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Section B: Individual Characteristics

5. Residence status

[] 1 RP
[] 2 RA
[] 3 V

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1.2.1. Questions for ALL Household Members

5. Column P5: Residence status

The reference date for collecting the data on the situation of residence is the night preceding the visit of the census enumerator in the household.

The various categories of resident, and the visitor status, will be determined according to this reference night. Then, refer to the definitions of Resident and of Visitor given in the concept section, and circle the number located before the letter corresponding to the situation:

[] 1 RP (Resident Present)
[] 2 RA (Resident Absent)
[] 3 V (visitor).

Special Cases:

- The census field personnel (census enumerators, team leaders, controllers, etc.) will be enumerated as R.P. in their respective families.

- The civil servants newly transferred to a new place will be enumerated as R.P. (code 1) in that place.

- Wives who left to deliver at their parent's homes shall be counted as Visitor in their parent's household, and R.A. to their husband household, then circle number 2.

- Pupils and students who live in boarding schools, hospitalized persons, convicts and people in re-education centers (jails, Bollé Center etc.), monks living in convents, will be enumerated in these institutions, as part of the institutional households.

Situation of Residence for Nomadic Households

Any nomadic household, grouped in a given location outside of his normal nomadic route will be considered as RP (code 1), even when the duration of stay is shorter than 6 months.

However, a member of a household in the case noted above will be considered R.A. if he or she lives outside of the household. Likewise, an isolated member of a household living outside of his or her household will be considered as a visitor in his or her place of enumeration (where he or she will be seen).

It should be specified that households living in their normal zone of nomadism will be treated as sedentary households, only the geographical area changes [sic].