Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
Nord (North), Nord'est (North East) | |||
332003001 | Le Cap-Haïtien, L'Acul-du-Nord | X | X |
332003002 | Grande-Rivière du Nord, Saint-Raphaël | X | X |
332003003 | Borgne | X | X |
332003004 | Le Limbé | X | X |
332003005 | Plaisance | X | X |
332003006 | Fort-Liberté, Ouanaminthe, Le Trou-du-Nord, Vallières | X | X |
332003099 | Nord (North), Nord'est (North East) departments, unknown arrondissement | X | · |
Centre (Central), L'Artibonite, Ouest (West), Sud'Est (South East) | |||
332006001 | Port-au-Prince, Croix-des-Bouquets, L'Arcahaie, La Gonâve | X | X |
332006002 | Léogâne | X | X |
332006003 | Jacmel, Bainet | X | X |
332006004 | Belle-Anse | X | X |
332006005 | Les Gonaïves, Gros-Morne | X | X |
332006006 | Saint-Marc | X | X |
332006007 | Dessalines | X | X |
332006008 | Marmelade | X | X |
332006009 | Hinche, Cerca la Source | X | X |
332006010 | Mirebalais | X | X |
332006011 | Lascahobas | X | X |
332006099 | Centre (Central), L'Artibonite, Ouest (West), Sud'Est (South East) departments, unknown arrondissement | X | · |
Grand'Anse, Nippes, Sud (South) Departments | |||
332007001 | Les Cayes, Port-Salut | X | X |
332007002 | Aquin, Miragoâne, L'Anse-à-Veau, Baradères | X | X |
332007003 | Les Côteaux, Les Chardonnières, Anse d'Hainault | X | X |
Code | Label |
332007004 | Jérémie, Corail | X | X |
332007099 | Grand'Anse, Nippes, Sud (South) departments, unknown arrondissement | X | · |
Nord'Ouest (North West) department | |||
332009001 | Port-de-Paix, Saint-Louis du Nord | X | X |
332009002 | Môle Saint-Nicolas | X | X |
332009099 | Northwestern department, unknown arrondissement | X | · |
Other | |||
332097097 | Abroad | · | X |
332098098 | Unknown | X | X |
332099099 | NIU (not in universe) | X | X |
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Explore how IPUMS created this variable
Most IPUMS data transformations are performed using variable harmonization tables that specify how each value in the source data is recoded. Some variables also require programming logic in addition to the harmonization table. The harmonization documents for this variable are:
- Harmonization table
- No supplemental programming
- Instructions for interpreting harmonization documents
MIG2_5_HT indicates the arrondissement in Haiti in which the person lived 5 years ago. Migration arrondissement codes from MIG2_5_HT are compatible with codes from GEO2_HT.
Click on the Source Variables tab for information on place of residence for each sample year. Source variables may contain more geographic unit detail but are not suitable for cross-temporal comparison.
Comparability — General
Where boundaries changed over time, units were harmonized to create units with boundaries that remain stable over time. Where officially-defined arrondissements have populations less than 20,000, they have been regionalized (combined) with neighboring arrondissements.
Boundary changes for MIG2_5_HT are too numerous to list here, but users should be aware that there were changes over time.
In the 1982 sample, the "unknown" category includes persons who moved from abroad.
- Haiti 1982: Persons age 5+
- Haiti 2003: Persons age 5+
- Haiti: 1982, 2003