Section E: Characteristics and Condition of the Dwelling
Enumerator: Fill out the Enumeration Form using the question about the dwelling. If there is more than one household within the dwelling, fill out questions 1-11
only, for the first household.
[Questions 4 through 6 were asked those in private dwellings]
4. The dwelling is
[] 1 Owned
[] 2 Rented
[] 3 Lent/borrowed temporarily
[] 4 Other
E4. The dwelling is:
Read the Question and each of the alternatives. Wait for the response. Write an X in the corresponding number.
Owned: when the rights of property of the dwelling belong to the household. Are included within this category the households that are still paying for the house to an institution, bank or person;
Rented: when the house is occupied by tenants from APIE, EMOSE or another proprietor to whom they pay a monthly or periodic fee;
Lent or borrowed temporarily: when it was temporarily lent by the employer, friends or relatives;
Other: refers to any other kind of occupation of the dwelling (the house is not rented, nor owned, or borrowed).