Questionnaire Text

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3. Is your dwelling
[] 1 Mortgaged

Monthly payment in [Balboas] _ _ _ _

[] 2 Rented

Monthly payment in [Balboas] _ _ _ _

[] 3 Owned
[] 4 Ceded
[] 5 Condemned
[] 6 Other, [specify] ____

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

[Questions 3 to 21 were asked of dwellings that have their residents present.]

Question No. 3: Is your dwelling...?
Ownership of the dwelling
Read the options and mark only one circle according to what the respondent indicates you. Consider the following definitions:
a. Mortgaged (circle 1):
It refers to the dwelling that has been built through a mortgage loan from the Mortgage Bank, the Social Security Fund, a savings fund, the National Bank, collective mortgages, or other credit institutions and has not been totally paid for.
Include also as mortgaged those dwellings which original mortgage has been completely paid for, but are still under a new mortgage that hast not been paid yet.
In the case of dwellings under a mortgage, mark the circle 1 and register the monthly amount in balboas that is paid for the mortgage, in the corresponding space. Register round numbers, omitting the cents. Put a "0" in front if the value of the mortgage is less than 1,000 balboas.
If the person pays the mortgage every other week, multiply the amount by two.
If the respondent indicates that he/she is paying a mortgage on the house and does not declare the amount, inform about this situation in the blank spaces for observations.
b. Rented (circle 2):
A dwelling is considered to be rented when there is an amount paid for the right to use it. Register in balboas and using round numbers in the corresponding space, the amount that is being paid as rent.
Put a "0" in front when the rent is lower than 1,000 balboas.
Remember to multiply by two if respondent declares that the rent is being paid every other week.
[p. 54]
If the respondent indicates that he/she is paying the rent for the house and does not declare the amount, inform about this situation in the blank spaces for observations.
Remember that the amount is recorded using round numbers, not cents; if the person declares the value using cents proceed in the following manner: if the cents are equal or higher than 0.50 you must round up. For example:

a) Monthly mortgage payment: B/. 107.55. Register: 0108.
b) Monthly rent payment: B/. 320.08
If the cents are lower than 0.50, those must be omitted. Example: register 0320.

The respondent declares that he/she has a discount of B/.90.75 every other week as a mortgage payment. Mark the circle and register the corresponding amount.
[There is a simple image of question 3 from the enumeration form]
[p. 55]
c. Owned (circle 3):
It is a dwelling occupied by the owner of the building and land, or only the building. Include as owned a dwelling built using their own resources, or those built through mortgage loans that have been paid, or those acquired through other means.
d. Ceded (circle 4):
It is a dwelling whose occupants are not the owners, nor pay rent or a mortgage. Generally, people residing in these dwellings are related to the owner or have received them from their employer.
Some houses of workers of the company Bocas del Toro Fruit Company.
The room occupied by the janitor of a building as a payment for keeping it clean.
The apartment, property of a father, is occupied by a newly married daughter, for which she is not paying any rent.

e.Condemned (circle 5):
It refers to occupied dwellings considered as uninhabitable by the Office of Safety of the Fire Department, the Department of Municipal Engineering, the Department of Sanity of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Housing, or the System of National Civil Protection, that because of its poor state, their hygienic conditions and deterioration, constitute grave danger for the security and health of its tenants. The tenants do not pay rent and assume the expenses of water and electricity.
f. Other (circle 6):
Include here any type of tenure not considered in the previous options and specify in the corresponding line the type of tenure.