Questionnaire Text

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Section E. For women aged 12 years and over

26. Has (the respondent) given any live birth?

[Question 26 not applicable to males and those under 12 years.]
Enter 00 if no. If Yes, how many children were born alive to (the respondent) altogether?

____Live births
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5. Part E of the questionnaire

Columns 26 to 30 should be asked only of women aged 12 years and over

137. Column 26: Has (name) given any live birth
This question refers to women 12 years and over. For men and children under 12 years enter NA because the question is not applicable to them. If the individual is a woman and she is 12 years and above but has never had a child enter 00. A woman who has no child because the child died has had a child. If YES in this column fill in the number of children accordingly in sections 271 to 276 and columns 28 to 30.