Questionnaire Text

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[Continue if the person is 5 or more years old]

23. Literacy
Does [the respondent] know how to read and write a note?
[Circle one code]

[] 5 Yes
[] 7 No
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23. Literacy
This question distinguishes people who know read and write a message. Consider that the person knows how to do that when:

[] He/she can read and write a message in any language or languages, no matters which ones.
[] Because of an accident, sickness, or being elderly he/she cannot read and write but he/she knew or could do it in the past.

A person cannot read and write if only can write his/her name, some words, numbers, and read advertisements. When the response is "not much", "more or less", or "write with ugly letter", ask whether the person can read and write a complete message to see if he/she is really literate.