Questionnaire Text

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For all persons
[Questions 1 to 6 were asked of all persons]

2. Full name of the person ____

Names of usual members present and visitors (please refer to statements 1.1 and 1.2 in part 1)
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
40. Filling in of statements 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3

For filling in these statements, please carefully read the following instructions: usual member may be divided into two categories: (i). those who slept in the house occupied by the household on survey night i.e. those who were present on survey night and (ii) those who were away and so were absent on survey night. Please note that persons on night duty (e.g. doctors, nurses, policemen, watchmen, prison wardens etc.) who would have normally slept in the house but for doing on night duty should be treated as usual members present in household on survey night.

[p. 17]

40.1 Visitors (i.e. guests of any member of household) who slept in the house on survey night are called visitors to household present on survey night.

40.2 In statements 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 of Form B Part 1, you have to fill in some particulars of usual members of household present on survey night, visitors to household present on survey night and usual members of household absent on survey night respectively.

42. Statement 1.1 usual members present on survey night

In this statement you should list out all usual members of household present on survey night. You should write down first the name of the head of household (refer definition given earlier in paragraph 41 Chapter 2). If the head of household was absent during the reference night, find out who was responsible for the household in the absence of the head of the household and record his or her name, provided this person slept in the household on survey night.

42.1 In entering the names in statement 1.1 it would be better if some system is followed. After entering the name and other particulars of the head of household, you should cover the near relations such as wife or husband of the head of the household, sons and daughters, each son's wife and children, each daughter's husband and children, then other relations such as brothers, sisters, mother, father, etc., of the head of the household, then domestic servants, if any etc. Such a system of listing and entering of particulars will ensure that omissions are avoided, particularly of small children. It will also help in crosschecking replies regarding age.

42.2 A word of caution: you should ask probing questions regarding relations such as unmarried sisters, parents, domestic servants, and children. Otherwise the head of the household may not indicate that there are such persons as usual members of the household present on the Survey night. Please make repeated enquiries about infants and very young children because they are often liable to be out of the count.