Questionnaire Text

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B: Information regarding females aged 12 years and above
[Questions P-24 to P-36 were asked of females age 12+ only.]

P-30, P-31. How many children have you born alive who died?

_ _ Boys
_ _ Girls

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- Section B: Information regarding females 12 years old and above. This section covers columns P24 to P36. It pertains to live births and should be asked of all females aged 12 years and above and make appropriate entries for each. As much as possible, obtain the information directly from the female concerned. Information should only be obtained from someone else if the respondent cannot be reached.

31. Section B: Information regarding females aged 12 years and above

31.5 Columns P30?P31: Children who have died

Then ask, "of the children you have born alive, how many have died?"
Many people find it painful to talk about their dead children. It is best to ask this question in a matter of fact and without embarrassment. Please refer to section B above for the definition of a live birth.

Write the number of boys and girls who have died in columns P30 and P31 respectively. If none of the boys and girls she has borne alive has died, code "0" in the appropriate columns. If, in spite of your best efforts, you cannot obtain this information about the children who have died, leave columns P30 and P31 blank. However, this will not be encouraged.

Before proceeding to columns P32?P36, probe to confirm whether the number of children given in columns P26?P31 is correct by comparing with the entries in columns P24 and P25. If these totals differ, probe further and adjust your entries accordingly.