Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
01 | Legislators, senior officials and managers | 1,687 |
02 | Professionals | 1,527 |
03 | Technicians and associate professionals | 4,445 |
04 | Clerks | 4,346 |
05 | Service workers and shop sales workers | 7,241 |
06 | Skilled agricultural and fishery workers | 2,250 |
07 | Craft and related trade workers | 10,782 |
08 | Plant and machine operators and assemblers | 9,461 |
09 | Elementary occupations | 13,904 |
98 | Unknown | 157 |
99 | NIU (not in universe) | 63,895 |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
This variable indicates the person's occupation (1-digit) during the previous week.
- Mauritius 2000: Persons age 12+ who ever worked
- Mauritius: 2000
Questionnaire Text
For persons aged 12 years and over.
(Questions 28 to 33 refer to the person's job or business during the past week. If person had no job last week, answer for his/her last job. If person had more than one job last week, answer for the job at which he/she worked the most hours.)
31. Occupation _ _ _ _
Do not use vague terms such as clerk, driver, factory worker, supervisor, repair engineer, teacher, etc. Use precise terms such as accounts clerk, filing clerk, school clerk, taxi car driver, lorry driver, bus driver, bus conductor, cabinet maker, car mechanic, telephone operator, pre-primary school teacher, primary school teacher, secondary school teacher, etc.
Do not hesitate to use Creole terms if necessary.
[Columns 28 to 33 are for persons who have ever worked. Information is required on the person's work during the past week. If person had more than one job last week, answer for the job at which he/she worked the most hours. If person had no job last week, answer for his/her last job.]
Column 31 - Occupation
Describe as clearly and as precisely as possible the work which the person was doing. Do not describe the job for which the person has been trained, but the job which he was actually doing. For example, if a lorry driver worked as a bricklayer, write 'Bricklayer'.
Do not use vague terms such as clerk, driver, factory worker, supervisor, repair technician, teacher, etc. Use precise terms such as filing clerk, accounts clerk, bus driver, bus conductor, taxicar driver, lorry driver, cabinet maker, supervisor of sewing machine operators, supervisor of road repair workers, car repair mechanic, television repair technician, telephone operator, primary school teacher, etc.
For members of religious orders engaged in activities such as primary school teaching, nursing, etc., you should report these activities rather than their religious activity.
Do not hesitate to use creole terms, if necessary, to describe an occupation.