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Questions [15 to 20] are asked to persons 10 years of age and above

17. What work ____ usually do? (Occupation)

(Describe the actual work done)


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The following should be taken into consideration while asking questions of column 17, 18, 19 and 20.
a. If the number of months by summing category 1, 2, and 3 of column 16 >= 6 (six months or more), then the questions on columns 17, 18 and 19 should be asked and the question 20 should not be asked.

b. If the number of months by summing category 1, 2, and 3 of column 16 is less than six months and more than 0 month, then the questions on columns 17, 18, 19 and 20 should be asked.

c. If number of months of category1 of column 16 = 0 and number of months of category 4 of column 16 =12, then the questions on columns 17, 18, 19 should not be asked but the questions on column 20 should be asked.

Column 17: What work ____usually do?
(For all, the time period of 1+2+3 greater than 1month in column 16)

The economically active population may have remained active at some time during the last 12 month, that person may be engaged more or less time in the economic work. The enumerator should find out what was his/her usual activity in the reference period. If the person had some post or status of work, it should be mentioned.

The meaning of work for the column 17, 18 and 19 is the income related economic work which is mentioned in categories 1, 2, 3 and 4 of column 15.

In the reference period, a person can have done any one or more than one above mentioned economic activities that generate income. Person may have done some of the work for longer duration and some for work shorter duration. While writing the description of work in columns 17, 18 and 19 the description of work that the person has done for the majority of time should be written in the respective columns. If the income generating activities (work) have been done for 3 months, 2 months or only for 1 month, it may be the usual major economic activities done mostly during the reference period.

The usual major activity of the enumerated person in the reference period should be written in this column; in short and clear words.

The income generated work done by the person in the reference year usually or for some time is the specific work done by the person is the occupation. According to the nature of the work done by the people, their occupation may also be different. The classification of the occupation can be done by the nature of the status of the work done. So, to classify the work into occupation, the specific work done by the people should be written, and if it is possible to write the post or position or level of the status of the work done, it should be also mentioned. According to the work and level as mentioned above, it is possible to separate the occupation of the manpower of Nepal at that time, and the occupation classification of the manpower could be done.

Some of the examples are given below, to find out the occupation of the people in the reference period according to the nature of the usual economic work.

There are different types of work in agricultural activities. For example; digging, ploughing, collection of seeds, growing seed, planting, irrigation etc.

The following different work may be done in all the agricultural activities. Examples:

i. In cereal crop/cash crop -- paddy, wheat, maize, millet, barley, etc. are produced. In pulses group lentil, chicken pea, pigeon pea, black gram, grass pea, horse gram, soybean and others are produced. In cash crop jute, sugarcane, tobacco, oilseed, mustard etc. are grown. What was the actual work done in the cereal crop or cash crop should be written.

ii. In vegetable crops -- potato, cauliflower, cabbage, radish, brinjal, lady finger, pumpkin, etc. are produced. What was the actual work done in producing vegetables should be written here.

iii. In fruits -- mango, banana, orange, apple, guava, pear, durian, pomegranates, lemon, lime, pineapple, etc. are produced.

In the agricultural activities, what usual activity person had done should be written. For example, "all the work related to cereal crop", "vegetable crop related activities like planting, "fruit crop", tea , coffee crop, "nursery", "flower production", etc.

iv. Some person has done livestock work for producing milk, meat, hair, skin and others. If their usual work was livestock related activities like grass cutting, grazing and other sanitation work of livestock like cows, buffalo, sheep/goat, pig, etc. it should be written as 'livestock/cow boy" or "all activities of livestock"

v. If the person was engaged in fishery, it should be written as "fishery" or "activities related to fish catching"

vi. If the person was engaged in professional poultry work of cock/hen, ducks, battai should be written as "poultry"

vii. Similarly if the person was engaged in silkworm farm for cocon production, bee keeping in bee hives and honey production, it should be written as silkworm farming, bee keeping.

viii. If a person was engaged in planting the trees in jungle (forestation), collection of fire wood, collection of medicinal plants (herbs) it should be written as according to her/his usual activity.

In the reference period, the person may engage in more than one agricultural-related activity, as mentioned above. If the person had done different activities, the description of usual activity (which works done for longer period) should be written.

1. To mention the above work, where did the person do the work, what was the employment status, like: employer, employees, own account worker, it should be also mentioned.

2. If the enumerated person is a doctor, she/he may be engaged most of the time in the last 12 month in health checkup and medical treatment. If the doctor was engaged in health checkup and medical treatment, then in this column it should be written as "health checkup and medical treatment - doctor". If the working person is a nurse, it should be written as "health checkup and medical treatment - nurse". If the doctor is a dentist, then it should be written as "treatment of teeth - dentist". If the person is an assistant in health services, it should be written as "dental assistant", "midwife", "health assistant", or "livestock health assistant".

3. The special work of tailors may be to design and cut the piece of cloth, stitching cloth. The work of traders may be "to manage or to buy and sell the goods, to transport the sold goods". So, during that time, what work was done should be written as "tailor", "trader" etc.

4. For the workers who work in the government office, semi government office, corporation, private company: their nature of work can be identified by the name of post. For example, a typist is doing typing work, a sales girl is selling the goods, an administrative officer is related with administrative work, etc. In this way, the person who did the job-related work in the reference period can be identified. But some others are not doing the work as their post. So, for the paid worker, it should be identified what job they did in the reference period and should be written the actual work they had done. For example: "account officer, account administration", "accountant, book keeping"; data collection, enumerator"; "administration policy implementation, joint secretary"; "administrative record keeping, office assistant"; "record file management" should be written.

5. For the teachers - if they were engaged in teaching at the reference period, "teacher, primary school"; "teacher, secondary school", "teacher, campus or university", should be written.

If they teach for physically or mentally disabled people, then it should be written as "teacher of physical/mental disabled people".

6. The nature of the work of the people may be different in the same organization or office. For example, the employees of Food Corporation have different types of job. Some of the employees are engaged in "personnel administration", some are engaged in "selling of food products", and some of them are "security guard". For truck, car or jeep driver, it should be written as "truck, car or jeep driver". If the enumerated person was an employee of the Food Corporation in the fifth level and in the last 12 month she/he usually engaged in the selling of food products, then it should be written as "selling of food related materials, fifth level".

7. If the person was engaged in the manufacturing profession, then his job should be written clearly. For example, if the person was market manager of the readymade garment, then it should be written as "market manager", "assistant market manager". If the person was engaged in cloth stitching, "cloth stitching" should be written. If in a cigarette factory the person was engaged in tobacco winnowing, it should be written as "tobacco winnowing". The technician who mixed up the color in a chocolate factory should be written as "color mixer". In the press, if the person was repairing the machine, it should be written as "machine repairer". When operating the machine, it should be written as "machine operator". In the house, if a person was doing wool-related activities, it should be written as "making wool, weaving blanket". In the manufacturing industry, if the person was doing data-related activities then it should be written as "data collection or processing or analysis" according to the nature of the work and also should be mentioned the post.

8. Occupation is distinguished by the nature of the work. So it should be mentioned the usual work done by the male or female in the reference year. It should also include the post or level of the job. It should not be written "job" only. "Job" cannot describe what work was done.