alley, lot, backyard)
[] 5 Shack or hut
[] 6 Makeshift dwelling
[] 7 Room not intended for human habitation
[] 8 Other type
B. Collective housing
[If selected, go to section V]

[] 9 Hotel, hostel, lodging, boarding house
[] 10 Health care facility
[] 11 Prison
[] 12 Residential care center for the elderly
[] 13 Residential care center for children and adolescents
[] 14 Convents, monasteries or similar
[] 15 Barracks, camp, base of the Armed Forces or National Police
[] 16 Other type (specify) ____
C. Other type
[If selected, go to section V]

[] 17 On the street (homeless)
[] 18 Gatehouse, port, airport or similar
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5. Chapter 5: Specific instructions to fill out Section II: Characteristics and services of the housing unit
If there is more than one household in the housing unit, please fill in Section II, "Characteristics and services of the housing unit" for the main household only.

Question 1: Type of housing unit

Fill in this question by direct observation. Make sure you are clear on the concept of each option.

This question is mandatory, whether the housing unit is occupied or not occupied.

Fill in the oval of only one option from 1 to 18.

If you fill in the oval of any of the options in item "A. private housing unit, proceed to question 2.

If you fill in the oval of any of the options in item "B. collective housing" or "C. other type", proceed to section example: V, "characteristics of the population".

If you fill in the oval of the option 16 "other type" of collective housing, write the answer in the boxes, as appropriate.


- The alternatives in item A. private housing, as applicable, will be filled out only when you register in private housings.
- The options under item "B. collective housing" or "C. other type", as appropriate, will be filled out only when registration is done in collective housing units; in the street to homeless people or passers-by at sentry boxes, airports or similar (special registration).