Questionnaire Text

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[Questions 32-38 were asked of women age 13 or older]

34. How many of [the woman]'s children are still alive?

Total _ _
Male _ _
Female _ _

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For females age 13 or older (Questions 32-38)

This information is extremely important and should therefore be answered directly by each girl or woman as much as possible.


This is a child who showed some sign of life at birth (breathing, crying, muscular movement or heart beat), even if s/he later died.

Question 34. How many of [the person]'s children are still alive?

Use two digits to write the total number of children currently living, and how many of them are males and how many are females.

You should count all children who are alive on the date of the census, regardless of whether or not they live with the household.

The number of currently living children cannot be greater than the number of live-born children recorded in question 33.

If the total number of males and females does not add up to the total number of children who are currently alive, verify the information with the informant.