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Section "D": Housing

10. Type of lighting

[] Electricity
[] Gas
[] Petrol lamp
[] Other type

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1.4. Housing

This second part is devoted to housing, and aims at listing all housing units for the households at time of the census, at gathering information on building characteristics, and to obtain indicators on the conditions in which the population is housed.

6. Column H20: Main mode of lighting

This question indicates what type of energy utilized for lighting the household (electricity, gas, petrol lamp, others).

Electricity: The household has a permanent installation for lighting, of which the wires are connected to a source of electricity distribution (Energie du Mali, power plant, mines, etc.) or on a private source, such as a battery.

Gas: This type of lighting is an installation fuelled by natural gas.

Petrol lamp: The household uses petrol lamps.

Others: oil lamps, wood fire, other, none.

The question to be asked to gather the type of lighting used by the household will be: "What type of lighting?"

Depending on the answer, refer to the above definition, then circle the number of the relevant case corresponding to the type used. Codes to be circled are:
[] 1 Electricity
[] 2 Gas
[] 3 Petrol lamp
[] 4 Others