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Marital status

Questionnaire Text

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[Questions P28-P29 were asked of residents age 12 years or older]

P28. What is [the respondent's] marital status?

[] 1 Never married (go to P30)
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Divorced / separated
[] 4 Widowed

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Questions to be asked of usual residents age 12 years or older
[Questions P28-P29 were asked of usual residents age 12 years or older]

P28. Marital status
Record 2 if "Married" or not legally married but live together as husband and wife. Record 3 if "Divorced/separated": separated legally from his/her partner/living separately from his/her spouse without legal sanction. Record 4 if "Widowed": a person whose spouse passed away and not currently in marriage.

If "Never married" (code 1), skip to P30.