Questionnaire Text

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Get data for questions 2 - 14 only for an occupied dwelling

2. Predominant material in the exterior walls of the building:

[] 1 Cement block, brick, stone
[] 2 Wood
[] 3 Clay-covered plant fiber (quincha), adobe
[] 4 Straw, palm leaves, cane
[] 5 Other (zinc, cardboard, etc.)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 2 Predominant material in the exterior walls of the building:

Mark the corresponding box taking into account:
a) This question refers to the building. The building and the dwelling coincide when it concerns a private house. In the cases of room(s) in a block of tenements and in apartments, the building contains many dwellings.
b) The predominant material is what the greatest part of the walls of the building is made from.

[The instructions refer to a graphic of question 2 of the census form.]

In the case of shacks without walls, mark box 5 and make the corresponding observation.