Questionnaire Text

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4. How many rooms does this dwelling have?
(Do not include kitchen, toilet and bath)

_ _

4a. Of these, how many are used only for sleeping? _ _

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Questions 3 to 14 only are asked at dwellings with occupants present classified in one of the circles 01 to 05 of question Number 1 "Type of Dwelling".

Question Number 4: How many rooms does this dwelling have? (Do not include kitchen, toilet and bath)
Write down in Arabic numbers in the corresponding space, the total number of rooms that the enumerated dwelling has. Do not count as a room the kitchen, bathroom, halls, terraces, doorways, attics and garages. Also do not consider those that are used exclusively for commercial, industrial or service (store, workshop, depositories of grain and other products, elevated storage rooms (jorones), stalls for animals, etc.) purposes. Do not include annexes that are rented.

Question Number 4a Of these [rooms] how many are for sleeping?
Write down in Arabic numbers in the corresponding space the amount of bedrooms or sleeping quarters that the enumerated dwelling has. Write down "00" if the dwelling is composed of a single room. Do not count attics as bedrooms.
Bedroom is understood to be the room meant for used exclusively for sleeping.

[Below the text is a picture of a filled out question.]