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55. Conventional household: Refers to one or more persons who usually share their living quarters (single quarter or compound) and share their meals. In common usage, it might be said that a household consists of "all persons living and eating together or eating from the same cooking-pot". They may be residing in several structures within a compound like in the rural areas.

59. Institution household: There are cases where certain rules used to decide what a conventional household is do not apply. Here are some guidelines to help you:

60. Sometimes groups of people live together but cannot be said to belong to a conventional "ordinary" household. Examples are: old people's homes, orphanages, hospitals and rehabilitation centers, including children's hospitals and psychiatric hospitals, boarding schools, hotels, hostels and inns, institutions for people with disabilities, prisons and other penal institutions, religious centers - including monasteries and convents, camps for workers, military and police barracks, etc.

61. In this census, the above groups of living arrangement is referred to as institution population. Note, within some institutions there will be both conventional households and institution households. For example, within a hospital there may be administrators living within the compound in a normal household set-up. Such will be referred to as conventional while the patients will be covered as institution households.