19. For whom do you or did you work?
[] 2 Government?
[] 3 Cooperative?
[] 4 Family house?
[] 5 Canal Commission?
[] 6 United States Armed Forces?
Questions 15 to 21 should be asked to all persons who were marked in any of the circles 01 to 05 of question 14. Except to persons who answered that they have never worked in question 15.
Question Number 19: For whom do you work or did you work?
This question is asked to persons who were marked in circle 1 (employee or salary earner) in question 18. Read the alternatives and mark the corresponding circle in agreement to the response of the person, considering the following definitions:
Circle 2. Government: if a person who works or has worked for the Central or Municipal Government, such as: The Ministry of Housing and Treasury, Government, Offices, in Autonomous or Semi-Autonomous Entities like the Savings Bank, Social Security Fund, Institute for the Formation and Use of Human Resources (IFARHU [in Spanish]), etc. and receives for the work a remuneration in the form of salary or wage. Include in this category the employees of international organisms (Embassies, OAS, UNO, etc.)
Circle 3. Cooperative: if a person works or has worked for a Cooperative of production, of consuming, of savings, etc. or a farmer's settlement.
Circle 4. Family house: if a person works or has worked in a family house and receives for the work remuneration en the form of a salary or wage. Example: domestic employee, gardener, driver, cook, housekeeper, butler, etc.
Circle 5. Canal Commission: if the person works or has worked in the Canal Commission , a company that is in charge of the running and maintaining of the Canal.
Circle 6. United States Armed Forces: if the person works or has worked for the Armed Forces of the United States of America.