Questionnaire Text

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26. Marital status
Is [the respondent] currently:
[Read the options and circle one code]

[] 1 Living with a partner or in union
[] 2 Is separated [skip to question 28]
[] 3 Is divorced [skip to question 28]
[] 4 Is widowed [skip to question 28]
[] 5 Is married
[] 6 Is single [skip to 28]
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26. Marital Status
This question identifies whether the person lives in free union or marriage, single, widowed, separated or divorced.

Read the question with all the options until obtain an affirmative answer and circle the appropriate code to the response.

[Figures are omitted]
Never make assumptions about the marital status of a person. Ask this question even if the person is young, to avoid omissions of joined or married teenagers.

Register as married to persons who got married through a civil, religious procedure, or both.

When the informant mentions that once he/she was married or cohabiting, register to him/her as separated, divorced, or widowed, depending of the case, but never as a single person.

If the answer is "living with a partner or in union" or "married", continue with question 27 "Partner's identification". For separated, divorced, widowed, or single persons pass to question 28 "Work".