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Persons aged 15 and over should answer.
[Questions 14-19 were asked of persons 15 and over.]

14. Marital status:

[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Living together
[] 4 Separated
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Widowed

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Question 14

Marital status

This question should be answered by men and women over the age of 18. According to the "Mongolian Law on Marriage", the age of marriage is defined as 18, but in reality, there are many instances of people who were married when they were under the age of 18. In the international methodology for the population census, the age of marriage is 15. The enumerator should ask the question about marriage very gently, especially for the children ages 15-16.

If a teenager at age of 15-16 is married, the enumerator should complete the questionnaire their marriage as "not confirmed marriage."

Never married. Never married person age of 15 and over.

Legally registered or unregistered marriage. Legally registered marriage is whereby couples have registered with a civic marital office and received the marriage certificate.

Unregistered marriage is a marriage that has not been registered in the civic marital office/in any duration of period/but already started living together.

Separated. Persons who are not divorced legally but are living separately.

Divorced. Persons who had not remarried for any duration of period after they got officially divorced.

Widowed. A person who has not remarried for any duration of period after their spouse died.