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IV. International migration

1. International migration status: During the last 5 years, that is, from March 2015 to now, has anyone who lives or lived with you [in this housing unit] moved to another country:

[] 1 Yes
[] 3 No (go to V. Other Income)
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15.4 Section IV. International migration

Once you have finished recording the characteristics of all people, continue with this section.

The purpose is to collect information from people who have gone to live in another country in the last five years, even if they have only been gone for a short time, and who have returned to the country.

This section is made up of the following questions:

1. International migration status.
2. Number of migrants.
3. Migrants.
4. List of migrants.
5. Residence status of the migrant(s).
6. Gender of the migrant(s).
7. Age at migration.
8. Migration date.
9. Cause of emigration.
10. Place of origin of migrants.
11. Country of destination.
12. Country of residence.
13. Return date.
14. Cause of return.
15. Current residency status.

In case you have used more than one questionnaire, record the information in this section in the first one, and if there are more than four migrants, use the other questionnaires you have filled out for the housing unit.

1. International migration status, 2. Number of people, 3. Migrants, and 4. List of people

The purpose of question 1 International migration status is to identify if there are people who live or lived with the group of residents of the housing unit and left to reside in another country from March 2015 to date.

[p. 406]

[Figure omitted: image with text]

Read the entire question, avoid reading only parts or reducing it; if the answer is yes, circle code 1 and continue to apply the questions in this section; if the answer is no, record code 3 and go to section V. other income.

Persons entering or leaving Mexico for the following reasons are not considered:

- Vacation.
- Visiting relatives or friends.
- Working committees.
- Shopping.
- Receive medical attention.
- Other causes that do not cause them to change their residence.