Questionnaire Text
Questionnaire form
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13. Write the name of the state or foreign country where the person lived before living here.
Name of state or foreign country ____
Questionnaire instructions
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Change of Place of Residence
Columns 12 and 13 should only be written in when the enumerated is not a native of the place where the enumeration is being done.
Column 12. If the enumerated is not a native of the federal entity in which they are being enumerated, the enumerator will ask them how many years they have lived in this place, and that number should be written in Column 12.
Column 13. When the enumerated is not a native of the entity in which they are enumerated, the name of the entity in which they lived immediately before living in the place of enumeration should be written in column 13. If the enumerated lived in a foreign country, the name of the foreign country should be written in column 13. In a case where the enumerated lived outside the country for a period of less than 6 months, the name of the foreign country where they lived will not be written, rather the name of the entity of the Republic [P. 19] in which they lived before their temporary stay outside of the country will be written, as long as it is not the entity in which thy are currently living. Example: In filling in columns 12 and 13: The enumeration is being done in the state of Oaxaca, the enumerated in a native of the state of Nuevo Leon and has been living in Oaxaca for 10 years. Then number 10 should be written in column 12, and "Nuevo Leon" should be written in column 13.