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Household Information

[2.2] Outer wall

[] 1 Mud bonded bricks/stone
[] 2 Cement bonded bricks/stone
[] 3 Wood/planks
[] 4 Bamboo
[] 5 Unbaked bricks
[] 6 Other ____
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Household information

Question 2: what type of construction has the house the family is using now?
House generally means the dwelling place having one or more than one room or floor, with outer wall either of concrete or mud wall with raw materials, having a roof and are using by the people for dwelling purpose.

House can be of different sizes, kinds, and types. Some houses may not have a wall. Some houses are constructed by/beside the wall of other houses (for support) or by/touching the hill or elevated land. In some cases, two houses are constructed dividing them with a wall in the middle. There would be a main door to enter and exit from the house. For the purpose of the enumeration, all these types of dwellings where families are living, including hut, home, building, mansion, flat can be understood as a house. The house might belongs to self or others. If the family has used more than one house for dwelling purpose, the information should be taken from the main house which is in good condition from the perspective of dwelling. If any family is living in rent and have put their house in rent to somebody else or even if the house is vacant during the enumeration period, then the information should be taken from the house or rental space where they are living at the time of enumeration.

[p. 24]

Generally the type of construction of any house depends on the overall structure of the house including construction materials used in/for foundation, outer walls and roof, the floor/stories of the house and the life of the house. In the question, the types of the construction of a house has been determined based on the structure like foundation, outer wall, roof, number of floors/stories, and the year of construction of the house.

2.2 Outer wall

[] 1 Mud bonded brick/stone
[] 2 Cement bonded brick/stone
[] 3 Wood or plank
[] 4 Bamboo materials
[] 5 Unbaked bricks
[] 6 Other

While determining the outer wall of a house, it should be done based on the materials used for the construction of outer wall of the house. If more than one materials are used, then taking the main construction materials as a base and accordingly should circle the appropriate reference. The outer wall of a house has been described as follows:

Mud bonded brick/stone - If the outer wall of a house has used stone, brick, cement block etc. and they are bonded with mud, such wall should be considered the wall with mud bonded brick/stone.

Cement bonded brick/stone- If the outer wall of a house has used stone, brick, cement block etc. and they are bonded with cement, such wall is considered cement bonded brick/stone wall.

Wood/plank- If the outer wall of a house is made with wood or plank, such wall is considered wooden/planked wall.

Bamboo materials - If the outer wall of a house has been made with bamboo or bamboo related materials, such wall is considered as bamboo made wall.

Unbaked brick - If the outer wall of a house is made with raw or unbacked bricks, such wall is considered unbaked brick wall.

Others - If the outer wall of a house is made with materials other than stated above, e.g. plastic, tree leaves, thatch, straw, tarpaulin, such should be specified in the category of others.

To specify the outer wall of a house, if the outer wall of a house is mud bonded brick/stone, circle the reference 1, if it is cement bonded brick/stone, circle the reference 2, if it is wooden/planked circle reference 3, if it is from bamboo materials, circle reference 4, if it is of unbaked brick, circle 5 and besides these, if the outer wall is made with other materials, circle the reference 6 and specify the materials.