Questionnaire Text

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Section D. For all persons aged 10 years and above

18. What was (the respondent's) employment status during last week?

[] NA not applicable
[] 10 Employer
[] 20 Own account worker/ farmer
[] 31 Regular wage/ salary earner
[] 32 Causal worker
[] 40 Unpaid family worker
[] 50 Job seeking
[] 55 Job seeking for first time
[] 60 Homemaker/ housewife
[] 70 Retired
[] 80 Student
[] 90 Disabled
[] 95 Other
[] 99 Don't know
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4. Part D of the questionnaire

125. Column 18: Employment status during last week.
Please code according to list, enter NA for persons too young to work. Own account worker refers to a self-employed person

Code 32: Casual worker for a laborer who gets a piece-job casually.

Code 40: Unpaid family workers for all persons 10 years and over who worked without pay for three days or more in an establishment or farm operated by a member of their family.
This category of unpaid family workers includes the following:

(i) Wives who during the reference period worked at their husband's store or farm or other economic enterprise. If these wives are paid they should not be classified as unpaid family workers or homemakers.
(ii) Children aged 10 years and over who during the reference period helped in the father's or family members' farm or shop or assisted them on other economic activities such as fruit/vegetable selling.

126. Remember to exclude as unpaid family workers, all persons aged 10 years and over who helped family members in their farm, shop or business but were full-time students in educational institutions. The code is 80 for students. Job seekers coded 50 and 55 are persons who have been actively looking for a job and are still looking e.g. Making application or going from place to place asking.
If two answers are possible in this column give the status that claims most of his/her time.