Questionnaire Text

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Questions are asked to persons 10 years of age and above
[Questions 22 to 26 were asked of persons 10 years or older.]

For questions 23, 24 and 25, Q 22: [1+2+3+4] greater than 0
[Questions 23 to 25 were asked of those who answered they did agricultural (1), salary/wage (2), own economic enterprise (3), or extended economic (4) work for a total of months greater than zero.]

[23] What work [the respondent] usually has done? [Occupation] ____

[Describe the actual work done. eg. Teaching, high school teacher]
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Work, economic activity, economically active/inactive manpower (columns 22-26)
Five questions from columns 22-26 are related to economic and non-economic activities. Ask these questions to the people usually living in the family and aged 10 years or older.

Column 23: what economic woks did [the respondent] usually do?
(Only to persons whose time of (1+2+3+4) [options] of column 22 is greater than zero)

Write information about the economic works done by the enumerated person in the last 12 months. If there is any position or level in the work, such should also need to specify.

Here, for the purpose of columns 23 and 24, work means the works stated in the column 22 - i.e. 1. Agriculture / own farming; 2. Salary / wage; 3. Own non-agriculture business, and 4. Extended economic activities - which are earnings from the economic viewpoint.

For example: If the enumerated person is a doctor, he might have done health checkup and treatment to others most of the time in the last 12 months. If the work is related to health checkup and treatment, write the work he/she did as "health checkup and treatment, doctor" in this column. If the person is nurse, write "health checkup and treatment, nurse". If dentist, write "treatment of teeth, dentist". If they are assistant in the health service, write "dental assistant," "midwife," "medical assistant," "veterinary assistant," etc.

Similarly, for the person working in farming/agriculture, write the name of the crops/farming items and the nature of his task - e.g. "food crops farming, all works", "vegetable farming, showing and weeding," "fruits farming," "tea, coffee farming," "nursery," "flower production/farming," etc.

While writing the work, do not write only "job". Only writing the "job" word does not clarify the nature of the work. In the government and private offices, the nature of work differs with what is required to be performed by each position. Therefore, if a person says he or she is a doing job, ask him/her what types of work it is and where it is done and write accordingly - e.g. "finance administration, account officer," "book keeping, accountant," "data collecting, enumerator," "implementing administration policy, joint secretary," "auditing, auditor," etc. Similarly, write as "to keep account of employee, accountant," "manage records, files, office assistant."

[p. 89]

[Images are omitted]

In the reference time, a person might have done one or more economic activities. He or she might have done some work for longer periods and some work for shorter periods. While writing the information on works in columns 23, 24 and 25, write the information about the work that was done for the longest period in the last 12 months. Even for such economically works that were done for 3, 2, or 1 months, write the work that was done for the longest period. The main or particular income generating work done for the longest period in the last 12 months would be the occupation of that person. Occupation differs as per the nature of work. Occupation is categorized as per the nature of works done being in different position or level. Therefore, in order to categorize the works in appropriate occupation category, the particularly works and the position or level under which that work is performed should be written. Based on the work and position/level, we can identify the occupation of various workforces and categorize them according to their occupation. To specify the occupation of a person based on the work done for the longest period in the reference time, some of the examples are presented below.

In agriculture/farming occupation, there are various types or work - e.g. spalding, plowing, colleting seeds, seedling, planting, irrigation, weeding, treatment of pesticides or diseases, harvesting and storing, etc. These different tasks have to be done for all types of farming activities. For example:

a. Paddy, wheat, maize, barley, millet, buckwheat are produced under food/cereal crops. The category of pulse includes grass pea, lentil, chickpea, horse gram, soybean, and mung bean. The cash crops category includes jutes, sugar cane, tobacco, mustard, sesame, and flaxseed. To specify such works, write the main crops as far as possible. For example, cereal/food crops - paddy; or cash crops - sugar cane; or pulse crops - lentil.

b. The vegetable farming category includes potato, cauliflower, cabbage, radish, rayo, eggplant, bitter guard, lady finger, and pumpkin. The produced vegetable should be written to specify the nature of work. Write the main vegetable crops to identify such works. For example, vegetable farming - cauliflower.

c. Mango, banana, orange, apple, jack fruits, pomegranate, lemon, lime, pineapple, etc. are produced under the fruits crops category. Write, fruits crop - mango.

[p. 90]

d. If someone have been rearing livestock for milk, mean, fur, leather, or has spent most of the time doing shepherd job or caring livestock, write the nature of work as "livestock rearing, shepherd" or "doing all the works rearing livestock."

e. While writing the occupation related to fish production, write "fisheries" or "catching fish."

f. If people are doing poultry farming for commercial purposes (chicken, duck, egg production etc.), write the works as "chicken/duck/egg production."

g. If people are doing silk farming or bee keeping, write "silk farming" or "bee keeping."

h. If people are doing works like vegetation planting, colleting woods or firewood, herbal medicine, write the nature of the work accordingly. For example: collection of yarsagumba.

In the reference time period, the person doing farming might have done one or more of the works. Therefore, while writing the information about their works, write the work that has been done for the longest period of time.

1. While doing the works stated above, whether the work was done, whether it was done for self or for others taking wage/salary (in cash or goods), all such information need to specify.

2. The particular work of a tailor might be cutting cloth and sewing it. The person engaging in trade might purchase and sell goods or manage these things, or transport the goods. Hence, what works has been done at that time -e.g. "sewing cloth," "selling goods," "retailer" - should be written.

3. Identify the position of the people working in a government office, semi-government, NGOs, organizations, private companies, and particular works they performed in the reference time that can be disclosed by their position or level. E.g. a typist do typing job, sales girl sells goods, administrative officer oversees administrative works, etc. But some people may not do the work according to their position or level. Therefore, even for people doing a job on salary/wage, ask them what they did in the reference time period and write their particular works they performed. For example - "auditor -auditing", "accountant - book keeping", "enumerator - collecting data and information", "joint secretary - implementing administrative policy" should be written. Similarly, write "office assistant - registering and dispatching."

[Images are omitted]

4. For teacher or teaching profession - If they were teaching in the reference time, write "teacher - primary school," "teacher - secondary school," "lecturer - campus or university," "professor - campus or university." If the person is teaching to disable people, write "teacher - physically or mentally disable people."

5. People working in the same office or organization might have different nature of job. E.g. - the people working in the food corporation have different job. Some look after "employee administration" and some oversee "financial administration", some "sells food items", and some "store keeper." If they are drivers of truck, car or jeep, write as "truck, car or jeep driver". If the enumerated person is an employee at fifth level and was selling food items in the food corporation for most of the time in the last 12 years, write it as "fifth level - selling food items."

[p. 91]

6. If any person has worked in a production industry business, write clearly what he/she has done. For example - if the person was readymade garment's marketing manager in a garment industry, write it as "marketing manager" or "assistant marketing manager". If a person sewed cloth or did tailoring job, write "tailor". If a person is doing tobacco processing in a tobacco industry, write "tobacco processor," if he or she is working as a technician for color mixing in a chocolate factory, write "color mixing, technician." If a person has repaired press machines, write "machine repair person" and if a person is a mechanic machine operator, write "machine operator."

If the person is spiller of wool thread in a house, write "spilling wool thread," if he or she is weaving wool carpet, write "weaving wool carpet." If the person has worked with data, ask what particular tasks that he or she has performed as collection or processing or analysis and write the particular work performed along with their position.

7. As the occupation is identified on the basis of nature of work, if they did a work the reference time period while they were in a position, then such position also should be written in this column.

Note: Do not write anything on the four small boxes below the blank space where the response of question under column 23 is written. These four small boxes are for coding purposes.