Questionnaire Text

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Individual form

P08. Whereabouts on Census night

State if:

[] 1 Here
[] 2 Elsewhere in the Republic of Mauritius
[] 3 Outside the Republic of Mauritius
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6. Population census topics and their usefulness

P08 and P09A - Whereabouts on Census night and usual address
The data are used to estimate the population present in an area on Census night as well as the usual resident population of that area.

8. How to fill in the Population Census Questionnaire

P08 - Whereabouts on Census night
[figure omitted]
Shade box "1 Here" for

- persons who spent Census night at this address (as on Cover), whether they live here or not; and
- persons who usually live in this household but who were out on night work on Census night.

Shade box "2 Elsewhere in Mauritius" for a person who was elsewhere in the Republic of Mauritius, whether in the island of Mauritius, Rodrigues, Agalega or St. Brandon
Shade box "3" Outside the Republic of Mauritius" for a person who was not in the Island of Mauritius, Rodrigues, Agalega or St. Brandon.