Personal Information
[16] Where is the birthplace of [the respondent]?
Code must be encircled, if the place of birth is other district or other country the name must be specified.
[] 1 Same district [go to 19]
[] 2 Other district ____
[] 1 V.D.C
[] 2 Municipality
[] 3 Other country ____
Migration [columns 16-19]
Column 16: where is the birthplace of [the respondent]?
[] 1 This district
[] 2 Another district
[] 1 VDC
[] 2 Municipality
[] 3 Foreign country
Birthplace means where a person was born (this district, another district, or foreign country). Ask the person concerned whether he/she was born in this district, another district, or foreign country. If he/she was born in this district, circle the reference 1, if born in another district, circle the reference 2, and write the name of the district where he/she was born, and then also circle either the VDC or municipality where he/or she was born. If the person was born in any foreign country, circle the reference 3 and write the name of the country.
[Image is omitted]
If a person was born in this district (enumerated district), there is no need to ask such questions as how long [the respondent has been] living here (column 17) and what is the main reason to live here (column 18). In this situation, jump to the column 19 (Where [the respondent] was living five years ago?). However, if the person was not born in this district, but in another district then write the name of the other district and again ask whether if the birthplace was a VDC or municipality. If the birthplace was a VDC, circle the reference 1 and if it was municipality, circle the reference 2. If the person was born in another district (circled in reference 2) or in foreign country (circled in reference 3), then ask him/her how long he/she has been living here (column 17) and what is the main reason for living here (column).
Things to be considered while completing column 16:
- Ask the question related to birthplace to all persons (children, youth, and elderly people) and if the birthplace is another district or country, specify the name of such district or country.
- A person's place of birth might be anywhere - own home, hospital, maternity care center, nursing home or places with similar facilities. But for the purpose of enumeration, the place of birth means the place where his/her parents were usually living when he/she was born, and accordingly if it was this district, circle the reference 1, if it was another district, circle the reference 2 or if it was another country circle the reference 3.
[p. 67]
- If the birthplace was in another district, circle the reference 2 and write the name of the district of the birthplace (e.g. Dhading, Kailali, Jumla, etc.). Also identify whether the place was a VDC or municipality at that time, and if was a VDC, circle the reference 1 and if it was a municipality, circle the reference 2.
- If the birthplace was another country, circle the reference 3 and write the name of the country (e.g. India, China, America, Canada, Australia, England, etc.).
- For people who checked reference 1, i.e. the people who was born in the current living district, do not ask the questions related to column 17 and 18.