Questionnaire Text

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3.7. Do you / does [the respondent] suffer from any long standing illness, disability or infirmity?
[] Yes
[] No (Go to Question 4.1)
[] Not stated

3.8. Does this limit your / [the respondent's] activities compared with most people of the same age?

[] Yes
[] No (go to Question 4.1)
[] Not stated

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Section 3 - Characteristics

Questions 3.1 - 3.10 which comprise Section 3 provide some basic characteristics about the individual and are to be answered for all members of the household.

5.43 Question 3.7-3.10 General
These questions seek to determine whether the respondent has a physical or mental disability. In order to set the respondent at ease before asking these questions which might be seen as sensitive, begin by saying: "Now I would like to ask you some questions about any difficulty which you (or other members of the household) might have in carrying out every day activities due to mental or physical problems."

Disability - is defined as any restriction or lack of ability to perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for a human being. Such restriction or lack of ability must be as a result of an impairment. A person has an impairment if he or she has suffered any loss or abnormality of mind or body.

5.45 Question 3.10 Handicap
This question is intended to determine the particular area in which the person is handicapped as a result of the disability. Once the person has any difficulty at all in the area identified he must be included. It is important to note that a person can be handicapped in several areas. In such cases you must indicate for each area in which the handicap exists.

Self-Care - Score this if the person is not able to take care of himself/herself but is dependent on assistance from other people. Such care includes, for e.g. feeding and bathing oneself, and other personal care.

Mobility - This is applicable where the person is not able to move about effectively in his surroundings.

Communication - This refers to cases where the individual is not able to communicate with other persons i.e. he/she is unable to generate and emit messages or to receive and understand messages.

Schooling - This is applicable in cases where the person is not within the normal school system but has to attend a special school.

Employment - This refers to cases where because of his/her handicap, the individual is restricted to certain kinds of work.

None - Score this if the individual indicates that he/she is not handicapped in any area.