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Years residing in current state, Brazil

Questionnaire Text

Brazil 1960
Brazil 1970
Brazil 1980
Brazil 1991
Brazil 2000
Brazil 2010
Brazil 1960 — source variable BR1960A_MIGRATE — Time since immigration
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Only for persons who were not born in this municipality
[Applies to questions I - J]

I. Number of years that you've lived in this municipality. If previously lived in a rural zone, also mark 0

[] 0
[] 32 less than 1 year
[] 33 1 year
[] 34 2 years
[] 35 3 years
[] 36 4 years
[] 37 5 years
[] 38 6-10 years
[] 39 11+ years

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Questions I and J

These questions will only be asked of persons who were not born in the municipality where they are residing on the date of the Census. For those born in the municipality of residence and for present nonresidents (response to Question B) the enumerator should not record anything.
It would be good to note that:

a) These questions will not be asked of persons who live in the same territory where they were born, even if this territory has since become a new municipality;
b) The questions will not be asked of persons who were born outside the municipality where their parents were living (maternity hospital, houses of relatives, etc.) and still reside in the same municipality.
c) Nor will the question be asked of persons who moved out and have since returned to live in the municipality where they were born.
Question I - Number of years living in the municipality

The number of full years that the person has lived in this municipality should be recorded. This length of time of residence will be as of the last date on which the respondent established residence in the municipality.
For those who previously resided in a rural area (village, ranch, farm, etc.), besides indicating the length of time of residence, the enumerator will record an X in Box 0 (zero). For all [p. 30] others (living previously in an urban or suburban area), the enumerator will only indicate the length of time of residence.

Brazil 1970 — source variable BR1970A_LENGHTST — Duration of residence in state

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Brazil 1980 — source variable BR1980A_LENGHTST — Length of residence in current state
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Only for residents present or absent (Question 2 codes 2 or 4)
[Applies to questions 13 - 18]

16. How many years lived in this state (If born or always lived in the state, respond Born)

[] 0 less than 1 year
[] 1 1 year
[] 2 2 years
[] 3 3 years
[] 4 4 years
[] 5 5 years
[] 6 6-9 years
[] 7 10 years or more
[] 8 born

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Question 13 to 18 - Migrations

These questions will only be filled out for Present residents or absent residents, that is, for a person who marked Box 2 or 4 in Question 2.
For the responses to Questions 14 to 18, do not consider as migrant a person who is temporarily absent for reasons of attendance at school, health treatment, assistance to a relative or friend, military service, professional training, scholarship or farm work, who will return shortly, as soon as there is no more reason to be absent.

Question 16 - How many years have you lived in this state

Mark the box corresponding to the number of complete and uninterrupted years that the enumerated person has lived in the current state of residence.
For natives of the state of residence who once emigrated to another state or foreign country and later returned, record how long the person has lived in the state since his or her last return.
If the enumerated person was born and always lived in the current state of residence, even if in another municipality, mark Box 8 - Was born.

Brazil 1991 — source variable BR1991A_NYRLIVST — Years living in the state
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[Questions 15-18 only for people who responded number three on question 14]

17/18. Number of years lived without interruption

_ _ number of years in state
_ _ number of years in municipality

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Question 17/18 - How long has the person has lived uninterruptedly
In this state - the complete number of years that the person has lived in the state of current residence. For persons born in the state of current residence who migrated to another state or foreign country and later returned, record the time they have been living since last returning; and
In this municipality - the complete number of years that the person has lived in the municipality of current residence. For persons born in the municipality who migrated to another municipality or foreign country and then returned, record the time they have been living since last returning.
In both cases:
a) if the number of years is less than 10, complete with one zero to the left; or
b) when the time lived is less than 1 year, record 00.

Brazil 2000 — source variable BR2000A_DURSTATE — Duration of residence in the state
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4.22 How long have you lived without interruption in this state?
_ _
if less than 10 go to 4.23, if not go to 4.24.

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Question 4.22 - How long have you lived uninterruptedly in this state?

Record the number of full years that the person has lived uninterruptedly in his or her present state of residence, up till July 31, 2000.

For persons who migrated to another state or foreign country and then returned, record the time he or she has lived in the current state since last returning.

When the person has lived in the state for less than one (1) year, record 0 (zero).

Brazil 2010 — source variable BR2010A_YRSSTATE — Number of years living in this state
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6. Resident characteristics

Internal migration and international immigration

[Questions 6.23 and 6.24 were asked of persons who have ever lived somewhere other than their current town (per Question 6.18).]

6.23 How long has this person lived without interruption in this federation unit (state)?

(If less than 1 year, record zero)
Number of years ____

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6.23 - How long have you lived continuously in this state?
(If less than one year, record zero)

- Record the number of complete years a person has lived in the state, without interruptions, until July 31, 2010;
- Record the time of residence since the last return for a person who has migrated to another state or foreign country and then has returned, and
- Register 0 (zero) when the duration of residence is less than one (1) year.