Questionnaire Text

Mongolia 2000
Mongolia 2000 — source variable MN2000A_PREVPROV — Previous province or country of residence
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
All persons should answer.
[Questions 1-9.]

8. How long have you been living at usual residence?

[] 1 Since birth [skip to question 11.]
[] 2 Moved in
Aimag, capital city/ country ____ _ _
Year moved in 19 _ _

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question: Eight.

How long have you been living at usual residence? Circle code-1, during the census time if the person has lived in that place since her or his birth time. However, if the person was born in the place where he or she lives at present but moved to another place in a previous time for more than a six months period and then they came back, the enumerator should not circle code "since birth". The code "since birth" should be circled only for those people who have been living in that place uninterrupted since birth time. If the person moved in, code--2 will be circled. If the person was born in the place that he or she lived but moved to another place in a previous time more than a six months period and came back, this will be defined as "moved in".

Also people who are responding on behalf of others living abroad should give the permanent address of those people where they lived in Mongolia prior.

[p. 21]

People like those with citizenship in Mongolia but born abroad and with foreign citizenship living in Mongolia for a long time should be enumerated as "moved in". Skip Questions 9-10 and ask Q--11 of those people who answered that they were living in the present place since birth time.

We will not consider how many times a person has moved and how many different places the person lived prior to the census of those people who responded "moved in". Only the place the person lived just before the census will be noted in the space behind category aimag, capital city/country/. See the appropriate code from annex-1 for those people who answered moved in and see codes from annex-5 for those with Mongolian citizenship who came from abroad and those with foreign citizenship living in Mongolia during the census time.

The year the person moved in the present place will be recorded as the year the person moved in.