Questionnaire Text

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5. What is the predominant material in the exterior walls of the building or house?
[] 1 Cement block, brick, stone, concrete
[] 2 Wood (planks, boards)
[] 3 Clay-covered plant fiber (quincha), adobe
[] 4 Metal (zinc, aluminum, among others)
[] 5 Palm leaves, straw, cane or bamboo or sticks
[] 6 Other materials
[] 7 Without walls

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question No. 5: What is the predominant material in the exterior walls of the building or house?
This question should not be filled out by observation, since you only see a part of the dwelling and it might be the case that the dwelling is not constructed from the materials that you observe.
Wall: Construction that starts at the floor and continues vertically and is used to close a space, divide a room from another, protect a zone of the house from the outdoors, or support a roof.
The dwelling walls comprise those in the front, in the sides, and in the back.
If more than one material was used for the walls, register the predominant one.
It is important to clarify that this question is not referred to the material that cover some walls, like wallpaper, but the base material: wood, cement block, palm leaves, among others.
Mark only one circle according to the answer of the respondent. If he/she has doubts when answering, consider, when clarifying them, what was discussed in the preceding paragraph.
It refers to the material from which most of the exterior walls is made, of the building or house where the dwelling is located, such as:
a. Cement block, brick, stone, concrete:

Cement block: It is a prefabricated piece of concrete or cooked ceramic.
Brick: Piece of cooked clay or cement, almost always of a rectangular form.

[There are two pictures of walls made of bricks or concrete.]
Stone: Mineral element, more or less hard and compact, that is used as a construction material.

[p. 58]
Concrete: Mixture of cement, sand, crushed rocks or aggregates, water and sometimes an additive to change its properties, and could include or not steel. Include the dwellings built using prefabricated material, for example, M2 or convitec.

a.[b.] Wood (plank, piece): Solid part of trees without the bark, conveniently cut in boards or planks.
[There is a picture of walls made of wood]
b. [c.] Cane sticks with clay [quincha], adobe:
Cane sticks with clay [quincha]: Material prepared with a mixture of straw and clay that is adhered to an structure generally made of cane sticks and other sticks tied with lianas or other type of materials. Include houses of cane sticks with clay [quincha] that have been plastered.

[There is a picture of a house with walls made of cane sticks with clay.]
Adobe: It has the shape of a brick, but with larger dimensions. It is made based on earth mixed with herbs or grass, which is compacted in molds and then sun-dried. The adobes are glued to each other using clay.

[There is a picture of a house with walls made of adobe.]
c. [d.] Metal (zinc, aluminum, among others): Material that is used as metal sheets to close a structure.
[There is a picture of a house with walls made of metal sheets.]
[p. 59]
e. Palm leaves, straw, cane sticks, bamboo, or sticks: Materials of vegetal origin that are used in the construction of dwellings called ranches. Include bamboo houses that have been plastered.
[There is a picture of a house with walls made of sticks.]
f. Other materials: Material of inferior quality not included in the previous categories, such as: plastic pieces, cloth, cardboard, etc.
[There is a picture of a house with walls made of other materials.]
g. Without walls: The dwelling doesn't have any material that closes it.
[There is a picture of a house without walls. Below there is a sample image of question 5 from the enumeration form.]