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Year of first marriage, categorized

Questionnaire Text

Israel 1972
Israel 1983
Israel 1995
Israel 2008
Spain 1991
Israel 1972 — source variable IL1972A_MARYR — Year of first marriage
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[Questions 1-24 asked only of those 14 years of age or older.]

3. Did you marry and when?

[] Did not marry. Mark and pass to question 6 [skip questions 4-5]
[] Married once -- Mark year of marriage: 19_ _
[] Married more than once -- Mark years of marriages:

First: 19_ _
Last: 19_ _

Israel 1983 — source variable IL1983A_MARYF — Year of first marriage (grouped)
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[Questions 1-28 were asked of household members aged 15 years or older]

Marriage and births
[Questions 3-7]

For those who married more than once:

[Questions 5 and 6 asked only of persons married more than once.]

6. What was the year of your first marriage? 19_ _

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7. Questions 5-6: Years of marriages -- for persons who married more than once

[Instructions refer to a graphic of the census form including questions 5 and 6 .]
Questions 5-6 are intended for those who marked answer 3 for question no. 3.
In question 5 mention the year in which the person last married.
In question 6 mention the year in which the person first married.

Israel 1995 — source variable IL1995A_MARYRF — Year of first marriage
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Part C: Anyone 15 years and older is requested to fill-in both pages

[Questions 14-38 were asked of people 15 years or older.]

19. Did you ever marry?

[] 1. I did not marry
[] 2. I married once in 19 _ _
[] 3. I married more than once

[] The last time in 19_ _
[] The first time in 19_ _

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9. Question 19

19. Have you ever been married?

[] 1 I have never been married
[] 2 I was married once in the year 19 _ _
[] 3 I was married more than once
The last time in 19 _ _
The first time in 19 _ _

Those married more than once will mark an X in the box of answer 3 and also will write the year of the last marriage and the year of the first marriage.

Israel 2008 — source variable IL2008A_MARRYR — Year of marriage (if married only once)
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Identifying data and demographic data
[Questions 10-32]

27. How many times have you been married? _ _

A person who answered 'Once' will go to Question No. 30.

30. In what year were you married (Hebrew or Latin)? ____

Women will continue on to Question No. 31. Men will go to Question No. 33.
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Part D: Identification Details and Demographic Details

2. Instructions for answering questions :

g. Marriage
The data on marriage will provide information on the marriage customs in different groups of the population. For example, at what age do men get married, in comparison with women, and what are the age gaps between spouses.
Only people who said their marital status is different than 'single' are asked about marriage.
If a person was married once, he is asked for the year in which he got married.
Question 3.200 - In what year did you get married?

- In the Arab population, if you are asked whether the question refers to the engagement (which is registered with the Moslem Religious Judge and the Ministry of Interior) or the actual marriage, ask the respondent to refer to the actual marriage.
- If a person got married more than once - ask about the year of the last marriage, and the year of the first marriage. This information is critical for studying fertility trends in the population.

Israel 2008 — source variable IL2008A_MARRYR1ST — Year of first marriage (if married more than once)
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Identifying data and demographic data
[Questions 10-32]

27. How many times have you been married? _ _

A person who answered 'Once' will go to Question No. 30.

29. In what year were you first married? (Hebrew or Latin) ____

Women will go to Question No. 31. Men will go to Question No. 33.
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Part D: Identification Details and Demographic Details

2. Instructions for answering questions :

g. Marriage
The data on marriage will provide information on the marriage customs in different groups of the population. For example, at what age do men get married, in comparison with women, and what are the age gaps between spouses.
Only people who said their marital status is different than 'single' are asked about marriage.
If a person was married once, he is asked for the year in which he got married.
Question 3.200 - In what year did you get married?

- In the Arab population, if you are asked whether the question refers to the engagement (which is registered with the Moslem Religious Judge and the Ministry of Interior) or the actual marriage, ask the respondent to refer to the actual marriage.
- If a person got married more than once - ask about the year of the last marriage, and the year of the first marriage. This information is critical for studying fertility trends in the population.
Question 3.200 - In what year did you get married, last time?
Question 3.210 - In what year did you get married for the first time?

Spain 1991 — source variable ES1991A_MARRYR — Year of first marriage
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21. Only for women who are still in their first marriage.
Year of marriage.
1 9 _ _ Year