Questionnaire Text

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For people 12 years old or older
[Applies to questions 7.3 to 7.11]

Other incomes
7.10 (Other than the aforementioned income) does (Name) receive income from:

Read all the options and write down up to three keys.

[] 1 Being retired or pensioned?
[] 2 Help of family members from another country?
[] 3 Rent or interest from banks?
[] 4 Help from Procampo?
[] 5 Grant or aid from other institutions?
[] 6 Another type?
[] 7 None? Go to next person
[] 9 Does not know

Type of income
7.10A ____
7.10B ____
7.10 C ____

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

VII Economic characteristics

In this section some of the economic characteristics of the population of work age (12 years old or older) are found out; which are related to socio-demographic and cultural information about the population, that permit us to know the socioeconomic situation of people and households.

[graphic of the question from the census form]

The information obtained in this section permits us to know, in a specific reference period (the week before the interview), how the work force [p. 119] in the country is formed, that is, who worked or looked for work; about the first jobs, what is done in the occupation, how many hours are worked, what are the incomes, the relation with the employer, etc.

Also in the population of 12 years old or older it is meant to distinguish who receives income by different sources at the job and the importance of these perceptions.

7.10 and 7.11 Other income

The objective of these questions is to distinguish people 12 years old or older who receive income through retirement, pension, help from family members outside of the country, support from Procampo, grants or help from other institutions, rent or interests from banks in regular or habitual form.

Other income is considered those that the person receives regularly, in a weekly, bi weekly, monthly, every other month, four monthly or annually form. Although occasionally the time period can vary with what is given (for example, help from family members who live abroad), but continue being regular.

Do not consider the following cases as other income:

- What a person receives and is obliged to pay back like: loans, mortgages, money withdrawn from credit cards, credits, etc.
- Money provided from the sale of properties: houses, land, furniture, among others or of savings, like: canceling savings accounts, group income, prizes, lotteries, etc.

[p. 140]

- The income provided from family members of the same household or who live within the country to avoid a duplication of incomes
- What people receive very occasionally or one time in their life.
- Income received for maintenance (food, clothing, education, of children because of a separation or divorce).

Question 7.10 has seven answer options, which should be read to the informant to find out if the person received any income or more than one. Because of this, the asking of the question permits us to register up to a maximum of three options (columns 7.10A, 7.10B, 7.10C). The options are described below.

[graphic of the question from the census form]

retired or pensioned?...1

It is understood to be people who receive an income from any institution of social security like IMSS or ISSSTE, because they have finished their years of work, by age or because they had a professional accident (from working) and because of that have been retired or pensioned.

Also include pensioned family members (spouse or small children) who receive an orphan, widowed or pension, or another when the worker has died.

[p. 141]

help from family members from another country?...2

It is understood to be people who regularly receive economic help from family members who live outside of the country (United States, Canada, etc.) like children, parents, brothers and other family members.

Do not take into account income the people receive from family members who live in the country or in the same household.

rent or interest from bank?...3

It refers to people who receive a regular income for the renting of any property like: houses, land, pieces of land, among others or by interests derived from banking accounts.

Income by interests from banks is always considered to be what the person receives from the bank regularly.

aid from Procampo?...4

It is understood to be people (agriculture producers of basic cultivation) who receive economic support for being incorporated into the Program of direct support to the field (Procampo). This income is only considered if the person has received it and knows for certain that it will be received again.

grant or aid from other institutions?...5

It is understood to be people who regularly receive monetary income from a grant, to support studying expenses, (from the basic level to specialization). For example: scholarships to students awarded by the Secretary of Public Education (SEP) or other public or private, national or international organizations like: National Council of Science and Technology (Conacyt), Ford Foundation, among others.

other type?...6

It is understood to be people who receive monetary income in a regular manner, provided from other sources different than the ones previously mentioned. Remember not to include people who receive pension for maintaining children of separated or divorced parents, also the help of family members who live in the country.

When you write this code, specify the type of income that the person receives in the part for observations.

[p. 142]


It is understood to be people who do not receive monetary income from any of the sources mentioned. When this is the case, go to the next person and if the last of the list, continue with section VIII Social subsidies, health services and disability.

If a person does not know or remember the source from which the income is received, write down 9 in column 7.10A.

Question 7.11 has the goal of finding out the income received and the period for each one of the options written down in question 7.10.

[graphic of the question from the census form]

The question can register information for three types of income. Each time you ask the question, replace the parenthesis for the option marked in 7.10 and ask for the period in which each income was received.

For example: if the person in 7.10 declares to receive income for retirement from IMSS and also economic aid from his son who lives in the United States, ask the question in the following manner:

Interviewer: How much does María receive from retirement.
Informant: 800 monthly
Interviewer: How much does María receive from the help that her son in United States sends her?
Informant: 100 dollars a month.
Interviewer: How much do they give her for each dollar?
Informant: Six pesos for a dollar.

[p. 143]

Then the information should be registered as below:

[graphic of the question from the census form]

The same as question 7.9 Income for work, this one includes four periods, (once a week, once every other week, once a month and once a year), to register the time period in which the income is received.

If a person says that the money or income is received in a different period than those considered, make the conversion of the amount to refer to it in one of the marked periods.


A student receives income from a scholarship and the value is $720.00, corresponding to four months. To register the information, convert one of the indicated periods, in this case it can be annually or monthly. If you opt for annually, multiply 720 x 3 and register 2160 in the Income column and 4 (year) in the Period column. In the case of choosing monthly, divide 720 by 4 and write down 180 in the Income column and 3 (month) in the Period column.

When an informant declares an income equal to or bigger than 98000 new pesos, write down "98000."

If an informant does not remember or can not say exactly the value of income, ask for an estimate. If it is not possible to determine it, write down 99999 in the income column and 9 in the period column.