Questionnaire Text

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[Questions A2-9 were asked of living quarters built or converted for living.]

A2. Construction material of outer walls

[] 1 Brick
[] 2 Plank
[] 3 Brick and plank
[] 4 Others (specify) ____
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Question A2
[Question A2 of the enumeration form is not presented here.]

This question is to find out the main construction material used for the outer walls of the Living Quarters.

The main construction material refers to at least 40% of the total material used for the outer walls.

For category "Brick and Plank" (Code 3), a combination of these two materials should constitute at least 40% of the outer walls.

The category "Others" (Code 4) refers to other materials e.g., zinc, attap, bamboo, etc.

How to ask the question
This question need not be asked. The answer may be obtained by observation.

How to record the answer
Mark "X" in the relevant box.