1. What is the type of the house occupied by the household?
Question 1: what type of ownership is the house used by this family?
Ownership means the ownership with legal rights, i.e. the ownership of the house belongs to that person under whose name the house is registered, in which they are living currently. Some of the houses might not be legally registered and in this condition, the ownership of land corresponds to the ownership of the house. For the enumeration purpose, the ownership of house has been divided into four categories.
1. Private - During the enumeration time, if the entire house, part of it or flat, where the family is currently living, legally belongs to any of the members of the household/family, then it is considered private ownership. If the house where the family is living is entitled to use as legacy/inheritance but not transferred to them legally, in such condition it is also considered private ownership. If the house in which the family is living is private, mark the number 1 with circle.
2. Rented - If the house, part of the house or a flat, in which the family is currently living, does not belongs legally to any member of the family, and if rent (either money or goods or both) is paid for living in there, then it should be considered rented and accordingly mark the number 2 with a circle.
3. Institutional - If the family is living in a house without paying any rent, which belongs legally to an organized institution or office, then such house is an institutional house. If such house exists, mark the number 3 with circle. If any family living in a house without paying any rent, which do not belongs to any institution or office but the house are used on the terms and conditions that an institution or office shall bear the rent, then such house should be considered as an institutional house and number 3 should be marked with a circle.
4. Other - Besides the types of houses stated above, if a family lives in a house of different kind, e.g. the house or space provided by relatives or a person or the house owner and is living there without any obligation of paying rent (money or goods), then it should be stated in the category of other. If the house where the family is living does not belongs to them and also has not taken any permission to live there, it should be stated as other. In other words, the house does not belong to the family, they do not have to pay rent and it is also non-institutional, then circle the number 4 with other category and also specify what is the type of the house / living place.