Questionnaire Text

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1. The type of toilet facility used in this household is:
[] 1 Outhouse or latrine
Toilet that drains into:

[] 2 Sewage drains
[] 3 Septic field or tank
[] 4 River / ditch

[] 5 None (continue to question 3)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 1. The type of toilet facility used in this household is:

Read the options one by one and mark an "X" next to the one stated by the informant.

If the informant replies that there aren't any, mark an "X" next to option 5 and go to question 3.

If a household says they have both an excusado [code (1)] and an inodoro [codes (2) - (4)], inodoro should have precedence depending on how the waste is discharged.

The toilet (inodoro) that drains into pipes for wastewater [code (2)] will only be classified as such if it discharges its sewage into pipes connected to the public network.