Questionnaire Text

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Tenure status of main dwelling unit
H-20. If owner occupied, state whether
[] 1 Purchased
[] 2 Constructed
[] 3 Inherited

If rented/provided, state whether
[] 4 Government
[] 5 Local authority
[] 6 Parastatal
[] 7 Private company
[] 8 Individual
[] 9 Faith based organization/NGO
[] 10 Other form

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

- Section J: Housing conditions and amenities. This section covers columns H18 to H27 on housing conditions and amenities. These questions are to be posed to the Head of the Household or any other responsible person.

39.3 Column H20: Tenure status of main dwelling unit

Column H20 seeks information on status of tenure i.e. whether the dwelling unit is owner occupied or rented by the household. Ask the head of the household or any other responsible person whether the main residential/dwelling unit is owned or rented by him/her or any other member of the household. You are supposed to code the answers using the categories provided.

- Owner occupied
Under owner occupied are listed:

- Purchased: Means that a member of the household has bought the structure or is in the process of paying for the structure and household members are living in it.
- Constructed: Means that a member of the household has built the structure they are living in.
- Inherited: Means that a member of the household has received the building by right of succession or by a will. However in this case, do not ask for proof. Accept what the respondent says.

- Rented/provided/donated
Under rented/provided are listed dwelling units either provided by the employer of a member of the household, rented by a member of the household or donated to a member of the household. This includes:

- Government: Covers all houses rented or provided by the Government of Kenya
- Local Authority: Covers all houses rented or provided by local authorities
- Parastatal: Covers organizations like Kenya Railways, Kenya Power and Lighting Co., universities, KNBS, etc.
- Private Company: Covers private firms and foreign governments
- Individual: Covers private individuals only.
- Other forms of tenure: any other form of tenure not covered above.