Questionnaire Text

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13. In what period was the dwelling built?
[] 1 Before 1990
[] 2 Between 1990 and 1995
[] 3 Between 1996 and 2000
[] 4 Doesn't know

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Questions 3 to 15 are only asked at dwellings with occupants present (Circle 1).

Question No. 13: In what period was this dwelling built?

Information that is obtained in this question will permit us to determine the amount of dwellings that have been built in each space of time and at the same time to verify the statistical study of the construction in the period between censuses.

[To the left of the text is a picture of a house.]

Mark a single circle according to the response of the person. Read the given alternatives in the questionnaire.
Some times a situation can be presented in which a person does not know the date of construction. In this case it is recommended to request information from other routes (neighbor, lessee, etc.), when you are enumerating apartment buildings or tenement houses, the information should be equal for all the dwellings. If finally you do not succeed in obtaining the required information, mark circle 4 "Not known."