Questionnaire Text

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Ask only if this person is five years old or more

5. Place of previous residence

Five years ago, in 1985, in what state of the Republic did you live? Mark with an X

Here in this state [ ] 1

In another state
_____Write the name of the state

In another country
_____Write the name of the country

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Questions for persons who are five years old or more

When you ask the questions: 5. Place of previous residency; 6. Indigenous language; 7. Religion; 8. Literacy; 9. School attendance; and 10. Grades completed, you should pay attention to the age of the person about whom you are requesting the information. Remember that these questions are only for persons who are five years old or more.

5. Previous place of residency

With this question, you want to know in which state or Federal Entity, or if it is the case, in what foreign country, the person being interviewed lived in March of 1985.

If the person lived in the same state or Federal Entity where you are enumerating, mark the option:

Here, in this state [x] 1

If the person did not live, in March 1985, in the state or Federal Entity where you are doing the interview, you should write the complete name of the state or Federal Entity where the person lived; do not use abbreviations.

Five years ago, in 1985, in what state of the Republic did you live?

5. Place of previous residency
Five years ago, in 1985, in what state or Federal Entity of the Republic did you live?
Mark with an x
Here, in this state [ ] 1
In another state
Write the name of the state
In another country
Write the name of the country
[End of illustration]

Do not write names of municipalities, locations, or farms.

If the person answers that in March of 1985 he/she lived in "Mexico" ask him/her to clarify whether he/she lived in Mexico State or in the Federal District and write the precise answer.

If the person lived, in March of 1985, in another country, write the country in the corresponding space, for example:

In another country:
Write the name of the country.