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24. Possession
In this dwelling:
[Read the options and circle one code for each one]

[] 1 Does the owner live here?
[] 2 Do you pay rent? [skip to section II, list of people]
[] 3 Is it a family member?s or do they let you use it? [skip to section II, list of people]
[] 4 They are living here by some other means? [skip to section II, list of people]
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21. Dwelling tenancy
This question distinguishes whether the dwelling owner is living there, if the occupants rent, if the dwelling belongs to a relative, or if the dwelling is lent from somebody else. Read the question and each option until obtain an affirmative answer and circle the corresponding code.

[Figures are omitted]

The owner lives here: means that the dwelling owner is a regular resident of the dwelling, even when he/she does not have the documents that prove the ownership. It does not matter if the occupants have a debt or mortgage.

Rent is paid: this option applies when one of the occupants pays rent or lease to occupy the dwelling.

The dwelling is owned by a relative or it is borrowed: this option applies if the informant says that the dwelling belongs to his/hers husband, son, father, brother, other relative, or friend who lives in another house; this option includes dwellings received on loan by the company or institution where one of the occupants works one or when the owner asked them to look after the dwelling.

They are occupying the dwelling in other circumstance: this option covers cases of dwellings in litigation, intestate, and occupied with no permission of the owner and any other different situation.

If the occupants answer that the owner died, asks the informant to tell you if any of the regular occupants considered himself/herself as the owner or if they are in another situation, by reading the other options.

If the informant declares that the dwelling is owned by one of the occupants, but not the land, circle the first option "the owner lives here".

If the answer is that rent is paid, the dwelling is owned by a relative or it is borrowed, or they occupy the dwelling in other circumstance, pass to section II "List of people". Otherwise, continue with question 25 "Owner's name".