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8. Use of health services
When this person has health problems where does he or she get assistance?
Circle only one answer.

1 In the social security (IMSS)
2 In the ISSSTE
3 In Pemex, defense or navy
4 In the health center (SSA)
5 In the IMSS-Solidaridad
6 In a doctor's office, clinic, or private hospital
7 In another place.
_____Write the name of the place.

8 Does not get help

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

8. Use of Health Services

By means of this question we find out which hospital, clinic, or place people go to when they have health problems.

In this question take into account the following:

When they answer that the person goes for medical checkups, treatment, vaccinations, or rehabilitation to different places, ask where they are normally attended and circle the corresponding code.

When they give you very general responses, such as the name or number of the clinic, ask if it is part of IMSS, to ISSSTE, to the Secretary of Health, or other [institution], and circle the corresponding code.

If the people go to state social security institutions such as ISSSET, ISSEMyM, ISSSTESON, write the answer under the option "In some other place."

[Depiction of this completed question on the enumeration form, and a related drawing]

[P. 70]

When they report that they go to the DIF (Integral Development of the Family), the Red Cross, the Green Cross, the Amber Cross, a medical clinic, midwife, Promotora or any other type of charitable institution, write the answer under the option "In some other place."

The people who report that they go to a folk healer, witchdoctor or herbal healer, or a similar person, should be included under the option "Does not receive services."