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Type of household

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253. Type of household
[] 1 Private
[] 2 Collective
[] 3 Hotel

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It consists of one or more members who occupy the entirety of the housing unit or a part of it. For census purposes, there will be two types of households: the private household and the collective household.
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Private Household
It consists of one more members. It has a head and the members share an independent housing unit or a part of it, and they contribute together to the expenditure from the income of the head of the household or some of its members. It is typical that there is kinship relationship among the members of the household. It is also possible that a member of the household does not have a kinship relationship with the remaining members. It is also typical (but not necessary) that the members of the household share the meals or some of them. All those who are absent from the household residence for a temporary period out of Jordan that does not exceed one year is considered a member of the household who comes and resides with the household after this period. This excludes the students, the sick, and the military that are considered members of the household, regardless of the period they stay out of Jordan.
Collective Household
It consists of a group of individuals who share a collective residence, but do not share the living arrangements. Examples for that are: hotel guests, inmates, patients in public and private hospitals and the group of nurses who live together in the part of the building reserved for them. This also applies to students, orphans, the elderly, temporary or non-temporary workers who live together in collective housing. The military that live in army bases or other military establishments are excluded from this definition. They are enumerated in a special way.
It should be taken into consideration that some of the collective houses (where the collective households reside) could be inhabited by a special family. For example: the family of the hotel manager who live in a part in a special suite in the hotel; the director of the hospital and his family; the director of the prison and his family. Data about these families should be included in the data on special families.
It is also considered as a collective household any group of individuals whose number attains 6 members and more who live in a traditional residence (apartment, house, barrack), they are not related through kinship, each of them support himself even if he shares with others some meals. Examples of these families are: workers who live in work site, or live together in one apartment or house... If there are five people or less who are related through kinship, they are not considered a collective household, but a special family. The individuals absent from the collective household are not considered members of the household because there is no relationship that connects them.